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Details on how to make a stick in "Maynkraft"

Today we will discuss how to make a stick in "Maynkraft". This subject is the basis for many necessary things. Among them, weapons, torches and tools. We can say that this is the most important subject, which must be created at the start of the game.

Special Option

Immediately answer the question, which worries many lovers of exquisite things in the project "Maynkraft" - how to make a gold stick. To do this, you need a special mod and ingots of the corresponding precious metal. However, all this is not necessary at all, and at the beginning of the game it is extremely difficult to implement. Next, we will discuss simpler recipes.


So, we turn to the solution of the question, as in "Maynkraft" to make a stick of the usual kind. In order to produce such a tool, we need boards. We get them from any kind of wood. We can be in any locality or region, in this case it does not matter. Trees grow almost everywhere. The exceptions to this rule include the tundra, the plains and the desert. Immediately after getting into the virtual world we look around. We find a tree nearby and go to it. To solve the problem, how to make a stick in "Maynkraft" in case of occurrence in the tundra, desert or on a plain, it is possible, having replaced a location. We run along a straight line in an arbitrary direction. The fact is that time goes fast, and we need to find at least one tree before the dark time of the day. Without valuable blocks, the game can end already at the very beginning. If there are no sticks and wood, it is impossible to make either a tool or a weapon. Also, you will not be able to build a dwelling, get food or protect yourself from various monsters at night. If, however, the sky has darkened, we dig out in the ground a special depression in 2-3 simple units, hide there and close it with a block. This kind of shelter will save us from monsters. We are waiting for the morning and continue the way. Having found the tree, we approach it, we point the crosshairs of the "sight", pointing to one of the blocks of the trunk, and press the left mouse button. Do not release it until you can get the material. It should be noted that the range of hands is equal to three blocks. We extract the maximum amount of wood. From it we will create the first house, and also we will receive the initial materials - they will be needed to produce the necessary adaptations for life.

What are sticks used for?

So, we already know briefly how to make a stick in "Maynkraft", it remains to check this in practice. After collecting the tree, we open the inventory. Not far from the moving character model is a special field that allows you to create objects. It is small in size - 2 x 3 blocks. We put the tree in any slot, we get in the window of the result of the board. Further we put in kraft one under the other two boards and we get four sticks. At the beginning of the game, about thirty such materials are needed. Part is needed for tools, the rest for torches. To the minimum set of things needed at the beginning of the game, you can include a fishing rod, chopper, shovel, pickaxe and ax. From now on, you know how to make a stick in "Maynkraft", and for what it can be used.

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