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Flax (plant): description, useful properties and application

In this article, we want to talk about what flax is. This plant, apart from its economic purpose, is widely used for medicinal purposes. Let's look at its properties.

What is flax?

The plant has long been used to make tissue and dietary oil. It should be noted that clothing made of linen is characterized by great strength and durability, not to mention high hygroscopic properties, thermal conductivity and environmental safety. Flax seeds have long been used in medicine to treat a variety of diseases. Flaxseed oil is a dietary product. It is for the body a source of fatty acids, which are not synthesized by the body on their own.

Description of the plant

Flax is a kind of plant that is one-year old. It is very interesting and has long been used by people. If to talk about which plant the flax is related to, then this family is Flax. This genus includes more than one hundred species. For example, alpine, white, capitate, large-flowered, venous and thin-leaved.

Of course, the most common flax is ordinary. It is also called spinning. So what is remarkable about flax? The height of the plant reaches 60 centimeters. Leaflets are small and narrow, and the flowers are usually blue, occasionally pink are folded into inflorescences, called a false umbrella. The fruits of the plant are boxes, in which there are not more than ten seeds.

Flax is a plant blooming from June to August. Fruits ripen in September. Biologists believe that the plant was once imported from India, because it was there that the first linen fabrics appeared. However, this fact is very controversial. In fact, there are no exact facts about the origin of the plant. Flax as a plant has been known for a long time, and it grows in Canada, the United States, Northern Europe, Turkey, India, and Transcaucasia.

Only on the territory of Russia are grown forty varieties of flax. But the most common flax-dolgunets and flax-curls. The first species is grown exclusively for the production of tissues, and the second for oil.

Useful properties of the plant

Flax (a plant, the description of which we gave earlier) has a number of very useful properties. It contains nutrients and dietary fiber in which fatty acids are present. Flax is a source of protein of natural plant origin, vitamins and microelements. That's why it has a healing effect on the human body. Here is such an interesting culture flax. What plant still boasts such a wide application in everyday life?

Where is flax used?

The plant is, in fact, unique. It is widely used for medical purposes. Also it is actively used by the food and textile industries and cosmetology. For example, you can use masks made from flax to restore face skin.

In addition, it should be noted that flax is used in cooking. This enriches dishes with useful organic substances and vitamins. From the seeds of grass, oil is made, which is recommended for use in hypertension and cardiac and vascular diseases. Another oil used for atherosclerosis and included in the composition of various diets.

Broths from seeds are used to treat rheumatism and gout. For its preparation, two tablespoons of seeds are poured into a glass of water, heating for ten minutes. Then filter, and then take the spoon (canteen) five times a day.

When chronic constipation is recommended to drink a glass of infusion, prepared from the calculation of a spoonful of seeds for a glass of boiling water. The drink is prepared immediately before use.

With ulcers and gastritis take mucus mature seeds. It has an anti-inflammatory and enveloping action.

In addition, broths are used for urogenital disorders and inflammation of the bladder. To do this, three tablespoons of seeds pour half a liter of boiling water. A quarter of an hour the mixture is heated on fire, and then, after cooling and filtering, take.

Flax oil is used for violations of fat metabolism, constipation, as well as for treating wounds. A good help with furuncles crushed seed of flax.

Contraindications flax

Of course, flax is a wonderful useful plant. But are there any contraindications to its use? Let's figure this out.

Naturally, flax, like many other medicinal plants, has its contra-indications. Do not recommend it for inflammation of the eye cornea, with cirrhosis, hepatitis and acute intestinal disturbances.

There are cases when you can not use raw seeds and oil, but you can use kissels, decoctions. This applies to abnormalities in the vascular and cardiac system. For example, with high cholesterol.

It should be noted that flax has a strong choleretic effect, and therefore, it can not be used for acute cholecystitis. In addition, having a laxative effect, it is categorically forbidden in diarrhea.

Are seeds harmful?

It is believed that flax seeds are harmless. But at the same time in many countries it is prohibited to sell flaxseed oil.

It is the leader in the content of Omega-3 acids. These fatty acids are extremely useful for the human body, because they fight with atherosclerosis, reduce cholesterol, are the building blocks for cell membranes, and are very necessary for the synthesis of prostaglandins. However, under the influence of solar heat and light, acids are rapidly oxidized. At this point, peroxides are formed, which, on the contrary, are extremely harmful to humans, having a carcinogenic effect.

Store the oil in a cool place, and transport it in opaque containers. Seeds last much longer than oil. After all, they contain fatty acids under the protective coating. And nevertheless before their use it is necessary to check their taste qualities.

Sometimes on sale it is possible to meet flax flour. It represents the ground seeds. It already, of course, does not have the necessary fatty acids, but it does not deteriorate if stored incorrectly. However, it is already deprived of most of the useful properties, but the products from it still have a beneficial effect on the body thanks to fiber, which is a great help for intestinal disorders.

How to store and grind seeds?

Ground seeds are convenient to use in recipes, this reduces the time of making infusions and herbs. Ground seeds are good for adding to different dishes and salads, this increases the value of food. Sometimes gold flax is put in flour for baking. This prevents rapid staling. In Canada, for example, this has long become a standard procedure.

Ground beans, which are sold in stores, do not have any useful properties, as they are packed in transparent packaging and are in the light. For health, grains that you yourself will change at home, for example, using a blender, a combine, a coffee grinder, will be more useful. Best of all, of course, an electric mill will cope with such a task, she will quickly prepare the necessary portion. And you can pour seeds in the old way in a mortar.

Whole seeds store their properties up to 12 months. Molten ones will not be stored for so long, they need to be cooked every time. Therefore, if you have prepared and not calculated the right amount, then the excess portion should be stored in a dark jar in a cool place or in a frozen state.

Kukushkin flax

What is this kukushkin flax plant ? We all heard about it, but very few people remember what it is. It is logical to assume that it belongs to the family of flax. But in fact, this is a deep delusion.

The name itself is confusing. Kukushkin flax is a kind of green moss. At the moment, there are more than one hundred species known all over the world. In the form of pillows, flax occurs in forests, mountains, tundra, marshes. Plants of this genus take part in the formation of peat.

Official pharmacology does not use this plant, but in folk medicine it is used as a laxative, diuretic, enveloping, anti-inflammatory drug.

Title History

This, perhaps, ends the similarity of his son. And the plant got such an interesting name for the following reasons. His stems really look somewhat like the famous flax-flax. And bright boxes in speckles are like the wings of a cuckoo. So it turned out an unusual name.

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