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Exercises for weight loss belly: spring work on yourself

Spring has already fully come to our world and reigns supreme in nature - it's time to start a stormy life, cheerful, unpredictable, full of impressions and new acquaintances. But what if the figure lost shape in the long autumn and winter months, and the flat press turned into a soft tummy? Of course, every woman wants to get rid of these problems with a wave of her hand, or, in extreme cases, begin to struggle with her own shortcomings, which is helped by balanced and gymnastics for losing weight belly.

Many representatives of the fair sex believe that they will be able to sort out the folds by regular and persistent swing of the press. I would like to immediately note that this is not an option. Strengthening the press will strengthen the muscles, and they, in turn, to the complete disappearance of the waist. It is necessary to train only moderately, stably, but without fanaticism: to get rid of excess fat, it will be enough to perform exercises for weight loss of the stomach just a couple of times a week. At one time, you can perform two or three exercises, aimed, at first, to inflate the straight muscles of the press, and only after that - skew. And best of all, if these classes are held under the supervision of a professional trainer who will help calculate the load and follow the technique.

And if you think that you have complete order with the figure, but I would like to slightly "cheer up" the relaxed and become sluggish muscles by spring, it is still easier - no special exercises are needed to lose weight in the stomach, and it will only be necessary to perform every morning exercises, For example, as described below.

Exercise number one - is aimed at pumping straight muscles of the abdomen. It is necessary: lie on a hard surface and firmly press the lower back to her, and legs at right angles to bend at the knees and to rest. Hands at this time are put behind the head, and the elbows are sent to the sides. Inhale - the head and shoulder blades break away from the surface - exhale - the body returns to its original position. This and similar exercises for weight loss of the abdomen should be repeated 15-20 times, after which you can proceed to the next.

Exercise number two - all the same as the first, but on the inspiration from the surface not only blades and head, but also the pelvis.

Exercise number three - lifting the entire body. It is necessary: to lie on a firm surface (on the floor), bend and rest your legs, hands to wind your head. Inhale - the body breaks from the surface and rises to the bent knees - exhalation - the starting position.

Exercise number four - lifting feet, sitting on a chair. It is necessary: sit on a chair and lean on the edge with your hands. Inhale - legs are pulled up sharply to the body - exhalation - return to the starting position. Performing such exercises for weight loss of the abdomen is difficult enough, so there is no clear figure - do as much as you can.

Exercise number five - for oblique abdominal muscles. It is necessary: to sit on a chair and sharply perform the turns of the whole body. In principle, at this stage you can repeat all the previous techniques, combining them with turns. The only thing to remember is to be cautious and measured so that you do not hurt your spine with unnecessarily sharp movements.

Carrying out such a complex every day (sometimes you can be allowed every other day), you will immediately feel light and flexible, the disappearance of discomfort in the back and difficulty with movement. Especially in the event that the morning exercise is completed with a contrast shower or such a pleasant and useful procedure, like a massage of the abdomen for losing weight and strengthening the muscles. In addition, training can be combined with an active activity - aerobic dancing and swimming pool attendance - this therapy will not only drive the excess folds from the waist, but also "sharpen" the figure, giving it a relief in the right places.

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