Computers, Computer games
Conquer your audience: how to become a celebrity in "Sims-3"?
The simulator "Sims-3" overnight won the hearts and minds of advanced gamers. What is the secret of this seemingly simple and primitive game? Why is the management of human destinies so exciting and eating up all their free time? The fact is that the most cherished and dangerous dream of mankind - to take the place of God - is realized in this simulator! You can reward and punish, promote birth and death, choose your life path. Here you can create your own copy and make a dream career! But how to become a celebrity in "Sims-3"? If in real life this task seems unbearable, then in the game vanity will be satisfied.
The charms of popularity
The life of the rich and famous seems to be a paradise where milk rivers flow, and the banks are made of caramel. Glory and money are a direct road to all opportunities. To be famous is to be successful, recognizable, popular. Celebrities love, admire them. They drive luxury cars and dine in fashionable restaurants. In real life it is easy to distinguish a celebrity from an ordinary resident of the city. Signal beacons will be the presence of security, a recognizable person and service at the highest level. In "Sims-3" the celebrity differs from the usual sim with the pictograph with the image of the stars. These stars demonstrate the level of popularity of the character. As in a typical hotel rating, the maximum number of such stars is five. Accordingly, the most popular personalities have five stars. A bright appearance is not at all necessary. Outside, in the town of Bridgeport, the celebrity will give out a club style of clothes and a name that is consonant with the real character. A pleasant bonus to the status of a stellar personality will be gifts that are sent to enthusiastic fans. Depending on the level of popularity, gifts will be expensive or cheap. It's worth remembering that for the fans, the reputation of their idol is very important, and if the idol behaves indecently, enters unequal marriages, divorces, gets into compromising situations publicly and arranges scandals, they can and renounce it, which stops the flow of gifts. Fortunately, there are ways to restore reputation, which also resemble those used in everyday life. Celebrity can spend time trying to convince their fans of their own innocence. Or you can simply give money to the paparazzi, so that the shameful pictures are not printed.
Where to find the star?
Anyone who thinks about how to become a celebrity in "Sims-3", probably first of all wants to find these most celebrity characters in the city. Where do they live? The answer to this question will appear by itself, it is enough to again draw a parallel with real life. Habitats of stars are clubs, bars, film sets and cinemas. A list of "hot spots" can be obtained legally in newspapers. True, not all Sim Sims points will be allowed. Increase your chances of finding a star with the help of happiness points and the reward they received - a star map that shows all the celebrities in the city in accordance with the number of stars.
Rise to the rays of glory
A little offensive to the persistent opponents of virtual reality, that to become rich and popular in the game can be quickly and easily. Together with social status comes wealth. So, are you looking for information on how to become a celebrity in "Sims-3"? The first thing to remember is that you have to earn the stars of popularity with your work. The first asterisk gets easily - you just need to make a good impression on the "tucked" star. Any paparazzi knows that for this you need to collect information about her, talk with a large number of local residents who can blab a valuable fact from the biography of a celebrity. In the bar, the impression is made even easier: it's enough to treat a popular person. Nobody canceled the mercantile ways of achieving stellar status. If a sim with 5 celebrity stars marries an unknown character, then he a priori gives a life partner 3-4 stars.
Twilight on Paradise Islands
"Sims-3" - a game that conquered the hearts and minds of many gamers, regardless of age and social status, but through the thorns to the stars can not get in all the add-ons. In particular, such may be suggested additions "Paradise Islands" and "Twilight". So, as in "Sims-3. Paradise Islands "to become a celebrity? You can raise the status by yourself, rotate in a circle of high society, make an impression and entertain in bars. Those wishing to become a star must attend all the biggest parties of the city, be active and friendly. The level of starry Sim will change, which can be traced in the Journal of Simology on the page "Celebrities". Quick access to this page is provided by the hot key "L" that is pressed on the keyboard. Here you can find out the number of familiar stars, the number of gifts and discounts, as well as the saved money. But there is an easier way to glory. At the end of the topic, let's look at how to become a celebrity in Sims-3 using code. A specific combination for this does not exist, but you can raise the level of celebrity. To do this, you use the developer code: testingcheatsenabled true, which you need to enter into the console. Now choose a sim with the Shift key pressed and the "Celebrity" option selected. It remains only to change the meaning and raise the level.
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