Food and drinkReviews about restaurants

"Coral Beads" (Krasnodar), restaurant: description, menu, guest reviews

Restaurant business is one of the most profitable businesses in the modern world. Every city in any country has a huge number of catering places designed for people with different financial opportunities. Today we will transfer to Krasnodar for a few minutes, where anyone can visit a wide variety of restaurants, bars, cafes and other places that are popular not only among young people, but also people of a more adult category.

"Coral Beads" (Krasnodar) - a restaurant that is a very popular place of catering, which has been operating in this city for many years and can guarantee an impeccable quality of service. In this article we will discuss this institution in detail, learn about it, talk a little about the menu, and also specify its address, contact details and much more. We will begin, as you know, right now!

basic information

"Coral Beads" (Krasnodar) - restaurant, which is located on Krasnaya Street, 169th house, 1st building. Contact with the administrator of this place can be by phone number, which is listed on the official website, and this restaurant operates according to the following schedule: Sunday-Thursday - from 8 to midnight, Friday and Saturday - from 8 to one o'clock in the morning.

In addition, it is also worth noting that the average account in this institution is about 1200 rubles. One of the advantages of "Coral beads" is the possibility of food delivery, as well as payment by card. By the way, here you can try a variety of dishes prepared according to classic or slightly modernized recipes of Thai, European, Caucasian, and Italian cuisine.


"Coral Beads" (Krasnodar) - a restaurant that is a unique institution, located in the heart of the city. This place is a huge mansion, decorated in a merchant style. From the windows of the institution a chic look at the singing fountains opens. Why do many consider this restaurant to be such a good place? And here everything is simple: here the author's cuisine is perfectly combined with the unique atmosphere of friendliness and warmth, as well as the original interior and the responsiveness of the staff.

The restaurant itself is represented by three zones for rest. On the first floor are the most famous artists of not only the city, but also the country. On the second floor of the restaurant there is a large banquet hall with a capacity of about 140 guests. A unique place in this institution is the roof, which is quite a large area, from where you can enjoy a stunning panoramic view of the city of Krasnodar. In addition, the roof is open only in a warm period of time.


What else can you say about "Coral Beads" (Krasnodar)? This restaurant is distinguished by the fact that the main culinary expert of the project is Arisha Zadunaiskaya, she is on the list of representatives of the National Guild of Chefs of the Russian Federation. It should be noted that according to the version of the award entitled "#WhateverGdeal in Krasnodar2016", this girl became the best chef of the city.

During her career, Arisha collaborated with restaurants in Thailand and Italy, but she does not stop there and constantly improves her skills in the chosen field of activity. By the way, one of the most recent gastronomic trips of this girl was a trip to such an interesting and beautiful country as Spain. There Arisha cooked at several restaurants that were awarded the Michelin star. During her stay there she was able to learn new gastronomic secrets and got the necessary experience in cooking.

And now we will discuss the menu!


"Coral beads" - a restaurant (Krasnodar), which allows each visitor to choose a dish from two presented menus. In one you will find a wide variety of breakfasts, and the second menu is the main card of dishes that are divided into certain categories, but we will talk about this a little later.

So, if you came to the Coral Beads (restaurant, Krasnodar) to have breakfast, in this case you have the opportunity to try cold oatmeal with seasonal fruits and powder made of almonds, the cost of which is 280 rubles, smoothies called "Protein Charge ", made from oatmeal, milk, honey and peanuts, the price of which is only 200 rubles. For 300 milliliters. In addition, you also have the opportunity to try the same smoothie, but cooked from bananas, honey, milk and oatmeal, cucumbers, parsley and kefir or currant, juniper and the same kefir. The price for all these drinks is 200 rubles, and they serve 300 milliliters.

It is also worth noting that the restaurant "Coral Beads" (Krasnodar), whose menu is very extensive, offers its visitors to taste dishes made from eggs. Among these masterpieces of cooking, it is worthwhile to identify eggs, called "Eggs", eggs "Benedikt" on crispy toasts with mustard sauce, spinach and Kenyan beans, as well as a classic omelette served with green peas and tomatoes. By the way, the first dish costs 160 rubles. The price of the second one is 280 rubles, but the third one you can try for only 250 rubles.

If you like high-calorie meals, then you will definitely like hot pancakes with meat or cottage cheese for 280 rubles, a doctor's sausage fried with green peas for 350 rubles, hot sandwiches cooked with stuffing from tomatoes, turkey and cheese, for 300 rubles., Sweet croutons for 200 rubles., Blueberry pie for 450 rubles, classic marshmallow, cooked according to a unique recipe, for 100 rubles. And a lot of other culinary masterpieces.

Main menu

The main card of dishes is represented by a wide variety of culinary masterpieces. In this case you can order cold snacks, salads, soups, pasta, pastries, pizza, hot dishes, side dishes, desserts, drinks, and much more, including cigarettes.

As you understand, each category of dishes is represented by a variety of masterpieces from the chefs, so now we will discuss some sections of the main menu in more detail.

Cold starters

The restaurant "Coral Beads" in Krasnodar has a very interesting menu, so anyone can choose a tasty dish for themselves. In this case, you have the opportunity to order 400 grams of fresh vegetables for 400 rubles, the same amount of pickles for 430 rubles. And salted monastic mushrooms cooked with crushed potatoes and mustard sauce, the cost of which is 450 rubles. In addition, you can try Italian cheese called "Strachatella" for 690 rubles, several types of European cheeses for 850 rubles, two kinds of red fish of your own salting for 790 rubles, a meat snack presented by boiled pork, homemade ham, chicken rolls and sausage , For 670 rubles, as well as bacon for 420 rubles., Which is served with Borodino croutons and vineyard mustard.


It should be noted that reviews about the restaurant "Coral Beads" on Krasnaya Street in Krasnodar testifies that here they serve impeccable soups. For example, you can taste homemade noodles with chicken, the cost of which is only 240 rubles. At the same time, anyone can order a cream soup called "Cappuccino", made from truffle mushrooms and white vegetables. The cost of the last masterpiece of cooking is 300 rubles.

For fans of more exotic dishes there is a delicious tom-yam - Thai soup, cooked with seafood. Its cost is 550 rubles, and its 300 grams are served.


User comments on this site are positive. The restaurant "Coral Beads" (Krasnodar), which testifies to the impeccable service, acceptable price policy and incredible taste of the dishes, is one of the best places to visit.

In general, the project is very interesting and deserves attention. You can come here and have a great time in the company of friends, relatives or in splendid isolation. Bon Appetit!

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