BeautySkin care

Dry corn on the foot - delete at home

In a man everything should be fine, especially if this person is a woman. But sometimes an ideal image can destroy a small detail. For example, a dry callus on the foot not only looks ugly, but also hurts, prevents walking, and causes inconvenience. And if you start the process, it will be a very serious problem.

Strictly speaking, dry callus on the foot is not a disease, but rather a cosmetic defect. But still it is possible and necessary to fight it. It is not difficult to do this at home, but if you do not pay attention, then the removal of corns will have to be entrusted to a professional. And it's good if it's a pedicure master, not a surgeon.

The older the person, the more he is exposed to such a problem as dry skin of the feet. Uncomfortable shoes, static position - all this leads to the formation of dry calluses. But besides this, diseases can also lead to keratinization of the skin. For example, a lack of vitamins. Also, dry skin is one of the signs of diabetes. But if your health is all right, and the legs do not become silky, it's time to fight it.

There are many options than treating calluses at home. For example, the simplest is to make a bath. In the soap solution add the usual baking soda, two tablespoons per liter of water. The legs sink for 15-20 minutes, if the dry callus on the foot is shallow, then several procedures will suffice.

Another option is a special patch with salicylic acid, it is stuck on the steamed feet for two or three days, after which the corn disappears.

It helps to get rid of calluses with a bath with 9% vinegar, from the calculation of a glass for two liters of water. In the resulting solution, you need to keep your feet up to 45 minutes.

If you are afraid of such radical procedures, then to help you peel from pineapple. Apply it to the place where you have a dry callus on the foot, fix it with a plaster. Changing the skin as it wilts, you can get rid of the problem in a week.

In addition to all of the above, you should regularly moisturize the skin of the feet. After the procedures for steaming callouses, lubricate your feet with any nutritious cream, a child's set is excellent. Next, wear socks to ensure the "sauna effect."

But sometimes it happens that the dry callus on the foot can not be removed at home. In this case, you should go to the beauty salon, where the pedicure master will put your feet in order with a special apparatus with attachments. By the way, such a device can be purchased for home use. But you need to be able to handle it, otherwise you risk damaging your legs.

However, even if the beauty industry specialist has not helped you, you will have to contact a surgeon or dermatologist. This happens if the dry callus on the foot is old. Then, it is most likely to be removed by cryodestruction. This means that liquid nitrogen will "fight" with the corn , after this procedure your feet will become smooth and silky.

But even if you managed to get rid of calluses, do not start your legs again. Regularly make baths, lubricate your feet with moisturizing cream, do not forget about pumice stone. And then your legs will be worthy of admiration!

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