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Feast of September 1 - Day of Knowledge
September 1 - Day of Knowledge is an important holiday in the life of all students and schoolchildren. On this day, the first call for all those who for the first time in their lives crosses the threshold of the school. Boys and girls 6-7 years old will first sit at desks and get acquainted with unknown sciences until now. The beginning of a new, adult life gives us this triumph. This day is important for teachers as well as other educators, because the academic year begins, difficult and difficult, as, indeed, all the previous ones.
Traditions of the Day of Knowledge
On September 1, in all the cities, villages and villages of our vast homeland, you can meet joyfully walking towards the doors of the schoolchildren's school. As a rule, on this day students dress elegantly dressed, girls braid bows, and boys wear butterflies or ties. Schoolchildren give flowers to their class teachers. Also, before the classes start, a solemn line is held, where the first bell rings for the youngest schoolchildren, the senior students dance waltz, the music choir sings a song, and the director says congratulations. The series ends with a lesson from the World, which is held in each class, regardless of the age of the students. At the end of the morning official part, adults and children go for a walk around parks and boulevards, some go to nature or a cafe.
In higher education, the Day of Knowledge is an important holiday for first-year students. On this day they first get acquainted with each other, learn all the details about the hard life of the student, get a record book and go on a tour of the university. Senior students on September 1 are already starting to learn.
History of the Day of Knowledge
Prior to the reign of Peter the Great, who completely destroyed all the old traditions and introduced new ones, it was customary to celebrate the New Year on September 1, as well as the harvest festival. After some events, the New Year celebration was postponed to January 1. "Day of knowledge" the holiday began to be called only in 1984, at that time the Supreme Soviet of the USSR gave it the status of state. Despite this, the day of September 1 was educational, free students and schoolchildren were not given this day. Now all traditions are not based on the state, and not mediocrely from the educational institution, so the director has the right to decide independently whether to hold a solemn line and to release students from the lessons.
First of all, the holiday was officially approved by the authorities in order to emphasize the importance and importance of education in the life of a citizen. To date, obtaining a certificate of complete general education is a prerequisite, without which no one will be taken to either a higher educational institution or a job. To finish the university or institute every young citizen has the right to decide on his own, but if your plans include career growth and obtaining a prestigious position, you need a university degree diploma. You can also apply to a secondary special institution after 9 or 11 classes.
Day of knowledge in 1 class is not much different from the holiday for older students. If you want your child to remember this day forever, prepare together with other parents and teachers an entertainment program involving fairy-tale characters, any children's characters. And in addition to the presentation, you can draw the guys into a fun game with contests and gifts. This will not only amuse the first-graders, but will also bring them together in a new collective. Help in the preparation of the event can and high school students. Also, do not forget to prepare congratulations on the Day of Knowledge for teachers and school administration. This holiday is of no less importance for them than for your children, so let the teachers be pleased together with you!
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