Spiritual developmentDream Interpreter

Dream Interpretation: What the Crocodile Dreamed about

As you know, crocodiles are of the same age as dinosaurs and belong to one of the oldest creatures that still live on our planet. Also these reptiles can be safely called one of the most dangerous predators, a meeting with which can end very badly. And what if these terrible animals prilodilsya us during sleep? Does such a dream give any danger, or should it be interpreted differently? We suggest that you address these questions to several of the most complete and most popular dream books.

What did the crocodile dream about: Sonnick Gustav Miller

According to the interpretation of this dream book, the appearance in a dream of a crocodile promises a dreamer deception and betrayal by one of his closest friends. In addition, your enemies are even more active in the desire to harm you. If you dream that you are walking on the back of this predator, then you will try to deal with all the problems and troubles exclusively on your own. Despite the difficulties, in the end you will succeed. Also, such a dream can serve as a warning about the need to avoid excessive frankness in communication, even with close people.

Dream Husset: what the crocodile dreamed of

This source considers dreams in which crocodiles appear, as a reflection of reality, in which you are surrounded by people who are disposed towards you unkindly.

Ukrainian dream book: what the crocodiles dream about

According to the compilers of this collection of interpretations of dreams, the dreamed crocodile is a warning of a serious threat to him. So be careful and do not get involved in dubious adventures.

Islamic dream book: what the crocodile dreamed of

The image of a crocodile is viewed by this source as the personification of the enemy and ill-wishers. If you dreamed of this ancient predator, then, probably, you will soon have to communicate with a deceitful person, endowed with power, or a trader. Why dream of killing a crocodile? Such a dream can be interpreted as a possible happy escape from all menacing dangers. A dream in which a crocodile drags a dreamer into the water can promise him communication with representatives of law enforcement agencies or even arrest.

Dream from A to Z: what did the crocodile dream about

If you dreamed of a crocodile in a zoo, then in your immediate environment, a person may appear who is better to fear. Therefore, be very careful with people who impose themselves on you as friends. The dream in which you find yourself in the river swarming with these predators warns you about possible deceit and betrayal on the part of close friends. Also, such a dream can mean a betrayal of a loved one. If you dreamed that a crocodile is tearing apart a living person, then in real life you are threatened with big troubles, you will not be able to cope with it alone. Therefore, you need to forget about your own pride and ask for help from a person with whom you in your time broke off all sorts of relationships.

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