Hobby, Needlework
Dense crochet patterns: schemes, description and scope
The statement that learning to crochet is easier than knitting is very controversial. However, there is no doubt that the hook opens much more possibilities. For many knitters, mastering the skills of crocheting greatly simplifies the performance of more scheduled work.
Dense patterns
Despite the fact that crocheting is primarily associated with airy ruffles, there are situations when one can not do without a continuous cloth. In such cases it turns out that it is not so easy to find crocheted patterns with patterns.
If you need to make opaque knitted items, you can apply knitting needles, but this option does not always work. The canvas made with knitting needles is thinner and more elastic. In addition, tightly knit this tool a thin thread is very uncomfortable and long.
What is needed for dense ornaments
Based on practice, you can specify the scope of continuous patterns, designed for crocheting:
- Making of warm clothes. Winter hats, mittens, sweaters, dresses - all this should be linked without extra holes and sweatshirts.
- Scarves. This garment is made a separate item, as for scarves we need double-sided dense patterns by hook (the schemes are suggested below).
- Interior items. Blankets, blankets, rugs, some models of pillows need a continuous canvas through which the lining is not visible.
- Swimsuits and opaque elements of lace dresses.
- In order to "dilute" the fishnet pattern. Sometimes the combination of several rows of azhur mixed with a dense pattern allows you to create a new unique pattern.
Specificity of yarn selection for solid patterns
Most types of yarns are suitable to knit tight crocheted patterns. Schemes are often designed for yarns with a thickness of about 350-400 m / 100 grams. This should be taken into account if the thread chosen for knitting is significantly different in thickness from this number.
Too much yarn will cause the fabric to become coarse, too tight and stiff. In addition, when knitting such products creates a large load on the fingers and they can hurt. To avoid unpleasant consequences and still use a thick thread, you can apply a large hook (7 or more) and try to knit freely.
A thread with parameters greater than 400 m / 100 grams refers to thin. For example, the thickness of mercerized cotton is 560 m / 100 grams. Knitting of solid patterns with such a thread requires the use of a very thin hook (from 0.9 mm) and tight knitting. Otherwise, the bound fabric will be laced and will not perform its function.
Crochet: dense patterns. Schemes from the category must have
Elementary solid patterns are formed by the combination of different columns. This can be a traditional smooth surface, including columns without a crochet (RLS) or columns with a crochet (CCP). The peculiarity of such patterns is the absence of air loops (VP). An example is the ornament in the photo below.
And in this modified pattern there is already a VP and an element of azhur.
Dense crocheted patterns, the schemes of which are presented later, are also based on CCH. This technique allows you to create a really dense canvas. The essence of the method is that the upper part of the column of the previous row is used as the basis for volumetric COS, but its main part. The hook starts behind the CLS and the thread extends beyond it.
So knit convex CLS.
Zigzag dense crocheted patterns: description and diagram
Wavy patterns are very convenient for making continuous fabrics. Such ornaments are formed by one principle: the addition of loops at the peak of the wave and the reduction of the same number of loops in the hollow. Zigzags have their own specifics and features:
- Zigzag dense patterns are difficult to cut, they create difficulties when knitting a pattern (the hoses of sleeves, the neck, the relief for the waist). Best of all, the waves are suitable for knitting flat fabrics.
- To properly calculate the loops, you need to knit a fairly large sample, since a fully wavy pattern is formed after tying about 5 cm of cloth.
- It is necessary to strictly observe the number of added and shortened loops in each row. Ignoring such calculations leads to a gradual change in the proportions of the wave.
Wavy dense crochet patterns, patterns and pattern are given below, can be with minor holes in the canvas (as in the diagram).
Dense openwork patterns
There are such patterns for crocheting, which can be called intermediate between openwork and solid.
This category includes most of the patterns crocheted, which are considered continuous. Unfortunately, for a swimsuit or a skirt they do not fit, but for other products will be irreplaceable. Especially good are the canvases associated with the use of angora and such dense eddies. The lightness of the pattern does not burden the model, and the fibers of the angora yarn provide heat.
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