Spiritual developmentMystic

Divination by love at home. Divination for girls to love

Probably, there is no person who does not want to look into the future. For the sake of interest, with one eye. Although it is believed that fortune-telling is a maiden's fun, it was not always so. Previously, men did not go hunting or war, not having visited a soothsayer or a priest. Why and how do people guess?

"People are arranged like this: they want to know what will happen"

Psychologists argue that the fear of the future makes people believe in signs and ask advice from the higher forces. The more a person doubts himself, wanting to keep the situation under control, the more often he resorts to the services of fortune tellers. And what can be more uncontrollable than feelings?

Divination for girls for love has long become a tradition. However, few people think that this is not just entertainment and curiosity. This is a special ritual that helps to understand yourself, your desires, and also tune in to one wave with a young man of interest. Experienced fortunetellers know: any means, whether cards, runes or outlines of burnt paper, is the way to the subconscious of a person. The main thing is to awaken the imagination, the rest (the reconstruction of the picture of the state of affairs) the person will do himself. Therefore, you do not need to hurry and look for seers. Divination by love at home with a certain skill provides answers to exciting questions.

The History of the Predictive Craft

It is believed that any magical rituals are an interference in fate, which means a sinful affair. This idea came to us from the Middle Ages. But in the disappeared civilizations of Assyria, Babylon and Egypt, soothsayers were held in high esteem. And in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome on the basis of fortune-telling art important state decisions were made. It was believed that the ability to secret knowledge is a gift of the gods. The Sibyls deserved special trust, the first of which predicted the Trojan War. They foresaw their predictions in a poetic form, like the oracles in Delphi.

Ban on divination

During the dark Middle Ages, sorcerers and wives were persecuted as embarrassing spirits. The Church did not want to share power over the minds and hearts of ordinary people. Later, in the era of the Enlightenment, divination was rejected as having no scientific explanation. However, in the people they have always been popular.

In the Slavic culture, domestic fortune-telling for love is preserved from pagan times. They are part of folk customs and are closely intertwined with church traditions. The latter, such as Maslenitsa, were popular even before the baptism of Rus.

When is it best to guess?

New Year's holidays with special trepidation are expected not only because of the delicious table and the opportunity to have fun. Following them go Christmas and Epiphany evenings - a time when divination for love at home is considered prophetic.

These days, accidents are given special significance. The name of the passer-by, the dreams heard inadvertently - these are all indications of what the year will be, whether the girl will meet a loved one.

Why it is necessary to guess exactly on the evening of January 6 or 18 (on January 19, at the very Baptism, such rituals can not be conducted)? It is believed that when the sun is born, the boundary between reality and the invisible world becomes thinner. At this time, you can establish contact with otherworldly forces and open the veil of the future. But you must follow the conditions:

  • The time of the sacrament is midnight;

  • Place - unsociable;

  • Often requires an intermediary in the form of an animal or an object.

Sometimes complex and scary rituals require guessing for future love, when an unmarried girl wants to see a suitor. In most cases, you can do without simple methods, without communicating with evil spirits.

Divination in different countries

New Year is a special time not only in Russia. True, he comes to foreign countries at different times. In Central Asia and the Middle East on March 21, the day of the vernal equinox, Novruz is met. Girls, eavesdropping on other people's conversations, are trying to find out if the year will be successful and what events should be expected.

In India, Vishu is celebrated on the first day of the Malayam calendar, and the ancient epic is discovered by guessing "Ramayana" at random. In Vietnam, note the lunar-solar cycle Tet, which usually occurs at the end of January. In Japan, nobody sleeps in the New Year, but go to temples for the Omikuji. This is a kind of lottery, predicting everything: from great happiness to all kinds of failures. True, if the prophecy did not like, it can be left in the temple, then it will not come true. A similar fortune-telling exists in England, when symbols are hidden in the cake. They denote what will happen: the ring - you will get married, the rose petal - you will meet love, the coin promises wealth, and the button - poverty.

Some divinations are similar in different countries. In Italy, like us, it is customary to throw a boot. If the sock looks at the door - the girl will get married. And in Germany curious people are pouring wax and reading on the figures, what will happen in the new year.

Simple ways to find out if a guy loves

In addition to the New Year's predictions, there are some that you can do every day. Divination of love at home is described below. They are easy to carry out. The main thing is to imagine the person of interest mentally and concentrate on the question. At the same time one must be alone and in silence.

The easiest fortune telling for girls for love requires practically nothing. It is necessary to take a leaf in a cell and draw a heart with your left hand. Then everything is simple - you need to calculate the number of whole cells. If an even number comes out, the answer is "love", the odd one "no".

You can guess by the tea leaves. To do this, take dry tea leaves and pour it with boiling water in a cup, watching the behavior of the leaves. If they stayed at the bottom, the relationship will develop smoothly. Two or three tea leaves came up - some minor difficulties are possible. The whole welding was at the top - on the way to love are great obstacles.

Well, one of the most popular guessings is a prediction on the coffee grounds. Here you need fantasy and knowledge of symbols. And for each person they can acquire their value. The more often this method is practiced, the better are the signs of fate.

Divination by Tarot cards

Divination for love at home is good to conduct on maps. You can use the usual, but only those that were not played before. Or special, for example, taro or Lenorman cards. Magical ones are those that are made by themselves. Then a special relationship is established between the cards and the energy of the fortuneteller. For the first time tarot appeared in Europe in the XIV century, where they were brought in by the gypsies. At first they only played. But then, thanks to colorful images and symbols, the cards were used to look into the past, the present and the future.

Today such divination (tarot) for love has many options. Here, the choice of the deck is also important, because there are different kinds, and the ability to interpret. To become an experienced predictor, you need to do more than one alignment. Then it will be more truthful to divination. Tarot for love can now be laid out and online.

Guessing on the runes

No less popular among the mystics is the ancient European system of written signs. It's about runes. For those who want to spend fortune-telling on love at home, this is an indispensable technique. Here the symbols are simple, but cover all spheres of life. Guessing on runes for love will help those who seek advice. Unlike maps, they do not talk about the past or the future, but reveal the cause and effect to the person. Runes give the desired direction of action, because this is a system in which one is the smith of his happiness. Interpretation depends on the person questioning and the level of responsibility for their actions. Therefore, guessing on runes for love is not fatal, but is intended for those who are ready to change and fight for their happiness.

Whatever guessing draws your attention, it is necessary to remember that a person creates the reality around himself. Luck and love accompany those who are ready to give the world joy and light.

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