HomelinessPest Control

Destruction of cockroaches fog: reviews

Cockroaches are pests that adapt easily to any living conditions and multiply at the same time with lightning speed. Appearing in the apartment, such insects not only worsen the sanitary condition of the dwelling, but also contribute to the spread of dangerous to human diseases.

Ways of penetration of cockroaches

Whence and why do cockroaches appear? There are plenty of ways to infiltrate parasites into the territory of a dwelling. Insects can leave the former dwelling after harassment or go to the territory of the apartment through a garbage chute, ventilation ducts or through existing cracks. If the conditions of stay are favorable (plenty of food and drink, comfortable temperature, the presence of secluded corners), cockroaches will happily live and reproduce in a new place.

An uncleaned table, a dirty trash can, open food, a wet sink, a small puddle on the stove or a leaking faucet are factors that encourage cockroaches to settle firmly in an apartment with such "ideal" conditions.

If at home there were cockroaches

If these insects are found in the apartment, they should urgently begin to fight them. First, you need to clean up the room, after a general cleaning or a small repair. Especially it concerns kitchen, bathroom and toilet. You also need to get rid of the old rubbish, take out the trash bin daily, do not leave food on the table, dry the sink at night.

With the goal of destroying pests throughout the apartment, it is necessary to spread the crayons, scatter powders, use special aerosols and traps. However, treating the room with conventional chemicals can help for a short time; After a short time, parasites again occupy already lived space, povylaziv of crevices, air ducts, plinths and other inaccessible places. It is quite logical that after the ineffectiveness of the treatments, the question arises: "What helps from cockroaches?". What substance is capable of penetrating into the smallest cracks, settle on any surface and destroy pests, their laying eggs and larvae? This is steam. After its all-pervasive action, the apartment cockroaches do not have the slightest chance of survival.

Fog against cockroaches

Destruction of cockroaches by fog is an effective method of controlling insects in flats, which involves the use of special generators in the treated room, which, under the influence of temperature and pressure, release microparticles of a specially prepared solution into the space. The action of such modern high-tech equipment is analogous to high-power aerosol processing and can be produced both in hot and cold mode, low-toxic and completely safe for humans. A solution containing water and an insecticidal preparation turns into the smallest droplets that can penetrate into inaccessible places and settle on their surface. The effectiveness of the action for all indicators at times exceeds the use of any highly effective sprays, since it saves considerable time and effort. Instead of slowly sprinkling the working solution from a conventional atomizer, you can do the same job many times faster and of the order of magnitude better with the use of special equipment.

Destruction of cockroaches by fog: advantages

Important advantages of the treatment of infected premises with fog:

  • High penetration ability of insecticides in hard-to-reach places;
  • Instant destruction of cockroaches and other harmful insects;
  • Penetration of the active substance into hard-to-reach places;
  • The possibility of using the method in one step with the complete destruction of eggs in large premises;
  • Economy;
  • Highly effective prevention of harmful insects.

Hot way

The destruction of cockroaches by fog can be done in a cold and hot way. The action of hot mist generators is based on the principle of the work of a household kettle: the formation of a vapor from the liquid, which, when it enters the environment, cools and becomes fog. Hot this method is called because of the high temperature of the solution heated by the generator (about 70 ° C), under the influence of which the active chemicals act as powerfully as possible. The more microparticles of moisture are in the environment, the more likely the fog will penetrate into all possible shelters of insects and will surely deliver both adults and eggs. Completely hot mist settles only after 10 hours.

Principle of operation of hot mist

The principle of hot processing consists in spraying the insecticidal composition, which under the influence of the ambient temperature turns into hot particles of steam and penetrates into all hard-to-reach corners. The stable invisible film formed on the surfaces when it comes into contact with an insect infects it with an insecticide, which in turn infects its population and dies.

Destruction of cockroaches by hot fog is a method, one of the advantages of which is the duration of the action: the settled particles of the insecticide kill the cockroaches for a rather long period. A hot mist used to completely destroy cockroaches in the house, according to the reviews of many tenants apartments also:

  • Prevents formation of mold and fungus;
  • Protects against a variety of harmful insects;
  • Reduces the number of pathogens present in the air.

Spheres of hot mist application

To date, hot steam treatment is used for:

  • Disposal of pests (fleas, cockroaches, ticks, bugs) in enclosed spaces and in open spaces;
  • Destruction of a variety of viruses in places of mass congestion (for example, in public transport);
  • Removal of bad odors.

According to reviews of residents of apartments that have entered into the fight against cockroaches, it is not recommended to open the room for a 100% result within 2 hours after the treatment.

Against cockroaches - a cold fog

The destruction of cockroaches by cold fog is based on the decomposition of the working solution into microparticles, the temperature of which is similar to the temperature of the external environment. The drops of cold mist thrown out under pressure have a slightly larger size than that of hot steam, so they do not warm up and correspond to the temperature of the surrounding space. Microparticles first rush to the top, then go down, completely fill the internal space and stay in the air for 3-4 hours from the time of processing.

When filling the room with a cold mist, in order to avoid too much humidity in it, you must follow the manufacturer's instructions carefully. The destruction of cockroaches by cold fog, the reviews of which still indicate the need to lower the level of humidity before processing, does not allow the flooding of floors and furniture. The settling droplets of the sprayed preparation do not leave stains and traces on the textiles.

Trust the professionals

The destruction of cockroaches by fog, which is confirmed by the high effectiveness of this method, is recommended to entrust to organizations professionally engaged in disinfection and disinsection of premises. Of course, this method of getting rid of insects does not cause special difficulties, and you can conduct it yourself. True, special equipment will be required for this, the acquisition of which for the purpose of one-time processing is unlikely to be economically justified. Household models of generators are commercially available, but only for treating the premises with a cold fog. The hot melt spraying devices are manufactured exclusively for industrial applications.

Cold and hot fog: differences

What is the difference between hot and cold mist treatment? And which of these methods is the most effective? In the fight against cockroaches, both methods show a high result. The difference is in the size of the particles formed. In hot fog - 5-30 microns, for cold fog - 30-80 microns. Also, the rate of precipitation of the active substance is different, which, when heated, is lower than in cold processing. Destruction of cockroaches by fog is recommended to be carried out only by inspected insecticides. The remedy should not only be highly effective, not to have an unpleasant persistent smell, but also relatively safe for the occupants of the room. Optimum in disposing of an apartment from cockroaches are insecticides "Carbofos", "Chlorophos", "Pyrethrum", "Microfos".

Recommendations before processing

According to people who used the method of hot and cold steam, before processing it is recommended:

  • Remove all products from the open space, carefully pack dishes and personal hygiene products;
  • To move furniture away from the walls;
  • Remove paintings and carpets from the walls;
  • Computers and electrical appliances covered with polyethylene or a dense cloth;
  • Close the grilles leading to the apartment ventilation hatches, which will prevent the migration of cockroaches from neighboring premises;
  • Seal any gap in any way;
  • Spend a wet cleaning.

For the treatment period, people and existing domestic animals should be removed from the premises. If one of the tenants decides to control the work of the disinfector, he should wear a respirator and overalls.

After fog treatment

After processing, when the droplets of the active substance completely settle, it will be necessary to ventilate all the rooms. For an ordinary apartment, fresh air should be available for at least 1-2 hours. Then you will need to dispose of the products that have been processed, wipe with a soap solution of the place to which the tenants of the room constantly touch: door handles, chairs, table tops, a dining table, a sink, a stove. In order to give the substance time to act, within 10 days after disinfestation it is not recommended to wash floors; Washing of walls and skirting boards can be organized 3 weeks after the cockroaches have been destroyed by hot mist. The testimonies indicate that the processing of an apartment using a generator is very convenient, since it allows the effective destruction of parasites in a short time.

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