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Details about how to make fire in "Maynkraft"

Today we will talk about how to make fire in the "Maincrafter". It can have a destructive effect. Sometimes creatures and buildings suffer from it. However, this block is necessary for certain purposes, for example, to create an armor or activate a portal to hell.


To solve the problem of how to make fire in "Maynkraft", we need an administrator's console, special fashion, hell stone, lava, fireball, lighter. First of all, we need to decide what we will use this natural element for. If a fire is needed to ignite a particular object or territory, create a lighter. We do it on a bench using two ingredients: flint and iron ingot. We get the last component, melting the corresponding ore, placing it in the furnace.

Flint can be found during the extraction of gravel, as it falls out of the accumulation of material. We find these ingredients and place them on our workbench in a special way. We place the flint in the central cell of the horizontal lower row, the iron bar - in the left slot of the middle. The created flint ignites the material that needs to be ignited, or the portal. This lighter allows only 64 uses.

Heating and trap

If the decision on how to make fire in the Maynkraft is necessary for heating the dwelling (the fireplace device) or creating traps, we go down to the Lower World. We type in the right amount of elements of infernal stone. We install it inside the fireplace, set it on fire. It will begin to burn continuously, until we knock out the flames.

In order to arrange a deadly trap against enemy creatures or other players, tear the floor into a dwelling, place a large amount of infernal stone in the indentation, cover it with other blocks and connect them to a trigger that has a lever or a pressure plate. When an outsider enters the specified place, the floor will fail, after which the character will be among the flames.

In "Maynkraft" fire can also be obtained using lava. We take a bucket and go to the mine or cave. It is here that we often find the flammable component that we need. However, with lava, one must be extremely cautious, since it can set fire to neighboring blocks. It should also be noted that the question of how to make fire in the Maynkraft can be solved by applying a ball of a gesture. For this we catch the "shell" in a bucket.


It is much harder to answer where to find the fire in the Maynkraft as a separate block. This is possible only with the use of special modifications of the game, for example, Fire or TooManyItems.

Let's sum up. Fire can be obtained with a bucket filled with lava, and in some other ways. The flame is able to set fire to blocks located at a distance of five units vertically, and also two diagonally and horizontally. If the fire is surrounded by incombustible materials, it will not spread. When the character is on fire, you can send it to the water. Fire itself extinguishes after a while, even if you do not take action to extinguish it. You can extinguish the flame by clicking on it with the left mouse button. The easiest way to ignite a fire is using a cigarette lighter.

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