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Duties of children in the family

The fact that the child must perform household duties does not cause disagreement on the part of the parents. But in the notion of what they should be, a lot of contradictions stand out. Some parents charge the child with cases related to his Own needs: to clean up for themselves toys and things, to keep their things clean. Others want the children's responsibilities to include the usual household affairs of the family, which would be directed to help the father or mother. Undoubtedly, giving the child responsibilities, you need to take into account his age abilities and characteristics.

If parents can not clearly imagine the responsibilities of children in the family, it is unlikely that they will be performed on a daily basis.

What is it for?

Many parents consider this question superfluous. But this is a very complex topic. The following options are available:

  • In each family there must be the duties of children, so that the child is accustomed to diligence and accuracy. With this attitude to duties, they turn into an abstract action, valuable in itself and not having a practical focus. If external compulsion disappears, the case will not be executed.
  • Doing household chores accustoms the child to planning, helps him Set goals, develop certain skills that help achieve these goals. Later, the child will understand that things put in their place, save time, which will be spent on their search.
  • Duties teach children to count their strength. First, assigning a child tasks, this is done by an adult. If you want to put children in order, then for this you need to divide a complex task into several subtasks. For example, rollback cars, collect cubes, fold books, etc.
  • Homework accustoms the child to self-discipline. In the process of doing household chores, children learn to create themselves a working mood. It's very organized.
  • The presence of one's own duties helps to understand the child that he is an important member of his family, as he makes a feasible contribution to her life.
  • While doing homework, the child learns to perceive life as a cyclical process.

Duties of children: how to transfer powers?

Reconsider your attitude to household duties. If the child feels that his mother does not like to take out the trash, then do not expect him to be enthusiastic. It is necessary to emphasize the importance of this work for the family. It would be nice to introduce the elements of the game: how will the apartment look if two weeks do not take out the garbage, and if half a year?

You need to thank the child more often, emphasize the importance of everything that he does for the family.

Use the following techniques to make the responsibilities of children an exciting activity:

  1. Invite the child to occasionally change roles with other family members. Let him get acquainted with other, more complex kinds of work.
  2. Allow the child to buy and choose the means that facilitate domestic work. If you instruct him to wash his things or wash dishes, give him money to buy cleaning powders or liquids.
  3. Bring an element of creativity into your homework. It can be regular preparation of salads. Supply the child with prepared recipes, but at the same time encourage independent culinary experiments.

It is important to determine how you see the responsibilities of children in front of their parents. To do this, you need to build a working system, thinking out the ultimate goals, adding diversity to the work process. Also, do not forget about your personal example and have patience.

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