HealthDiseases and Conditions

Dermatitis. Treatment, prevention, symptoms.

Dermatitis is a skin disease that manifests itself in the form of inflammation. Most often, it is due to external stimuli.

Dermatitis can be acute and chronic. This skin irritation can cause both chemical, biological and physical causes.

In acute dermatitis, there are three stages of the disease:

  1. Erythematous.

  2. Vesiculous.

  3. Necrotic.

Erythematous dermatitis

Treatment consists in protecting the hit on the affected skin with an external stimulus. Wounds should be treated with indifferent powders. Vesicles that become inflamed with dermatitis must be opened and treated with special aniline paints. Symptom is blood edema.

Vesicular dermatitis

Therapy is also to get rid of the external stimulus. At this stage, cold compresses should be applied to the affected skin. Symptoms: bubbles appear, which eventually wither, and in their place appears a sinking wound.

Necrotic dermatitis

Treatment of this stage is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor at a hospital in a hospital. Symptoms: the death of the affected cells.

If a person has very tender and sensitive skin, then dermatitis can appear from washing powder, from cosmetics, perfumes. Such a dermatitis is called allergic. This ecthima has a development period of up to one week.

Allergic dermatitis

Treatment consists in proper nutrition, use of antiallergic drugs, in fencing contact with animals, the use of special creams.

Depending on the physical impact, there is actinic or, as it is also called, sun dermatitis. Treatment is prescribed by a doctor. At such defeat doctors advise to use boric ointment and nicotinic acid, and also to limit time of stay under the sun.

This inflammation arises from prolonged radiation of ultraviolet rays, from UV heaters, and also from ionizing radiation.

With increased sensitivity of the skin, there may appear vesicles that go to the stage of necrosis (cell necrosis).

How to treat dermatitis? Treatment with folk remedies

It is recommended to limit water procedures, and the best thing is to refuse bathing during treatment. Although you can use trays of medicinal herbs. An excellent medicinal product is a plant - Veronica officinalis. Every day you need to pour the crushed grass with boiling water, insist for more than two hours and wipe the affected areas. You need to apply several times a day.

Treatment of dermatitis with pear leaves. Young and dry pear leaves are poured into an enamel saucepan ½ boiling water, put on fire and boiled for 5 minutes. Then you need to give the cook to cool and do the lotions every 30 minutes.

Remember - it's important! Every day you need to prepare a fresh fresh broth.

But the people say: "Self-treatment sometimes harms your health." So it's best to consult a doctor before using any medications, ointments, tinctures and other medications. And remember: your health is only in your hands.

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