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Counting is ... Types of rasskolok

To understand what counters are, you need to know their history. The roots of counting go back to distant times. Then there were no washing machines, harvesters, modern threshers and so on. The work was hard. Everything was done with the hands and primitive tools of labor. Moreover, some works were even dangerous for health and life. But it was necessary to do the work. Who will do this? Volunteers can not find. Therefore, they began to devise a way to distribute the work in a fair way, without offending the others. A remarkable oral folk art - counters here have found their birth, and application in real life. They can be called boldly, not an individual genre of Russian literature, but applied, for the fulfillment of a practical, clear goal-the distribution of work.

Illiterate people, unable to explain the phenomena of nature and its laws, interpreted everything in their own way. They tried to protect themselves from misfortunes and misfortunes. Fear of the unknown has given rise to secret and incomprehensible words in the counters. People came to the conclusion that nature did to people both good and evil. It was imagined that animals could understand human speech. Belief in the power of words transformed counting into a real spell.

Time passed, the laws of nature became clear, the tools of labor were improved, and the count became harmless, even cheerful. They are loved by children and used before games or simply uttered, because they liked the counters.

The value of the counters

The scroll is a rhymed verse composed of fictitious consonances and words, with an accurate rhythm that is adhered to.

With the help of the counters, the roles for different games are distributed fairly and clearly among the children. It is also used to turn the queue for the start of a new fascinating fun. This is how you enter a new game.

Functions of counters

A scroll is a way to form irreplaceable, good human sides - justice, a sense of camaraderie, honesty.

Some people hold the view that oral folk art - counters, absolutely nobody needs, as something superfluous in the bright head of the baby. I would like to dispute this fact. What is the benefit of counters?

Distribution of roles

Group games can not do without counting. For example, hide and seek. Who will hide, and who will look for it will be determined by the count. That there were no questions of this nature, "Why am I looking, and not him?". Reader helps to distribute roles in the game without any grievances. Giving to the will of the case, the person who leads is not chosen by appearance, clothes or friendship, but honestly. It is unlikely that anyone will have a desire to object to the lot that has fallen out. For a while, the weak can become a leader, feel strong, and vice versa. If a child knows many counters, he, most likely, becomes a fad of different games. These guys are very popular, they are drawn to their fellow tribesmen.

Development of rhythm, counting, speech and other

To develop speech, counters are just a find. With frequent pronouncing of these, the child's speech becomes purer, articulation improves. Some counters use words that are not easy to pronounce. Their complete absence is noted in other languages.

People's counters for children use not only in group games, but also when the game of an adult and a child is planned. For example:

Clouds, clouds, clouds, clouds,
The horse gallops large and mighty.
Through the clouds he jumps,
Who does not believe - go out!

The development of rhythm is the beautiful side of one of the counts. Under it you can jump, when more often, and when less often, depending on the pauses. Everything depends on the content of the count. Without a sense of rhythm in dancing and music, there's nothing to do.

The ability to count is a good ability. Before the game, listening to the counting account with the score, the child remembers it, and if the words are liked, with frequent repetition, the account, at least up to ten, will be learned without special diligence. The children are taught elementary arithmetic. Rhythmic and unpretentious rhyme rhyme, gives an explanation in the playful form of the basics of mathematical rules.

To learn what you like, you need to concentrate and try to remember what you heard. Thus, counters wander during the game from one child to another. If some of the words are not remembered by the child, then, in the measure of their imagination and ingenuity, they will think up, insert their words into the count and change the ending. The conclusion is that the countels develop imagination, humor, good imagination, and enable them to compose verses themselves. Some of them are passed on from generation to generation.

Next, find out what is the counters. There are several types.

  1. Counters-toss-up.
  2. Abstruse counters.
  3. Counters of the numerals.
  4. Read-replacements.

Reader is a good prelude to an exciting game. Kiddies like comrades, who have a count in the head of the whole car.


This kind of counters is striking in its variety and color. The draws have good consonance. They help the guys divide into teams. Each of the participants tries to encrypt their name, selects a pair, goes to the "wombs" (strong and clever team players). They do the selection of the participants of their team, based on some proposal. A choice is made among animals or objects, plants or fairy-tale characters.

A black horse or a Cossack?

A fox in flowers or a bear in his pants?

Uncle Fedya or a polar bear?

The name of the counting-draws develops a poetic rumor and has to compose a masterpiece by own strength, rhyming words. You can try to make a complete nonsense, abracadabra. It is not forbidden to create something new from the ordinary, which indicates a level of aesthetic development and intellectual, too.

Abstruse counters

This type of counting is completely or partially consisting of zaumi. There are sound combinations that absolutely do not make any sense. Little kids with great pleasure learn the most complicated text. And this process is playful, easy and simple. Moreover, they themselves can come up with something similar, and even better. Style can be safely attributed to children's folklore. Some say that these verses are scraps of spells. Others think that they are the remaining fragments of prayer texts in the language of immemorial times. Children's wit is referred to a completely different speech, it reveals some kind of mysticism and mystery. One of such examples is zaumi:

Charber-Farber, zharber-fuk,

Am give ladies a fat,

Beunoseki arin-uf

Ebit-debit, bitken-buff.

Moving on, the next kind of counters is directly related to the numbers. The benefit of such rhymes is simply enormous.

Counting numerals

Or counters with numbers. At the heart of the bill. It contains countable words and the equivalents of numerals. The next countdown will be discussed in more detail. It looks like this:

"Azi, Dazi, Trizi, Rizi,

Fifth, Lata, Shubi, Ruby,

Duby, the Cross »

It seems to be a total nonsense, but people of bygone days have not thought so. There is a little secret in it.

The history of counting numerals

The oldest counts include beliefs of time immemorial. There was an opinion that one should not attach an account to the audience aloud: guests, objects. It was forbidden to count the catch or catch, so that the spirits of the forest or pond did not become indignant at the hunter. But how to be? That's when they came up with encoded words: "the odes" - one, "dvazi" - two. In the end, the cross is not without reason - it's ten. Many centuries ago, every dozen were marked by notches on a separate small board. There is another saying "cut yourself in the nose". Its roots go right here. You can say that they are an old cipher that has reached us. Thanks, perhaps, let's say children's games. We proceed to the next form.

Replacement counters

They do not contain in themselves neither mysterious nor abstruse words. They differ in that, when the last line sounds, the player must leave the circle. Example:

Ivan, serve a glass, cut the lemon, and go out.

A certain style, a poetic text, on the children act contagiously and cheer. The important event is the preparation and organization of the game.


Time passes, children grow up, but they remember their favorite rhymes well and exchange them in kindergartens and schools. Growing up, the child knows more counters, they become more complicated and longer. At the breaks you can hear a whole bunch of counters of different kinds. School counts expand the horizon much more. The child learns a lot of interesting and new information. There is an accumulation of material for adulthood. For example, familiarity with different types of animals:

You're a hamster.
And you're a ferret.
You - a little rabbit, jump and skok.
You are a fox.
You are a marten.
You are a forester.
You are a hunter ...
Oh, trouble!
Run up wherever!

Combining everything in a short list, it should be noted the benefit of the counters.

  1. Teach children the rules of the game and learn to stick to them. The driving game is chosen fairly in front of everyone, without any privileges.
  2. Memory is improved and the sense of rhythm improves.
  3. Particularly noteworthy was the organization and discipline of children with the help of counting. The child is much more willing to get involved in the next game.

A scroll is not only a child's occupation! An adult person, too, would not hurt to know a few counters or, as an option, to compose them. This is a great help for the child to show curiosity. Situations are taken from ordinary life: "I watch three little insects trampling bows on Masha". With the help of these ideas, new facets and opportunities develop.

Children's imagination has no limits, to try to look at the world through the eyes of a child in the power of everyone, the main thing to want. Then the world will shine with bright colors.

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