Health, Healthy Eating
Diet for Nursing Mothers
Young mothers who nurture a child sometimes go to extremes. Some of them begin to completely limit themselves in food, while others consume everything in succession and in any quantity. Of course, in this case it is necessary to choose the "golden mean". It is very important to understand everything in detail.
Before choosing what kind of diet for nursing mothers is required, you must first determine which foods can not be eaten while feeding the baby. These are products that can lead a child to allergic consequences: skin rashes, increased gas formation in the intestines, frequent loose stools and colic. First of all, the diet should not contain chocolate, sweets and honey. Earlier, women with breastfeeding were recommended to use walnuts to increase lactation , but this opinion is incorrect. More milk from my mother will not, but the child may have problems, a reaction to nuts is possible. For the same reason, feeding nursing mothers should not include condensed milk.
On the second place on the need to introduce restrictions are chicken, seafood and fish, including caviar. If you really want a chicken, then it must be cooked before consuming, so that more extractives remain in the broth. Therefore, the broth itself is impossible. Also, a diet for nursing mothers involves limiting the use of smoked foods, spicy foods and delicacies. A young mother needs to be very picky about vegetables and fruits. Usually in the maternity home it is immediately flooded with fruits by relatives and friends, they are right in their own way, because at that time it is necessary to restore strength. However, you can not eat all the fruits, citrus fruits (mandarins, oranges and lemons) should be excluded. Restrictions are imposed on exotic fruits: kiwi, pineapples, avocados, as well as fruits, berries and vegetables of red and orange colors.
First of all, give preference to those fruits that grow in your region. Green apples are especially useful . From vegetables, a diet for nursing mothers involves excluding tomatoes and cucumbers and switching to white cabbage and cauliflower, zucchini and potatoes. When feeding a child, it is very important to limit or even eliminate the use of whole milk. Babies often have a pronounced reaction to milk, especially if one of the parents has an allergy to cow's milk protein. Also, exclude coffee and cocoa. Eggs and fermented cheeses, such as Roquefort, can trigger an allergy. Of great importance is the way food is cooked. Cooking should be gentle. Diet for nursing mothers recommends eating steamed, baked or boiled dishes.
And now we turn to a set of products that can and even are recommended for consumption. It, first of all various dairy products without preservatives: yogurt, yogurt, yogurt without additives, bifid. It should be excluded only fermented. From meat products, use boiled low-fat pork or beef, the bird is best suited for turkey. Among the flour products suitable dry biscuits and fresh pastries, crackers, crackers and drying. Useful products for nursing mothers are, first of all, various cereal cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice and corn. When breastfeeding it is very useful to drink freshly squeezed juices and juices of home billet, mineral water without gas, tea, compote, mors, kissel. If the child is not allergic to your daily diet, you can gradually introduce new products into it. In the case of intolerance, the baby will be able to react after one or two days, so introduce new dishes should be gradually. It helps very much to keep a diary, where you need to write down all the food you eat during the day. After watching the records, you can always determine what your baby is reacting to.
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