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Dryers Dry. Reviews of dryers for fruits and vegetables "Sukhovei"

The company "Sukhovei" in Russia is considered quite famous. Many of the dryers produced by her are not enough, and therefore they are quite in demand. The heating elements are of a tubular type. The maximum temperature, they are on average able to reach around 65 degrees.

In addition, it should be taken into account that the dimensions of the presented brand's dryers are quite different. Their power fluctuates around 1200 W in average. At the same time, the power consumption of the dryers is approximately 2 W per hour of use. In order to learn the specific features of specific models, you need to familiarize yourself with the feedback of consumers.

Drying machine "Suhovei M2"

This dryer for mushrooms "Sukhovei" reviews is mostly positive. Many buyers choose this model for its simplicity. The power regulator in this case is located at the bottom of the device. Also it should be noted that the pallets from this dryer are provided by the manufacturer plastic. For mushroom drying, this model is ideal. The user is able to set the maximum temperature on the device at 65 degrees. In this case, the drying of mushrooms will take about 25 minutes on average. It is worth to date, this dryer in the vicinity of 3100 rubles.

Reviews about the dryer "Suhovei M3"

Data dryers "Suhovei" reviews are given for high performance. Many buyers use this model for drying various fruits. Also, it is great for berries. Pallets in this case the manufacturer provided quite voluminous. They are made of plastic. The heating element of this dryer is used with a power limit of 1300 watts. Thus, the process of heat treatment occurs rather quickly.

With mushrooms, this model handles successfully. However, this dryer for fruits and vegetables "Sukhovei" reviews has negative, and before buying them should also be taken into account. First of all, some model owners are condemned for the high noise level. In this case it is at the level of 30 dB. Thus, the presented model is best used in a separate room for its own convenience. In terms of dimensions, this modification is very compact. It is worth in our time, this dryer in the area of 2800 rubles.

Opinions of experts on the model "Sukhovei MP5"

Dryer "Sukhovei 5" reviews is positive and in general is in demand due to the fact that the partitions it uses are rather narrow. Thus, the presented model is well suited for berries. Also, many use it for drying vegetables. The heating element in this case is of medium power. The noise level in the presented device is 3 dB. A special attention in the dryer also deserves the quality of pallets. They are installed fairly firmly and the loads withstand large.

However, it is better not to apply a lot of fruits at one time. The regulator in this case the manufacturer is installed in a rotary type. It rotates fairly simply and breaks extremely rarely. However, this dryer for fruits and vegetables "Sukhovei" reviews is negative. Many buyers complain that the cold air blowing is weak. At the same time, it is very inconvenient to clean the pallets because of partitions. It is worth this model in the store about 2700 rubles.

Description of Dryers MP8

Drying machine "Suhovei 8" reviews is good from most buyers. To date, this model is in high demand because of high pallets. They are made of plastic, but they can withstand large loads, and the baffles are seldom bent. Data dryers "Sukhovei" reviews are negative. The upper pallet is difficult to push out, and this should be taken into account before purchasing. Electricity consumption in this case is at the level of 2 W.

In general, this dryer does not work loudly and does not bring discomfort in the apartment. However, it takes quite a lot of space, and this should be taken into account. Also, the quality of the heating element deserves attention in the presented model. This tubular part is capable of heating the chamber to a maximum of 65 degrees. At the same time, the drying time of the fruit will take about 25 minutes. By colors suitable model in the store can be found. It is worth this dryer in our time about 2900 rubles.

Reviews about model "Suhovei MP9"

This dryer "Suhovei MP" reviews is very diverse. The design of the model by the manufacturer is quite simple. In this case, the regulator is used in a rotary type. The temperature in this case can be selected to a maximum of 60 degrees. The pallets of this model are used 5.5 cm high. At the same time, the diameter of the presented device is 35 cm. This model weighs a little, and you can move it without problems.

Speaking about noise, the sound level of this dryer is at the level of 33 dB. The pallets of this specimen are made of plastic. At the same time, the base is installed rather sturdy. For the drying of mushrooms, the presented model is not suitable. In this case, it is better to choose a model more powerful. However, with dry berries dryer "Sukhovei MP9" copes quite successfully. Also in it you can dry apples. For summer residents, this model will work well. Also, it should be borne in mind that it costs a little. Ask for it in the store about 2800 rubles.

Overview of the device "Sukhovei M7"

This dryer for fruit "Sukhovei" reviews is mostly good. Partitions in this model are located quite close to each other. Thus, laying fruit inside can be quite simple. Also, please note that the pallets are provided by the manufacturer of high quality. The heating element of the presented specimen is of low power. However, for berries, it fits perfectly. On average, the drying time will take about 35 minutes. Mushrooms in this case it is better not to use.

The thickness of the pallet in the model "Dry Mway" is 3 cm. The regulator is standardly installed at the bottom of the device. It breaks quite rarely, however, there are problems with this dryer. First of all, it should be noted that the upper pallet is pushed with great difficulty. The fan in this case is of low power, so the air flow is very weak. Also, many customers are annoyed by the loud sound of the Dry M7 dryers. In this regard, recommend it to all consumers is not worth it. In the market for it for today ask about 3100 rubles.

The new model "Sukhovei MP4"

This dryer for vegetables "Sukhovei" reviews the positive properties most often gets for their pallets. In this specimen they are able to withstand a weight of about 1 kg. In this case, the design itself is very compact. The height of one pallet is only 5.5 cm. In addition, it should be noted that in diameter it is 30 cm. Taking this into account, the dry weight of the "Dryway MP4" weighs very little.

The heating element of the represented specimen is located on the underside. There is also a regulator with which you can adjust the power of the equipment. The ventilation of this model is provided by the manufacturer rather high-quality. However, the problem with the increased noise level, unfortunately, was not solved. Thus, to turn on the dryer "Drywire MP4" is best in a separate room. It should also be taken into account that the electric power consumption is 2 W. Thus, large accounts due to it will not come to the owner.

What do they say about "Dryway MP5"?

This model is most often used for various herbs. The fan in the presented device is installed quite powerful. Thus, the convection process is carried out qualitatively. The heating element at "Drywire MP5" is standard, and the maximum power is able to boast at 1300 V. At the same time, the power consumption of the device is 3W.

Also these dryers "Sukhovei" reviews get for good pallets, which open quite quickly. Partitions at the presented device are located at a distance of 2.5 cm. Separately it should be noted that the power regulator is quite qualitative. Dryers "Sukhovei MP5", as a rule, are of orange color. However, other models are presented in the store for consumers. The indicated dryer is about 1200 rubles.

Opinions of experts on "Suhovei MR7"

This model perfectly copes with berries of different sizes. In this case, the mushrooms in it are laid out quite conveniently. Pallets in this case are made of plastic, but the thickness is impressive. The basis for this instance of the manufacturer is quite strong. At the same time, the dryer "Suhovei MR7" weighs exactly 2 kg. The regulator at it it is possible to see rotary type. The user has the ability to adjust the temperature to 65 degrees maximum. For drying many fruits this is enough.

All pallets in this model are easy to put up. If we talk about the noise level, then the model "Sukhovei MP7" does not work loudly, and it pleases many owners. Partitions at her are installed at a distance of exactly 2.5 cm. Due to this, berries on the upper pallet can be laid out at a certain distance from each other. It is worth this dryer in the store about 2600 rubles.

Reviews of "Suhovei R6"

This model among other devices is distinguished by the fact that its manufacturer provides many sections. Thus, at the same time you can do the drying of fruits and herbs. For the mushroom model "Dry Vee P6" is not very suitable. However, it should be borne in mind that the partitions in this case are rather strong. A special attention in the model "Suhovei R6" deserves a heating element. The power parameter is 1200 watts. At the same time, electricity consumption is not very high.

The upper section opens quite difficult, and it is inconvenient to use. It should also be noted that the dimensions of the dryers "Suhovei P6" are impressive. The diameter of one pallet is 35 cm. Also these Dryers dryers are given for qualitative ventilation. The user can set the maximum temperature at 70 degrees. If you are engaged in drying apples, you can manage about 20 minutes. However, berries dry much longer. Find this model in the store can not be cheaper than for 2900 rubles.

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