
Example login: briefing for a novice user

For beginners, you need a little briefing on the topic: "How to come up with passwords and an example of logins", and to call yourself worthy, and remember this vital combination. Consider the examples of logins and passwords that a user can register for work online.

The modern Internet user has access to all of his advantages - freedom of access to information, communication through various channels, an immense arsenal of technical means for visualizing his creative ideas, sources of income ... Sometimes, from a good memory, many things depend on a good memory - a read letter, time saved data . For effective work in a global network, at least several individual logins and passwords are required for access to forums, social networks, chats, videoconferences. The problem is that users on the Internet are practically a billion. And all the most successful and common versions of logins have already been mastered by someone.

There are different approaches to the formation of names. Consider the typical examples of logins that are accepted in the networked world. The most common ones are often taken as their own name and surname, creative pseudonym, a combination of numbers with a value for the user (year of birth with a name, other important dates), a nickname, an informal variant of the name. There are gaming aliases - in computer games. In fact, it does not matter what exactly contains the login. The main thing is that it should be unique, otherwise the user simply does not go through the registration procedure on the site. The chosen login can sometimes be impossible to change, it is better to approach this issue reasonably thoughtfully.

Example of logins based on name

Most often the user names himself on the Web, using his own passport data. This is a logical and easy example of logins, the most common, but related to the problem of uniqueness - there are many identical names. In this situation, there is a way out: connect the FIO with digital data, separate them with a period or a hyphen, use suffixes, prefixes and special symbols.

  • Anna.andreeva.1999;
  • Semen-semenich.

It all depends on the imagination of the user. However, in that case, many year becomes the year of birth. You can use any numbers - zip code, machine number. Login used to register on the site, forum, social network. This requires a password binding . The password is better to take close to the spirit to the login, so it's easier to remember:

  • Pr-manager (profession);
  • Lenochka (sister's name).

The password can be changed if necessary, especially after an attempted hacking.

Email Logins

Basically, the login for mail (examples will be discussed below) is created to start an electronic mailbox. The address of the latter is a combination of the name of the domain of the individual "number" of the box, which can be designated by a word and numbers. A typical example of logins for mail looks like this:


The choice of the box depends on personal preferences, and the name - from the audience to which you can send letters from this address. There is a difference between personal mail and official - the first is intended only for private correspondence, the second - only for business relations.

Skype login

The possibility of chatting and videoconferencing thanks to the Skype application today uses a lot of people. In addition to mail and many other numerous online registrations, Skype also needs to register a nickname that is easily remembered. Which is better to use login in skype? Examples can be given endlessly, but it's better to take the name of the program - Skype - as the basis, and attach your individual data. Here is an example of logins intended for Skype:

  • Marina.erohina-skype;
  • Skypeskriper;
  • Dimaskype

Thus, uniqueness will be observed, and it will be easier for all users (including you) to remember your unique name for communication in Skype.

Universal and professional logins

If the above options are sufficiently individual, then here is another example of logins that are selected quite strictly and seriously. This is your business login, which you use at work or when communicating with career-relevant persons, clients, officials. Agree that by sharing a non-serious contact ( or you are unlikely to win credibility in business circles. In addition, this postal address is difficult to remember, and when you receive such a letter for the first time, the addressee can, without delving into it, send it to spam. To win someone else's authority and inspire respect for oneself, it is necessary not only to be a professional, to possess good manners and to work effectively. Little things like a torn off button or a stupid postal address or a pseudonym on the Internet can equally embarrass an employer or business partner. Here is an example of logins that will reflect your personality and allow you to easily remember them:;

As you can see, the impression from the business login is created radically different.

How to remember login

In order not to expose yourself to the risk of data loss, it is necessary to fix the combination of the login and password in a safe place that is inaccessible to outsiders, encode in a notebook or conduct a special offline file, where you can enter all the individual data. It is desirable that the login and password are logically related to each other. A professional login can have a password in the form of a department or product name that the company produces. Personal - the name of the child or favorite movie actor. Using an associative array, you can reliably fix the most ornate login in memory.

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