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Fun and interesting wedding celebration: contests for bride price
In ancient times, the bride price was considered an obligatory part of the wedding ceremony. Tradition has come down to our times, a little changed. However, the essence of her remained unchanged: the groom and his friends come to the bride's house, at the door they are met by the girlfriend's fiancé, and to get to her, the groom needs to go through the bride's wedding contests, invented by the girl-friends.
What to think?
The best is not too complicated and abstruse contests for the bride's ransom. The groom must be able to cope with them. Funny and funny puzzles will increase the mood and turn the ransom into an interesting part of the wedding process. So, original contests for the bride's ransom.
First job: thread
Before the house or doors of the entrance, tighten the thread. Condition: climbing, biting, tearing and touching it is impossible. The groom must think of a way out. The answer is: burn the thread.
The second test: with a bucket of water
In order to avoid tears in family life, they need to be poured all over here and now. We put
The third competition: three glasses
The bride's friends meet the groom. In their hands they have a tray, three glasses on it. They need to be filled so that in one rustled, in the other rang, in the third hissed. The groom should pour the champagne, put coins in one glass and bills in another.
Question and Answer Staircase
Ahead - a ladder. Each step is accompanied by a question about his beloved. Questions: 1. Day of acquaintance with the bride. 2. Where did this happen? 3. What is the size of a sweetheart's leg? 4. The full name of the future mother-in-law. 5. When is her birthday? 6. What is the size of the bride's waist? 7. Favorite flowers of the future wife. 8. The color of the eyes is narrowed. 9. What time of the year does your fiancee most love? 10. What is more to your liking: a romantic dinner, going to a club or learning a new recipe? 11. Where does she like to rest: on the sea, in the woods, in the mountains? 12. Favorite perfume fragrance. 13. What is your favorite cuisine: European, Japanese or Russian? 14. What does the future wife: work or family put above? 14. How many children does the bride dream to have? 15. Which animal do you associate with? 16. Does she believe in astrological horoscopes? 17. What was the most favorite thing about the bride in school? 18. How kindly did she call her in her childhood? 19. What words did you say the first time you confessed your love? 20. How does your fiancee think, who will be in charge of the house? 21. What's more to her taste: cakes or ice cream? 22. Will your bride go to rest without you? 23. What kind of pet does the future husband want to have? 24. Does she love sports? 25. Does she like chatting on the phone? 26. How will she behave when an unknown man compliments her? 27. How long does it take before meeting you? 28. What brand of car does she like best? 29. Does the bride love to dance? 30. Will your beloved agree that with a nice paradise and in a hut? 31. What does the bride like best: to give or receive gifts? 32. What qualities in a man can not tolerate a future spouse? 33. Three words about the nature of your chosen one. If the groom does not know or answers the question incorrectly, he pays a ransom and goes further.
Here are a few tasks that will allow you to hold contests for bride's redemption fun and interesting. If you want everything to work out, try to prepare carefully and think through all possible nuances. Usually competitions for bride price are accompanied by drinking alcohol. We advise you not to overdo it. Otherwise, some guests will not be able to reach the groom's chosen one, especially if you are planning a large number of assignments. In addition, you can offer the host his competitions for the bride and groom at the wedding. An interesting script will allow you to remember your wedding for a long time and create a cheerful and cheerful atmosphere for guests.
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