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Cypress beetle Bulevard: description, care and reviews

The interest of landscape designers and simple gardeners to coniferous trees and shrubs is now greater than ever. Evergreen needles and a variety of sizes, decorative forms give a wide scope for choice. One of the most popular representatives of this category is the hippocampus Bulyavard. Planting and caring for him is quite simple and not burdensome, which allows using the plant in a variety of qualities: solitary planting, hedge, rock garden, etc. Do not confuse it with cypress. From its southern counterpart, the cypress is distinguished by branches located in the same plane, small cones and high frost resistance. The latter feature, in particular, explains its high prevalence in England.

Chick-pea beetle Bulevard: description

Cypresses belong to the same family of the Cypress family. These are woody plants of various heights, slowly growing, with characteristic needles. They are endemic to the Japanese islands, that is, anywhere in the world in a natural environment, cypresses do not occur. Prefer well-moistened soil. Wood is characterized by high quality indicators. A large number of varieties have been identified. One of the most famous and widespread is the Bulevard cypress tree, the description of which is given below.

The tree is supposedly a shootable mutation of the Squarrosa form. In height, the plant reaches 5 or more meters, but it grows rather slowly, especially at a young age. The annual increase is about 10 cm. However, due to this, for a long period of time retains high decorativeness. The shape of the crown is symmetrical, pinnacular. Needles are stiliform, up to 5-6 cm long, at the ends of shoots has a characteristic bend inward. The color of the cypress is silver-blue, in winter it often acquires a gray shade.

Choosing a place for a tree

The Bulevard Bulevard is a typical plant of the coastal wet climate. In this regard, it is extremely bad for dry air and lack of moisture. Such regions as Astrakhan, Saratov, Volgograd Oblast, etc., will not be suitable for it. It should receive at least 400 mm of natural precipitation during the summer season, in case of lack they will have to water the tree.

Cypress quickly depletes its forces in a shady and dry place, which very often leads to the death of the plant. It is not necessary to place it near large trees whose roots extend over a large area. The best cypress grows on a sunny bright spot with fertile and sufficiently moist soil. But at the same time, the stagnation of moisture and the proximity of groundwater to the plant is contraindicated, especially it is sensitive to these factors in the spring. Take the gently sloping western and southern slopes protected from the wind.

Soil for cypress

As already mentioned above, Bulevard cypress prefers fertile soils, moist and at the same time well drained, without stagnation of water. Ideal for the plant soil should have a pH of 4.5-5.2. This is easily achieved by introducing into the soil the necessary amount of peat. Before planting, it is best to prepare a balanced suitable soil in which the tree will develop several years. For this, it is necessary to take turf ground, sand and peat in a ratio of 1: 1: 2 and fill the mixture with a landing pit. The round-bar circle when planting on a slope should be formed in the form of a shallow funnel, so that it is convenient to water the cypress tree.

Timing and technology of planting

It is important to know some peculiarities of growing a plant, choosing for its garden a cypress Bulevard. Planting and caring are the primary issues that should be studied in advance. The most optimal time for planting is early spring, when the plants have not yet moved into active growth, but the soil has already warmed sufficiently after the winter. The landing pit should be prepared from autumn. Its optimum dimensions are 90 and 60 cm depth and width, respectively. Do not forget about the drainage "pillow" at least 20 cm high at the bottom of the landing pit. For these purposes, you can use large gravel, broken brick and expanded clay. Top the previously prepared substrate and leave it in this form for the winter. By spring, the soil will settle, will perepreet and warm up faster.

When planting the Bulevard cypress tree, just like any other one, you need to raise it slightly so that the root neck is 10-20 cm above the ground level. The soil will necessarily settle and it will be necessary to pour it. Seedling for the first time tie up to the pedestal and cover the circumferential circle with chips or peat.

In case of planting several specimens of the cypress, leave a distance of at least one meter between them, since the root system of the plant grows in a horizontal plane, close to the surface.

Kiparisovik Boulevard: care - watering and sprinkling

The main aspect of caring for cypress is regular and abundant watering, maintaining the necessary level of soil moisture. The plant is extremely sensitive to hot and dry weather. Weekly watering of the tree involves the introduction of one copy of about 10 liters of water. If the climate is hot and very dry, then it should be done several times a week. Only under such conditions the plant will please beautiful openwork blue-green branches and high decorative.

It would be superfluous to spray or, in other words, to sprinkle a cypress tree. Conduct it in the early morning hours or after sunset, so that the plant had time to dry by night. Lowering the temperature in the evening and excess moisture can provoke fungal and bacterial diseases.

After watering, it is necessary to remove the weeds around the tree trunk in time and loosen the soil.

Fertilizing fertilizers

The first application of complex mineral and organic fertilizers can be made 2-3 months after planting the seedling. The concentration of drugs should be less than twice as high as recommended for an adult plant. Otherwise, you can burn the young roots and damage the fragile tree.

An adult Bulevard cypress is fed with a mineral complex fertilizer from the spring to the middle of July, the frequency is two times a month. Experienced gardeners recommend using a special preparation for conifers of the brand "Kemira". It is sprinkled in a circumferential circle and embedded in the soil. Top dressing is stopped from the middle of summer, so that the plant has time to prepare for the winter.

Trimming a tree

The process of caring for a cypress in any variety also includes its regular pruning. For the first time the procedure is carried out early in the spring, pruning the frozen tips of branches, damaged shoots and withered ones. Such pruning will be called sanitary. Besides it, in the spring it is possible to make the forming, giving the crown of a tree the desired shape.

In autumn, the growth of the current year is cut by one-third of the total length. Crohn from this will be more dense. The formation of the plant should begin no earlier than a year after planting or transplanting the plant.

Diseases and pests

The variety Boulevard, like other cypress trees, is quite resistant to various diseases and pests. However, sometimes due to errors in care, weather conditions, etc., the tree can hit a spider mite, scutes. Of diseases, there is a possibility of development of root rot.

A sign of the appearance of a spider mite can be yellowing and falling of needles, since the insect literally sucks out all the juices from it. The output is repeated treatment of the plant with insecticides such as "Nissorana", "Apollo", "Neoron", etc. Shields also feed on the juice of the plant. The drug "Nuprid" is considered effective. If the extent of the infection is too great and the process is out of control, then it is best to cut down the tree and burn it to prevent the spread of pests to other specimens.

Root rot is the result of stagnant water in the roots. Therefore, it is so important to organize a drainage layer when planting. If a queen has signs of this disease, then it is urgently necessary to dig it, cut off the roots to a healthy tissue, treat it with a fungicidal drug and transplant it to another place, observing all the rules.

Cypress in the garden

The Bulevard Bulevard in landscape design is a very popular tree. It is appreciated for the beauty of smooth greenish-blue shoots with a silvery tint, as well as resistance to diseases and pests, frost resistance. The tree is grown in the gardens of Siberia and the Urals, though with proper shelter in the winter.

Especially well this coniferous plant looks in a stony garden. Beautiful southern and western slopes, flower beds, adapted to the natural landscape of the site, alpine hills - cypress grows slowly, so it will be the best decoration for them. Large and smooth boulders of a reddish-brown color perfectly set off the beauty of its needles. Minimalism and simplicity, which are always appreciated in design.

Good neighbors cypress will be other representatives of coniferous trees and shrubs. For example, ground cover varieties of juniper, pyramidal and globular thuia, etc.

Gardeners and landscape designers appreciate this kind of cypress. In their reviews, they primarily note two of its main qualities - high decorative and frost resistance, which allows significantly expand the zones of use of the plant. According to gardeners, the main difficulty with cypress grows only in terms of watering, which, however, is easily remediable. Also note its fairly good durability. At least 10 years the plant will please you with its view in the garden, without losing its decorativeness.

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