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Confused consciousness: symptoms, causes and treatment

Under confused is understood a state of consciousness, in which the ability to think with normal speed is lost, the clarity and consistency of thoughts are violated. Under this name, a whole group of lesions in the complex work of the brain is generalized. Let us consider in more detail the concept of confused consciousness.

Symptoms of the disease

The first signs, allowing to detect confusion, are problems with attention and orientation. Then, memory disorders and logical thinking may begin to manifest. Violation does not necessarily apply to all higher mental functions at once, only one of them can be damaged, for example, speech recognition. Problems with memory or spatial orientation may be noted. In such cases, the diseases are respectively called aphasia, dementia and agnosia.

Rapid and slow manifestation of the syndrome

The appearance of the syndrome of confused consciousness can be either fast or slow, depending on the causes that cause it. Often, it is temporary, but it is also permanent, usually associated with dementia and delirium.

Individuals with confused consciousness are usually very silent, move little and look depressed. It happens that the disease is accompanied by illusions and hallucinations. If the former arise from an incorrect interpretation of the stimuli, the latter appear completely without them.

We must understand that confused consciousness of each manifests itself individually, depending on the degree of intoxication or severity of another cause. Slowness and inconsistency of thinking are clearly visible in the conversation, and these are the first symptoms associated with the "confused consciousness" diagnosis. Therefore, in order to see the problem, do not be a professional.

Disorientation, its varieties

Disorientation can be as allopsychic, in which a person is not able to name the date and place in which he is now, and autopsychic, in which his own identification is also difficult. Find out the presence of disorientation is also easy, asking a couple of questions. The answer is clear from the answers - clear consciousness; Confused - then it's time to get professional help. You should consult a psychiatrist or an expert in narcology.

When rendering assistance, it is necessary to give sufficient attention to the meaning of the word "confused". A person in such a situation does have difficulties with the implementation of decisions, including those concerning consent to hospitalization, so it is often necessary in such cases to conduct it on the basis of state indications.

Dependence on the root cause

The root causes often cause manifestations of characteristic features. With VSD, clear vegetative and moderate pain sensations, with a heart attack, pain syndrome is strongly pronounced and sometimes can cause a shock state. Metabolic causes are usually accompanied by various characteristic manifestations, for example smells.

In the elderly

Confused consciousness in the elderly is chronic, so they can partly develop an adaptation to it. If such a state is long in time, then, most likely, it will lead to a negative outcome. Speech in such cases is usually slow, there may be inconsistencies in it, sometimes delusions may be seen, illusory images may emerge that turn into hallucinogenic ones. The mood of such people also often changes and is difficult to predict, so you should treat them with caution. There are also changes in sleep, and they can be diametrically opposed: from complete insomnia to excessive sleepiness.


To make the diagnosis use both a classical survey, and special neurological and psychiatric, for example, the Glasgow coma scale. And with organic diseases it is necessary to conduct a blood test, urine, make an ECG and an MRI. This will help to identify the root cause and begin proper treatment.

Confused consciousness: the reasons for the appearance

This violation can occur due to a number of completely different reasons. That is why it can not be a signal of a certain pathology, but it is necessary to realize its danger and try to find the cause. One thing is clear: this disease speaks of the patient having a neurological problem.

Consider the possible causes of confusion:

1. Traumatic . The disease can be the result of craniocerebral injuries, especially if they are penetrating. Although sometimes a brain contusion can cause such problems because of the high sensitivity of brain tissue. Often the cause is an aneurysm, characterized by a large number of dangerous manifestations.

2. Toxic . The cause of the disease can be poisoning with mercury, alcoholic beverages or narcotic drugs. In wartime, various neurotropic gases and organophosphorus substances were used as weapons operating in this way. Neurotoxins can be contained in foods such as carambola, fugu fish. The occurrence of similar consequences of poisoning with mushrooms is common.

3. Consequences of diseases. Diseases accompanied by severe intoxication and hyperthermia (influenza, angina, acute respiratory infections, and others) sometimes lead to confusion. This is especially true for children and adolescents. The risk of such conditions occurs when injuries, fractures and large blood loss occur. Tuberculosis and syphilis are another possible cause. The cause may be encephalitis, diabetes mellitus in acute form, severe hepatitis of various types, the final stages of AIDS.

4. Neoplastic manifestations , and not necessarily arising in the brain tissues. This is due to the fact that tumors are always accompanied by strong intoxication, so confused consciousness in oncology in the late stages becomes inevitable. The danger is not only classical tumors, but also leukemia. It occurs in 15-30% of patients, and by the last weeks of life it reaches 85%. It introduces additional tension into the condition of the patient and his relatives and affects the symptoms and methods of cancer therapy, including correcting the effect on pain.

5. Pathology of blood circulation. As serious violations, for example, stroke, and ischemia, which are considered transitory, that is, proceeding without consequences and only being a signal of problems, often provoke confusion. The severity of the disease and the manifestations of the symptoms will be different depending on the severity of the pathology that serves as the trigger mechanism. With myocardial infarction, confusion arises from problems with blood circulation and the severity of pain sensitivity.

6. Vegetosovascular dystonia due to partial disturbances in the areas of the vessels and the autonomic nervous system is also accompanied by a confusion of light form.

7. The result of degenerative diseases. Manifestation can occur in a severe degree at the peak of senile dementia, marasmus of various origins, Alzheimer's disease. In this case, it is caused by problems of brain activity and problems with orientation.

Starting points of such processes can become a variety of situations of varying degrees of severity. For emotionally weak people, a strong emotional shock is enough. Such consequences can lead even to a lack of vitamins, hypothermia, prolonged deficiency of sleep and oxygen.

Treatment of confused consciousness

To treat confusion, it is necessary first to establish the cause of its occurrence and to eliminate it. Since it is often the cause of any medicines, it is necessary to stop taking all medications before correcting all metabolic disorders. The etiology of confusion is often determined quite easily due to specific symptoms, but sometimes you can help with this by performing a complete examination of the body.

Alcohol as a Cause

Sometimes you can determine the cause and adjust the trigger factors yourself. This applies to alcohol intoxication, reducing blood sugar. When the sugar level falls, sweet tea or candy will help. If you lose a lot of fluid, you should resort to rehydration therapy, using the tools available in the pharmacy. From alcohol intoxication absorbents and a large amount of liquid will help.


If the cause was trauma, it is important to identify and correct it in time. Sometimes for this purpose it is necessary to resort to the help of neurosurgery. After an ischemic stroke thrombolytics are used, with hemorrhagic it is practiced the operational disposal of the hematoma. The effects of toxic substances, in particular heavy metals, and radiation exposure, also require appropriate targeted treatment. Diseases accompanied by intoxication of the body and fever are treated with antiviral and antipyretic agents. With the IRR, the daily and diet regimen is adjusted, soothing drugs and teas are also applied: chamomile, mint, melissa.

There are certain medications that can help get rid of the disease, but the most effective is to maintain a curative-protective regime. If the patient is in an agitated state, beds with fences on the sides or a special chair are used. Sometimes doctors have to resort to fixing the patient, but this should be avoided, giving him the possibility of unlimited movement in a confined space.

Disorientation in time

If the disease is associated with disorientation in time, it is important to ensure that there are things in the room that help you navigate: large calendars and hours. This will reduce the level of anxiety and help patients feel more confident. When insomnia should provide the patient with a radio receiver or leave him a book and a lamp, which will help to take time. In general, it is important to communicate with the patient, support in him the belief in recovery. Confused consciousness with cancer is facilitated in this way.

If such drugs do not have sufficient impact, resort to medication, usually consisting in the administration of neuroleptics. At the same time, there is no exact information about the superiority of any medicines to others, the main parameter is the presence of sedative action. However, they can not always be used. The drug is first prescribed in the minimum dose, and then gradually increased, while observing the reaction that occurs. It is important that there are no manifestations of a reverse action - an increase in behavioral disorders.

Complexity causes and recovery of the cycle of sleep and wakefulness. Sometimes to improve night sleep the patient is not allowed to fall asleep during the day. Sleeping medications rarely have the necessary action and more often the whole cycle comes to norm only after the confused consciousness passes.

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