HealthMedical tourism

Diana, 23 Years, Hobby: Extreme Tourism.

It so happened that my husband and I decided not to rest on nature, but risky conquest. Whether a rich tourist experience of parents who often went on a long trip to the taiga, watching the show "Lost", one way or another, we became addicted to the struggle for survival and I began to love extreme tourism. Of course, we try to take with us only the most necessary things: matches, a knife, a sleeping bag, a first aid kit with a minimum of medicines. From grazes and minor injuries, plantain can save, but only effective modern medicines can deal with problems more seriously, without which even the most severe campaign can not be dispensed with: painkillers, enterosorbents, cardiac agents, bandages, greens, mosquitoes, etc.

For example, we are not firsthand familiar with the problems with the stomach, from which many travelers suffer. Physicians even came up with a separate name for this scourge: diarrhea tourist. From what it can arise? Unfamiliar food, poor quality water and climate change can cause diarrhea, nausea and other unpleasant symptoms, which can help, given camping conditions, only a truly effective remedy. Many use enterosorbents, for example, activated charcoal, I took it with me until recently. He removes intoxication, but not fast enough and only in the case of taking large doses, while taking a bundle of coal is not too convenient.

The same can practically be said about the polyphepan powder. His taste is not very good. In addition, drinking powder, dissolved in water, is unpleasant - it is difficult to swallow, everything goes back, and it is uncomfortable to transport it - it all the time is scattered from the package. When I bought the medicine before the next campaign, in the drugstore I was advised to take the agent Entegnine instead of Polyphepanum. They said that this is the same substance and effectiveness as polyphepan, only in tablets. Now I only take it with me, not paying attention to other enterosorbents , the prices for which are overstated, and the effectiveness is exaggerated . In the instructions I read that it is recommended for acute forms of poisoning and other problems with the stomach and intestines, while it consists of a natural plant polymer - lignin, and not from "chemistry", so it will not cause harm to health.

Entegnin has an excellent absorbing ability, quickly absorbs harmful slags and toxins, preventing their subsequent spread to organs and tissues, and removes them from the body. Those who like to have a rest on nature in a big way should be encouraged by the fact that such enterosorbents as entegnine are a great help for alcohol poisoning and facilitate a hangover. The dose depends on the severity of the condition, but usually 2-3 tablets put me on my feet. In the morning you can collect a tent, take a backpack and back into battle!

I took Entegnin and during my pregnancy, and after that I gave the baby when he had problems with the stomach, for example, with acute food poisoning or food allergies to certain foods. It is known how the children's stomach reacts to unfamiliar food. Now we continue the family tradition, propogondiruya extreme tourism and boldly take the child with him on a campaign, knowing that we can help him.

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