
Deep seal - in the mysterious depths of printed forms

Today, the seals are in a state of continuous development. New technologies are being introduced, innovative (mainly laser) methods for engraving printed cylindrical forms are being developed. New types of printing machines are being created, improved and already successfully applied. Deep printing is almost the most productive option, ensuring the highest quality of any prints, regardless of their format.

Despite the rather rapid development of competitive methods and, without exaggeration, the "golden age" that polygraphy is experiencing now, the press in its deepest way remains topical. This species occupies a very strong position in the production of various souvenir and promotional products, large-scale circulations of packaging containers for confectionery, flour and other products.

Particularly strong position is occupied by a profound seal in that segment of production where it is necessary to perform cold gluing, which can not be done on flexographic machines. The main consumers of such printing products are large food concerns, which make chocolate bars, pills, ice cream, etc. Also actively use this service companies wishing to decorate their logo with various stationery and household items.

Deep printing, thanks to the organic synthesis of modern printing machines and the latest printing materials with innovative printing technology, has a huge potential for increasing the economy and flexibility of technical processes. And this contributes to the receipt of even not quite traditional printed products, the necessity of which is dictated by the current economic conditions.

Despite a wide variety of printing techniques (offset, flat, screen, high, direct printing, etc.), it is the gravure printing method that allows you to achieve the highest quality reproduction of design ideas. Such an accurate transfer of various artistic nuances, tiny dots, strokes and fonts became possible due to the use of high-tech printed cylindrical forms, manufactured by the method of electromechanical engraving. At the same time, unavoidable rasterization of the fonts occurs, since the jumpers separating the image elements serve as support for the squeegee (an elastic steel strip designed to remove excess ink from the blank element of the printing cylinders) of the printing machine.

For several decades, in the manufacture of printed forms, preference was given to electromechanical engraving with a diamond cutter. This technology was a high quality standard. However, now, in the light of the latest scientific and technological achievements, this technology is being replaced by laser systems. Such a modern approach allows to achieve almost phenomenal quality of printing products, as well as speed up the technological process and reduce production costs.

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