
The right wheel - pluses and minuses

Just want to draw attention to the reader - this article was written two years ago, when they began to seriously talk about the adoption of those regulations that hamper the sale of right-hand drive vehicles in Russia. But they made it impossible to import buses with right-hand drive, so the owners of right-hand drive breathed out with relief.

I was looking forward to whether the right wheel in Russia would be banned. If this happened, the Japanese would probably have altered the direction of the movement in their country so as not to lose such a market ...

Noise insulation, reliability, quality, comfort in Japanese cars is better than in cars of some manufacturers, this can not be argued.

The first and main argument - if the car has the right steering wheel - the accident rate is higher. Interestingly, but in England with this statement will agree?

Of course, let's say, right-hand drive cars make up about 100% of the total number of cars. For example, in Japan. There are more of them and therefore they are more likely to participate in road accidents.

The second argument - a review of the counter strip when driving along the highway on right-handed machines is worse.

I want to make an amendment - not worse, but another. For example, when driving on a straight road without turning it is really difficult to overtake the car ahead. At the curves of the road (and there are many more such roads in Russia than roads without bends), the survey can be done from the side of the road. I agree, it's uncomfortable, but you get used to it.

Even taking this minus into account, I want to note the following: but in serious accidents on the trails, drivers of left-hand cars also get. Paradox?! No, they just jump out to overtake, and the car's power is not always enough to finish it in time. So maybe the reason is not in the review?

The third argument is optics made for Japanese roads. Well, here you can not pass the technical inspection, and if you do not change the lights to the Russian roads, it's uncomfortable to drive by yourself.

But these are not so serious drawbacks, as, for example, the level of constructive safety of some cars of other manufacturers. In whose interests, actually and tried to cover the import of right-hand drive vehicles.

And now I will write about positive arguments, in my opinion, quite significant.

The first argument. When using a car with a right-hand drive and exit to the oncoming lane (the reason for leaving to the oncoming lane is not discussed now) in the event of an accident the driver has a chance to remain without serious injuries a little higher than on a car with a left rudder. I myself saw how in such accidents, even at a relatively low speed, drivers break a rudder chest, and legs are injured on the dashboard. If they jump out to meet the right-hand drive car, the result is the same - in the event of an accident the driver has a chance to stay alive a little higher than on the left-hand drive car.

The second argument. If you need to stop at the curb, in places not equipped with a special pocket - parked along the road from the right side of the road, in fact, you can immediately open the door from the driver's side and go out onto the sidewalk, not missing the flow of cars, as it is for the left-handers. On the left hand driver, there is a chance to fly with the door.

The third argument. The price of a right-hand drive in the same class is slightly lower than the price of a car with a left-hand drive.

Well, changing the right-handed Japanese to a Russian car or a European car of Russian assembly is a private matter for everyone ... Maybe I'm not a patriot, but so far I have a relative freedom of choice ...

Although ... read the new technical regulations. VIN must consist of 17 digits, and in Japan it consists of 11 digits ...

Conclusion, made by me in accordance with the technical regulations: Japanese cars should not travel on Russian roads because they do not comply with the requirements of the Russian technical regulations, not because they have a rudder on the right, but because they have VIN SKIP !!!!

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