Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Dream Interpretation: Why dream about breaking an egg? What does the broken eggs look like?

The egg is the symbol of the birth of life. In reality, we take this product not very respectfully, because it is based on a lot of delicious dishes. However, in a dream, each event seems more significant and begins to acquire a profound meaning. Why dream about breaking an egg? People see in this dream an alarming omen. To find out whether this is so or not, let's turn to the proven dream-books.

Idiomatic dream book

In this source, meaning is given to stereotypes that have developed in the people about a particular subject. So, hatching eggs means to freeze in anticipation with a definite purpose. Seeing someone throwing rotten eggs awakens the authority of some generally recognized leader. But to save in a dream the egg means in reality to be engaged in petty selfish cares. And, of course, we can not ignore the expression "give by the eggs," that is, in the most vulnerable place. In this sense, the fact that dreams to break an egg, involves parting with the most cherished plans and hopes. But to tear down an egg in a dream means to give birth to some genius idea, to see the source of personal enrichment.

Female dream book

According to the female dream book, eating eggs in a dream is not recommended - this can lead to unusual and disturbing events in your home. But the fact that dreams of broken eggs, heralds a generous gift of fate. This means that you have an exalted mind and a sense of justice, so you will win the respect of many people. A nest with eggs in a dream symbolizes a successful marriage or an unexpected inheritance from distant relatives. And women like this dream portends numerous novels. The basket with eggs symbolizes an advantageous business operation, in which the dreamer will take a direct part. But all the above bonuses of fortune will fall on you only if the eggs in the dream are fresh. The sight of rotten eggs in a dream, in contrast, portends a decline in business and loss of property.

Small Weses dream book

In this dream book everything is simple. Whole eggs dream about good and success, and seen in large numbers symbolize a large profit. True, to see them in a nest means to experience various troubles in real life, and colored - to quarrel with a close person or run into an unscrupulous thief. As to what it is that dreams to break an egg, in this source the opinion is unequivocal - the dreamer is waiting for the death of a relative, a big quarrel, missing, unhappiness. If you see already broken eggs in a dream, then this will entail the appearance of a deceased person or a dangerous disease in someone's house. In general, the forecast of Velesov's dream book is not encouraging.

Roma Dream Book

There is an egg in a dream, according to a Romany dream book, meaning to find a profit or some good for yourself. But to crush it - the foreknowledge of a quarrel with someone from home, displeasure and vexation. To get dirty with damaged eggs in a dream is to be pursued by enemies, but to overeat them in a dream - to get sick or get through troubles. The fact that dreams of breaking eggs, according to the information in this book, does not entail anything good.

Dreamer of the sorceress Medea

In general, regarding the sleep we are considering, Medea's dream book has a negative opinion. The eggs are safe in themselves. They symbolize the birth of life, and to see the chicks hatching from them means to find harmony and tranquility in reality. But then why dream about breaking an egg? And this is a violation of the established order of things - a new life does not appear, which means that its purpose will not be fulfilled. What can symbolize such a dream? Only troubles and misfortunes! A broken shell in a dream threatens with unfulfilled hopes in reality.

Sonnik Tsvetkova

This authoritative esoteric had his own opinion about this or that dream. And it often coincided with reality. In his opinion, to see one or two eggs - to the arrival of guests, if there are much more of them in the dream, then the dreamer's awaits a great success. Concerning the fact that dreams of broken eggs, Tsvetkov believes that such a dream will bring the sleeper in the future serious damage.

Wanderer's Dreambook

In the Wanderer's dream book, the egg is a symbol of creation and the unrealized potential of the sleeper. From it hatches a chick, which means the embodiment of a certain creative idea, a plan, a plan. Therefore, what the chicken eggs dream about, always carries a negative connotation. To rush them is to endure failure and exposure. A break - in reality lose something very valuable: career, business and even a future child.

French dream book

According to the French dream book, the sight of white eggs in a dream entails the fulfillment of the most cherished desires. Red eggs in the dream mean an unfortunate and unexpected circumstance, which can greatly harm the sleeper. Fresh and clean are harbingers of good news. A basket filled with this product in a dream, threatens a dreamer's participation in an unsuccessful enterprise. But as for what the broken eggs of raw chicken dream about, in this dream book a disappointing answer - a similar picture is dreaming of deep sadness.

Sonnik Miller

But Miller is predictable. A nest with eggs in a dream is a symbol of a home and a happy marriage. For women, such a dream means frequent hobbies. Eating this product in a dream foreshadows the sleeper's future troubles. What a raw broken egg dreams about, for Miller is also not a secret. Such a dream symbolizes quick luck. Rotten eggs in a dream promise a sleeping loss of property and a collapse in business. But to find bird eggs in the forest means getting an inheritance from distant relatives.

Dream Book of Meneghetti

This famous interpreter sees in the egg something negative. For him, under the shell, any unexpectedness that could be a real shock for the sleeper can hide. In addition, in the image of the egg, there is also a sexual overtones, because, because of its shape, it resembles the male genitalia. But the fact that dreams of breaking eggs, does not cause Menegetti no complaints. If this is done to prepare a dish, then the sleeper is waiting for a pleasant experience ahead. For example, the dish of eggs and carrots symbolizes a speedy erotic adventure.

Dream Interpretation of Freud

For the famous psychoanalyst, the symbol of the egg can only have an unambiguous interpretation - it is the personification of the male principle. For a woman to see this product in a dream means to go on a date with a representative of the opposite sex, who will surprise her very much. For a man, the spectacle of eggs in a dream means, apparently, a merry pastime in a public bathhouse. But the fact that dreams of breaking eggs of chicken, bears for Freud a negative overtones - most likely, a sleeper with a careless glance or a word offends some kind of unsound person. It's better to keep silent, says this dream, and you will not bring a mental wound to your neighbor. Eat an egg for food - to a close relationship with a longtime acquaintance, for example, a colleague. Painting eggs for Easter means to look at your intimate life from a new unexpected side. The sleeper will come to mind to diversify his feelings, and he will show an enviable ingenuity in this respect.

Sonny of Kopalinsky

And in this source there is a proper interpretation of what the chicken eggs dream about. This spectacle portends dirty gossip and bad luck for the dreamer. Fried eggs cooked from a broken product will not fix the situation. Failure continues to threaten the sleeper in all its manifestations. Only the whole egg symbolizes good news, and painted in red - the future abundance.

Wangi's Dream

For the famous clairvoyant egg in a dream personifies the planet, the world and all life that surrounds us. If the sleeper saw him in a rotten state, then ahead of Earth expects the threat of destruction, which appeared due to the invention of new, more advanced weapons. The fact that the eggs of chicken eggs are broken, according to Vange, is associated with a certain threat from outer space. Perhaps in the near future on our planet a meteorite hail will collapse, which will split it into parts and destroy all life around. Eating an egg in a dream suggests that all creatures living on Earth exist at the expense of the absorption of other beings. And this state of affairs will never change. After such a dream, a person should warmly thank God for sending food to him. Brewing in a dream egg means an early universal drought, because of which people will not die, but will change beyond recognition and begin to lead a different lifestyle. Here such a global prophecy contains Wang's dream book.

The Dream of Nostradamus

For Nostradamus, the egg symbolizes a new life, a rebirth. To observe in a dream the way a chick hatchs from it, is to witness the birth of some living being. For a pregnant young woman such a dream is a sign that foreshadows successful births. A person who has found a big egg in the dream of an unusual shape can really find something like this in reality. For example, the egg of a long extinct dinosaur. But about the fact that he dreams about breaking eggs of raw chicken, Nostradamus has an original opinion. If you dreamed this, then, in reality you can commit some crime, even murder. If someone does it in a dream before your eyes, then soon you will witness a brutal destruction.

The esoteric dream book

His interpretation of the dream we are considering offers this well-known dream book. "What does a broken egg look like?" - you ask him. And you will know that such a vision threatens infertility or unsuccessful pregnancy. But to see them whole foreshadows the fast efforts with children, and the more eggs, the more kids you will have to patronize. And the Easter treat in a dream symbolizes joy and pride for their children, their help and respect.

Numerological dream book

According to the numerological dream book, the fact that chicken eggs are dreamed to break depends on its contents. If you can clearly see in the dream all its constituent parts - protein, shell and yolk, then at the moment your thoughts are busy searching for the meaning of life, and thinking about it does not bring you the desired calming. And if the egg turns out to be embryonic or foul, then in three months you will have depression, because you will cease to believe in your own strength. In addition, you will begin to engage in self-discovery and very sorry for yourself. Freshness and brightness of raw eggs indicate that in three weeks you will find a new goal for yourself or take an unusual job. The sight of a boiled soft-boiled egg means that all your life will undergo unpleasant changes.

The Dream Book of Aesop

This source offers, perhaps, the most extensive interpretation of what it is that dreams of breaking eggs of chicken. Such a dream warns a person against careless deeds, which can adversely affect his entire future destiny. And broken shells symbolize health problems, and a dish from this product - the emergence of a new fateful acquaintance. Rotten eggs in a dream are a bad sign, foretelling grief, and a two-yolk embryo symbolizes a dual situation in which you will soon find yourself. An amusing interpretation of what the raw eggs dream about breaking, Aesop suggests, if the chicken crawls out of the damaged product in a dream. It turns out that such a spectacle makes it clear to a person that he is extremely unreasonable using his chance and can pass by his happiness. Turning the gift of God into scrambled eggs - it seems, so this action can be called. A live chicken is a symbol of that gift.

Now you know what the eggs of broken chicken eggs look like. The interpretations offered by the dream books are original and diverse. But they all belong to real people, whose opinions can be relied upon or completely ignored. Remember this when you interpret your dreams.

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