
Endometriosis: Symptoms and Treatment

Uterus in women lining the so-called endometrium or lining of the uterus, and with its inflammation begins to develop endometriosis. It can spread to other organs when it grows into the uterus itself, such endometriosis is called internal, and when it spreads to other organs it is called external endometriosis. This disease is very dangerous, because endometriosis and conception go hand in hand: with the disease, the ability to have children is significantly reduced.

The main causes of the emergence of endometriosis are a violation of the hormonal background, genetic predisposition and decreased immunity. Also, endometriosis can develop in connection with the enucleation of myomatous nodes, after cesarean section, with a manual examination of the uterus or after an abortion, when the uterine curettage occurs.

Endometriosis may also occur during gynecological surgery, when endometrial particles enter the lymphatic or bloodstream and are then humorously spread throughout the body. As a rule, women 35-45 years old start to be sick with endometriosis, and they mostly suffer infertility. The disease can occur after the surgery, and thus endometriosis, as a rule, is considered genital.

From the true tumor, the endometriosis, the symptoms of which we will consider later, can be distinguished by the expressed cellular atypia, but nevertheless, endometriosis has the capacity for infiltrative growth due to the fact that it has the property of growing into other tissues. So it can germinate into the skin, peritoneum, ureters, bladder, intestinal walls, it can even be found in the blood and lymphatic vessels, and in this case the woman begins to "cry bloody tears".

The main manifestation of the disease endometriosis, the symptoms of which are listed below, are severe pain in the early days of the menstrual cycle, when the endometrium begins to be rejected in the form of menstrual flow. Pain can be located in the inguinal area when the corners of the uterus are affected, as a rule, pain is given to the vaginal area or presses on the rectum with the development of the endometriosis of the uterine isthmus, and at the end of the menstrual cycle the pains subside or may disappear completely until the next menstrual period. More information about the clinic of the disease can be found in the medical encyclopedia under the heading "endometriosis: symptoms".

In addition, endometriosis symptoms also have a different nature. In endometriosis, a menstrual cycle usually occurs, and in this case there may be prolonged and profuse discharge, they begin as spotting dark spots four days before menstruation, and then there may be slight discharge after menstruation for three, four days. After such periods, women can develop jaundice of the skin, pallor, weakness, drowsiness and fatigue.
The disease can have a different degree, from the first to the fourth, depending on the extent of damage and the development of foci of endometrial proliferation.

Diagnose it with ultrasound examination and ultrasound sonography. To determine the disease more accurately, hydrosonography is used, as well as X-ray hysterosalpingography, when a large uterine area is visible and all lesions caused by endometriosis are visible.
Treatment consists in prescribing hormonal drugs, surgical intervention and in eliminating the effects of endometriosis, so that there is no painful sensation during menstruation. In general, hormone therapy is carried out according to the scheme: endometriosis - treatment - djufaston, which is the most versatile and effective drug for this disease.

Undoubtedly, the main treatment for endometriosis is surgical intervention, and after the operation, after four to five months, begin to prescribe hormonal drugs. In the case when endometriosis afflicted the cervix, then solkovagin solution is applied to all the damaged areas, laser vaporization and radiocaagulation can also be performed, and cryodestruction of ectocervical endometriosis is also performed.

Endometriosis, developing in the fallopian tubes and ovaries, is treated with laser evaporation during laparoscopy, and rhevidone, arvelon, ovidon, anovlar, microgonon, dyufaston, tamoxifen and others are used as hormonal drugs, which normalize the hormonal background and help to calm the development of the disease.
Summarizing, we can conclude that the entire lining of the uterus, which flakes during the menstrual cycle, can become inflamed and penetrate into various organs and tissues, which causes their inflammation, and is treated surgically and with the help of hormones.

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