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"Crisis 3": passing the game. The most complete guide to the passage of the game Crysis 3

In recent years there have been not so many truly resonant interesting games. Many modern projects - a typical "stamping", which does not cause any emotions. It's quite another matter - "Crisis 3"! Passage of it, despite the strict linearity, really carries away. However, judge for yourself!

Immediately make a digression. Yes, Crysis often does not allow a broad study of the territory, but this is not the game "Dino Crisis 3", the passage of which on such research is built! Our task is to get as much adrenaline as possible in exciting fights!

30th Gate, New York

A certain armed team, headed by a colorful Psycho, frees the Prophet. Actually, for it you will play. By the way, only the Prophet had a suit. The rest of the team members had such a useful piece of equipment requisitioned by CELL. We get a pistol, we rise after the partner to the second floor, after which we wind on the weapon a muffler. What else will Crisis 3 offer? Passage should continue in the same silent mode.

As soon as the door opens, you must turn on the camouflage mode and gently go left. Before the control panel we see the enemy, which is silently eliminated. After that, you need to go down, go straight and right, after which we will have a ventilation shaft. Choose on it, open the door at the other end of the aisle and let the Psycho in. Together with him you go down. Continue the passage of the game "Crisis 3".

Getting onions

We get our main weapon, that is, the bow. He has a wide range of arrows, each type is suitable for solving specific problems. We go to an even lower level, open the next door on the list. Gently destroy that enemy, which is to our right, and then we'll kill the man behind the control panel. We go to the next location. There is a locked door, the opening of which is done as a mini-game. Be careful, as with any error, the time is reduced!

In general, the complete passage of "Crisis 3" (despite the criticism caused by its linearity) is often able to cause the desire to go through the game repeatedly, because in many places there are "crossroads" on which decisions can be made, on which the ending depends directly.

And again we will have to go down. At this time, the Psycho, justifying his nickname, comes to an evil disposition of the spirit, since he really misses the taken away costume. Then we have to choose with which enemies to crack down first: on the upper or lower level. After that, we go to a new entrance, and this time, similar to the above described method, we break the control panel on the left. If you do not quite understand the algorithm of hacking, we recommend you look through the passage of "Crisis 3" with Karn, where this moment is separately and detailed.

We pass through two large locations, which are protected by automatic turrets: they can also be hacked, so they should not bring you big trouble. In general, "Crisis 3", the passage of which is described in the article, offers players many similar mini-quests. Over time, you get used to them and begin to decide "on the machine."

By the way, it's better to do this, because after your intervention they will mow the CELL fighters. We go out again to the Psycho and finally go upstairs. We see that under the protective dome appeared the real jungle, formed due to the active use of alien technologies.

Pennsylvania Railway Station, New York

In the wall there is a niche with a set of upgrades: we take it out and make improvements to our costume. After we got outside, we reach the minefield. By turning on the visor, we render harmless those mines over which the red skull "flies". Couple with the Psycho break the door and quickly climb up. The psycho remains and marks the goals. You jump off and take turns visiting all the places that were marked by a partner.

Since the territory is guarded by watchtowers, as often as possible use disguise and constantly use all available shelters. If you are noticed, you will have to "make your legs" as soon as possible. At that moment it is extremely necessary to immediately activate the armor, otherwise you will get a huge loss of health to the hero. Having reached the farthest point of the park, we finally find a killer alien sniper rifle, with which we easily cut off all the watchtowers.

By the way, "Crisis 3", the passage of which we describe, offers players much less weapons than it was in the previous two parts. In principle, fans of "stealth" here is much easier, since you can use only one onion. The rest of the gamers will have to get used to the idea that the cartridges in these parts are a scarce enough thing. Of course, this is more about high levels of complexity, but still.

So the first stage of Crisis 3 ends. The passage (part 1, of course) was simple enough, but it will be much more difficult then, so get ready for the hot battles!

The further way

After this, you can completely neutralize the minefield and go towards the lake. It is better to use electric arrows: if such a shoot at a time when there are several enemies in the water at once, then for certain it will be possible to "put" several of them at once.

We reach the motorway, under it we find the Psycho. Important! Before you jump off the road, you must activate the armor. We go through the sewers, we open the door in the technical passage ... and hear the voices of the enemies who are waiting for us ahead.

We turn left and stomp around, leaving enemies with a nose. And again you will get a watchtower, which is best to be hacked. We move to the other side of the location, we get on the railway tracks. In general, the passage of "Crisis 3" is unlikely to give you a lot of problems in terms of where to go: as we said, the game is very linear, goes "on the rolled".

Neutralization of enemies

To get over to the partner, you need to speed up and pinch the jump button. You need to jump over the obstacle and get to the door, while the Psyche will follow the upper path. Here we are faced with an unpleasant surprise in the form of stalkers, who lurk in the grass. To resist them, you will have to activate your armor. Again we go to the sewer.

Before the traps, there is a small lapel to the right: turn into it if you want to replenish your stock of arrows. Again we go to the turrets, according to old memory we reprogram them. After that, you can safely break the door and climb up. What else has the "Crisis III" prepared for us?

Nothing good there does not wait: there are a lot of enemies all over the territory, and in the center there is a military turret. It is best to walk carefully on the left side and one by one to destroy the adversaries of the bow. Do not get carried away: you need to constantly use cover, because otherwise you instantly disappear under the fire of the turret. Going to the other side of the location, go upstairs, find the stairs and go down. Outside, the stalkers are in full swing, and some reptile interferes and makes it impossible to trace the state of the costume.

A small plot digression: if you are a fan of the game, and you are interested in a really interesting "Crisis 3", the passage in Russian is not for you. Unfortunately, the translation does not reveal all the details of the characters and the plot's vicissitudes in all its details, so it is recommended that connoisseurs get acquainted with the English version (if language skills are allowed, of course).

Carefully take a closer look: somewhere in the distance a red light flashes, which is the source of interference. We go to him, incidentally with all his strength fighting off the enemy. It is best to go from above, along the roofs of the cars. Not far from the malicious blocker is a barrel: we shoot at it, it explodes and destroys the device. Note that the passage of the game "Crisis 3", despite the linearity of the latter, rarely offers such "pianos in the bushes": as a rule, to destroy something, still need a charge of explosives.

After that, we follow to the cliff where we finally see the Psycho. Hiding behind a stationary device, gently destroy the enemies approaching you. After a couple of minutes their flow weakens and you can follow the Psycho. Since the gate is closed, you have to stomp on the rails, getting to the tank. We push it and with comfort we rush along the tunnel. Enemies can shoot, but not necessarily.

Nassau Street, Financial District, New York

We reach the haven where we meet with Claire, as well as with Rash. Down we go down, we follow the Psycho and together with it we jump higher. Squatting through the wreckage. So we get to the elevator, the door of which must be opened by a partner. First you have to jump into the first cabin, from it - into the second, only after that you finally get down. Just in time: from the helicopter the CELL employees will land with might and main. Carefully we select from the left flank to the dam, after which we get inside through the main entrance.

Diversions in generator

Since there are lasers on all thresholds, it is necessary to activate the masking mode before passing through. We open the elevator door, slowly climb up. The elevator stops. It is necessary to wait a little, and then to get out through a small hatch. Once out of the corridor through the ventilation shaft, destroy the enemies in the location.

Having cracked the next control panel, we pass further along the dam, keeping the way to the generator. We go on the right, not forgetting before that to break one more control panel. After this, you can go down, along the way destroying the enemy fighters. Having brought down the generator, we jump into the water and go to the south generator. You can not go upstairs, because at that time an enemy helicopter is arriving there. We go and go, until we see the mine, lifting along which will lead you straight to the generator. Again, we commit an act of vandalism and quickly rise to the top.

Again we go on the ventilation shaft, we reach the marked place, we establish there a good charge of explosives and we leave from the dam.

Path in the swamp

The terrain from above is flooded, but this should not stop you on the way to the collection point. You will meet opponents, but there will be relatively few. Having reached the island, first of all we track down and destroy the sniper, because otherwise it can greatly complicate our life. Go to the narrow passage: the stream of water that rushes along it will in any case lead to the desired goal. Gently sneak up to the complex, and then we go around it on the left side. Then you need to jump into the ubiquitous sewer system, in order to penetrate it inside the complex.

Do not forget that in these parts in all corners of the mines are scattered, which must be neutralized. Using the lift, we rise to the upper level, and there we again look for the course down. After descending, we adjust the pair of terminals and restore the air pressure in the system.

Important! To get to the second one, you have to jump on the blocks. Right after that, an automatic turret will rise, and therefore quickly activate the armor and rush towards the central lift. Climbing up, eliminate all the enemies and produce a Nexus trip.

So ends the passage of "Crisis 3", part 2. It's time for new achievements!

Delancey Street, Chintown, New York

While enemy fighters quietly (and one by one) pacing the streets, you can carefully shoot them from the bow. For this fascinating activity we are caught by the news about the launch of a certain "Sunrise of the Scarlet Star". At this moment we notice that three enemies separated from the main group of the enemy. The most prone is hit by a carbon arrow, and the two remaining ones are killed by launching an electric shot into the water along which they go. We move to the next zone on the left side of the street, along the way destroying all enemies on the way.

Here we are met by a whole bunch of mines. Having neutralized them, we climbed into the extension and climbed up. We find the passage to another building. Then you need to climb up the stairs, find the door, break it and get out. Here we will meet for the first time in the whole game cephalon infantrymen. After you destroy them, you need to go to the building from which the furious arsonist breaks out. Finally, you will meet with a worthy opponent, who proposes to win the passing of the game "Crisis 3". Part of the way was pretty easy, but from now on you'll have to sweat!

New discoveries

Attention! It is necessary to seize the moments and fire solely on its red part, which most of the time is hidden under a strong armor. To disable it for a few seconds, you can crack the arsonist.

Having finished with it, we get out through the building on the other side of the street, where you can find a whole cluster of the same arsonists. You do not need to join them in battle. Go to the right side of the street and head towards the lab where you are taking off your costumes. On the way, you must hack the flyers, otherwise they will raise the alarm as soon as they find you. Arriving at the laboratory, lower the bridge at the elevator. Here you will again meet with the Psycho.

We get down on the elevator down and follow the ubiquitous partner. We are looking for the last update for the suit and finally unblock it. Incidentally, we find out that it was Claire who participated in the removal of the ill-fated suit from the Psycho. As you can see, there are interesting plot twists in Crisis 3 as well. Passage (part 3) will give us answers to all the remaining questions!

Pearl Street, Two Bridges, New York

So, soon we learn that the very "Sunrise of the Star" is nothing more than the planned destruction of New York. We leave on the roof of the building, along the red pipes we make our way further. Near the "transportation of the brain" we destroy all the cefs that we met. We find a hologram, for a few seconds we appear before the enemies in the image of Alpha Ceph, after which they fall behind us. Unfortunately, the real Boss appears only after a couple of seconds, after which they pounce on you with renewed vigor.

While you are behind shelters, be sure to select an alien weapon! The fact is that at this time the energy reserve of your costume for a time ceases to be depleted.

Helping Claire

Going forward, we encounter numerous CEFs and fighters. Having beaten off some of them, we rush to the aid of Claire.

Go outside and jump down, pre-activating the suit armor. Try to shoot enemy transports and lonely fighters from a long distance, without wasting the energy of the costume. For these fascinating deeds, you will not notice how you get to the command center of the Archangel. Of course, you have to crack the gate and get inside.

First it is necessary to get close to the control circuit and neutralize the combat turrets. Then we find explosives at the location and destroy all the equipment. What else does Crisis 3 prepare for us? The final is close, and therefore we are waiting for even more exciting and dangerous tasks!

We go to the control room. Since the enemies managed to lift the bridge, it is necessary to get back up and activate the control panel. We pass on and we meet with the right team, which should help us prevent the cataclysm. We almost finished "Crisis 3" (passing). Alpha Cephas is the only Boss that has stayed in your way. It's time to destroy him!

Under the Plaza of Columbus, New York

Going a little further, you will find yourself in a confined space. We'll have to pick up a single pistol and go ahead. There we fall into the water, but we have to climb even lower. We get into the cave and continue walking straight. It is better to mark enemies in advance, so it will be much easier to destroy them. Then neutralize the minefield and crack the military turret, which is on the right side. Immediately after that, there are numerous cephalos, so a friendly turret will be very handy.

On the left side (just above the floor) there is a passage. Zaprygivayem there and go into the cave. Having got out on the other side, we jump down. Again we meet the turret and we are engaged in its "domestication". Picking up the transport system of the brain of cephalic acid, we find mines and reprogram them.

Do not forget to select a powerful alien weapon: after all, we almost finished the passage of the game "Crisis 3"! The finale promises to be hot, and therefore additional weapons will not interfere. Again we move along the left side, getting to the last point of transportation of cef brain. We reach the wormhole and finally close it.

The Last Scramble

Preparing for the final fight with Alfa-cef. It is important to fire on the head, in time hiding behind massive shelters during the return fire. As soon as Cef tries to pull you to him, quickly and often click on the button whose name appears on the monitor. In periods of calmness, we retreat back and destroy the approaching enemies.

Be sure to look for red capsules, as they help for a short time to become immune to enemy attacks! Again and again we repeat the cycle until we wait for the surrender of Alfa-ceph.

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