
"Failed to connect to NVIDIA site" error: the simplest fixes

The error "Failed to connect to the NVIDIA site" when trying to update the drivers for video cards of this manufacturer may occur if there is an installed GeForce Experience management program in the system. It is believed that this particular utility can cause such a malfunction, although there are other reasons. Next, we'll show you how to fix the crash using the simplest methods.

Causes of a malfunction

The presence of the management utility Experience, which allows you to monitor the appearance of new drivers for graphics adapters - it's good. But, as it turns out, this application is not insured against the occurrence of failures (perhaps even short-term ones). And it is called the main problem when the error "Could not connect to the site NVIDIA".

However, there may be other reasons. Could not connect to the NVIDIA site (Windows 10 and below)? This can be the impact of viruses, communication failures, Network.Service service errors, etc. But we'll start correction from the last points.

"Failed to connect to NVIDIA website": what to do first

First of all, if updates were made regularly until the failure occurred, and failures were not noticed, you can simply restore the system to the previous state using the corresponding section of the "Control Panel" or the boot menu, called at the start of the F8 key.

If this does not help, and the message "Could not connect to the NVIDIA site" appears again, it is advisable to check the computer or laptop with an anti-virus package. But, as a rule, the main problem is in the utility Experience. It's something we need to "repair".

The simplest basic algorithm for solving the problem

In the simplest form, in order not to dig into the settings, you can simply make a standard program removal from the programs and components section in the Control Panel, and then reinstall it.

Unfortunately, an error informing that the program after installation could not connect to the site of NVIDIA, may appear again. This is due to the fact that when you reinstall, the program can inherit the errors of the old version. Therefore, it is better to uninstall the utility using applications like iObit Uninstaller, which can remove all the remaining garbage.

A manual situation can also be corrected. To do this, first delete the XML file NSManagedTasks in the folder of the installed NetService application, which can be found in the ProgramData directory of the system partition where there is the NVIDIA Corporation directory. The initial folder of program data can have a hidden attribute, so initially in the view menu in the "Explorer" you need to set the display of hidden objects.

After that, you need to call up the standard "Task Manager" and forcefully terminate the NvNetworkService * 32 process in it, and then go to the services section (the services.msc command in the "Run" console), find there this component (the name may differ slightly from the name of the most complete Process) and through the right click start the service again.

After this, the failure will no longer appear, and if it does, you can apply the solution just presented to fix it.

In some cases, if you used in-depth removal using special utilities, rather than using the standard method, you might not need to manually restart the service. But just in case, you need such knowledge.

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