Fashion, Gifts
Gift option for any occasion - a comic certificate
If you do not know what to give to your friends for a birthday, and such a problem arises quite often, then a good solution will be to ask about an assortment of shops whose purposeful activity is to provide their customers with a huge selection of interesting, stylish, fun and not very expensive options Gift. I would like to offer such an option as joke certificates for consideration. What it is and what it looks like, what the target audience and cost is, that's what it can be interested in, and we'll devote this issue to these issues. So, the first.
What is a "comic certificate"?
This is an analogue of any original document (diploma of education, passport, diploma, certificate, certificate), executed in the mainstream of a humorous style. Accordingly, the document is equipped with a certain festive date: international or state holidays, the celebrations of each individual person (birthday, raising, marriage, the birth of a child, birthday mother-in-law, etc.).
The manner of execution of this kind of souvenir
As mentioned above, comic certificates for the most part look similar to original documents. That is, in most cases the original format is preserved. For example, a comic letter, certificate or certificate is an A4 sheet , laminated or glossy, with the same design as the original, filled with a humorous legal template. Stylistics and the manner of filling the text for any document are preserved - otherwise there would simply be no sense, this is the joke.
The target audience
Anyone who has a sense of humor, despite his age, will be able to appreciate such a gift. The point here is different - to choose the right gift certificate for you, so that it really suits the event and does not offend the character in question . It is important not to "go too far" with a yoom.
How much can a certificate of this type cost
At the moment, due to the market situation in the current year, the price limits for this product range from 50 rubles. and higher. The simplest options - paper, glossy, laminated, cardboard - can cost 50 rubles, and 79, and 105, 200. There are also more solid options that will cost much more. This can include a wall version with the use of silver or gold. The prices for such products start from 2500 rubles and above.
In general, ready-made certificates are "made" a lot and very different. Here are at least some of them on the following topics:
1. Variations on the theme of the wedding (humorous "marriage contracts", "licenses for use" by one of the newlyweds, "instructions for use", "certificate" for the mother-in-law love, diplomas on the anniversary).
2. On the subject of the birthday - letters of commendation, decrees on the awarding, certificates for gifts.
3. Professional options - driver's license, passport, diploma of education, certificate of a fisherman (doctor, teacher, lawyer, housewife, seller, etc.) master class.
What else should the buyer know?
As an independent gift comic certificates (not those that are for 4500 rubles, of course) rarely perform. It is better if they are an addition to something. For example, when a guy presents a gift to a girl in honor of their joint date (or other celebration of this kind), or the company congratulates his friend. In a set with other gifts, it will be a good idea to combine a comic certificate for a birthday, if it's about this holiday. A budgetary version of the presentation for a 20-year-old student from her friends is a cake and a piece of humor in the form of a "License for the removal of the brain."
For young couples, a certificate for the execution of a desire or for an invitation (in a package, say, with tickets to a movie) is suitable. To a wife in honor of the holiday, you can give a reference to the release of homework (it would be nice if the certificate is comic, and the release is real). If there was a quarrel in the pair, then present as a sign of reconciliation the "Surrender Act" - and so on, and so on.
You can choose the background, template, text and most make such a gift, if there is no suitable finished product for a particular case. And if there is, but not suitable for any parameter, but there is no time to scroll through the pages of online stores or walk on real ones? If there is a sufficient level of sense of humor and "direct hands" in relation to "Photoshop", it will not be difficult to create your own comic certificates. No work experience in Photoshop? Every third or fourth will be able to do what you need, just find such a person among your friends, or take it as a sign from above that it's time to start mastering this program - in life it will come in handy.
What else needs to be done (more precisely, preferably, for better preservation), so it's to laminate your work. In fact, it turns out that this is a gift made by own hands, and your diligence should be evaluated an order of magnitude higher. By the way, for the price will be released approximately in the same framework, which is easy to buy in the store. Perhaps, even cheaper (although much cheaper?). Therefore, if you have enough desire and creativity - go for it.
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