Computers, Computer games
Pokemon Dratini: description, evolution, abilities
Studying the universe of Pokemon Go, you can meet quite interesting creatures, possessing strength and endurance and unique abilities and talents. In this short review we will introduce you to Pokemon Dratini. About all the features of the character, as well as the habitat, read on.
Pokemon Dratini is a water dragon. The exterior looks like a blue snake with a white belly, bright ears and huge purple eyes. He does not look particularly dangerous or evil. In length, the Pokemon Dratini reaches one hundred and eighty centimeters, with a weight of three and a half kilograms. At the first stage of development the dragon is only able to swim in the water.
The creature is effective against fire, water, electric and earth pets, but weak against dragons, steel and ice Pokémon, and fairies. Since Dratini loves water, you can find it near water bodies and rivers, on the shores of lakes, seas and oceans. During moult, the creature sheds its skin like a snake. At this point, you can find it behind large waterfalls.
Pokemon Dratini. Evolution
A pet can evolve. To reach the next stage of development, Pokemon Dratini can after 25 chocolates. In this case, the pet is transformed into Dragorara. By appearance the creature begins to resemble a rattlesnake, but still does not look evil or aggressive. At this moment the Pokemon Dratini is already able not only to swim, but also to crawl on the ground, and also to fly. In length, the pet reaches four meters with a weight of 16 kilograms. Increases and the level of attack, so that this Pokemon can be set against strong creatures.
The next stage in which the Pokemon Dratini evolves is Dragonith. This pet is included in the list of the strongest creatures in the game. In height, such a pokemon reaches more than two meters, with a weight of 200 kilograms. The dragonite inhabits near the water, but it is almost impossible to find it in the wild.
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