
Coffee enema: the principle of action

Coffee enema is a well-known way of cleansing the body from time immemorial. They used it in ancient Egypt. Enema with coffee removes toxins, cleanses the liver and gall bladder. After applying the course, a quick normalization of body weight occurs, since the body is cleansed of all excess.

Origin of the coffee enema

The revival of this ancient method of purifying the body occurred during the Second World War. In hospitals in Germany, there was a lack of painkillers to alleviate the suffering of the wounded. Doctors worked for days and, in order not to fall off their feet, and be more or less cheerful, they constantly drank coffee. Nurses in hospitals began using a drink to put enemas on the wounded. After the procedures, the sufferers felt better.

After the war, German scientists investigated this method and determined that the coffee enema helps to cleanse the liver of bile. Thus, toxins are eliminated from the body.

But such enemas became famous thanks to Max Gerson's therapy. He fought for the life of the seriously ill. Basically it was people suffering from oncology. The doctor was faced with the fact that his treatment was not absorbed to the proper extent. After all, the patient's body was poisoned by the products of the tumor disintegration. It was necessary to clean it. Coffee enemas, according to Gerson, effectively saved patients from toxins. Thanks to this, the body began to absorb the prescribed therapy.

At what states help?

Coffee enemas are used to detoxify the body, to prevent and maintain the liver and intestines in a tone, in order to reduce weight.

The use of such procedures helps alleviate the symptoms of the following diseases:

  • epilepsy;
  • migraine;
  • Allergies;
  • oncological diseases;
  • Fevers;
  • Violations in the sexual area;
  • sepsis.

Why take coffee enemas

Treatment of any disease is best to begin with the purification of the body. Remember, with what difficulties faced Max Gerson. Effective treatment did not yield results. After all, the body was constantly poisoned. And the liver of weakened patients was not able to cope with the cleansing itself. So she needs help. For this purpose it is recommended to hold coffee enemas.

Therapy with an amazing drink has an analgesic and soothing effect.

Mechanism of influence

How does the coffee enema work? What is its effectiveness? When staging an enema, caffeine is absorbed by the large intestine and transferred directly to the liver. Here it causes the release of bile and toxins. The latter come out with a lot of feces. This cleanses the blood. Increased the amount of formation in the body of antioxidants, which neutralize toxins.

Drinking a cup of coffee can not replace an enema. This should be known. Caffeine from the enema enters only the venous system, bypassing the stomach.

The procedure promotes the widening of the ducts of the gallbladder and liver, and the purification of blood. It quickly removes from the body stagnant bile and toxins. It is noted that the relief in patients comes in 15-20 minutes.

Adverse effects of therapy

For better cleansing of the liver, the patient should lie on his right side during the enema. In this position, the mesenteric vein absorbs caffeine better. The substance immediately enters the liver and gall bladder, causing an outflow of toxins.

At the beginning of treatment may occur:

  1. Spasms in the digestive system, as nerve endings are irritated.
  2. Due to the movement of bile through the intestine, the release of gases can begin. These symptoms indicate that there is work in the gallbladder.
  3. Sometimes, with a coffee enema, part of the bile enters the stomach. Signs of this process are nausea and vomiting. To eliminate the symptoms, it is recommended to drink often, but in small amounts, mint tea for the release of bile.

How often do you need enemas?

The regularity of the procedures depends on the person's condition. So, for example, Dr. Gerson, recommended putting a coffee enema every 4 hours, sometimes more often. But it should be remembered that he advised these procedures to be severe oncological.

There are restrictions for this course:

  • 3 enemas during the day if a person is undergoing chemotherapy;
  • 2 enema (20 ml of liquid mixed with chamomile broth) - patients with colostomy.

If there is a positive effect, enemas begin to be put once every three hours. Then the body itself will tell you when it will need a procedure.

Quite often, a coffee enema is used to lose weight. During the purification of the body, a person gets rid of harmful substances. His system normalizes functioning. Thanks to this effect, the beneficial substances that come with food are better absorbed, the metabolism is accelerated. Against this background, you get rid of excess kilograms.

However, slimming people are recommended to resort to this event no more than 2-3 times during the month.

Preparation for the adoption of enemas

Before starting the procedure, you need to prepare a convenient place to set it up. This can be a couch or a mattress laid on the floor. It should be noted that the surface of the couch should be covered with a waterproof cloth. The patient's head should be placed on a high cushion.

The enema pear is suspended in the back of a high chair or fixed on a special tripod.

So, to receive a coffee enema you need to prepare:

  • Pillow under the head;
  • Plaid, so as not to be cold;
  • Hours (enema lasts for 15 minutes);
  • towel;
  • petrolatum;
  • A styrofoam or a heating pad;
  • A tripod or chair to secure the pear;
  • A catheter (if the patient has hemorrhoids);
  • Metal container for solution preparation.

Adoption of enema

Initially, you should prepare a solution. Consider how to prepare liquid for procedures such as coffee enemas.

Recipe for making a solution:

  1. 240 ml of coffee concentrate is mixed with 240 ml of boiling water.
  2. Then dilute to body temperature with distilled water, so that the volume of the liquid reaches 1 liter.
  3. The resulting solution must be filtered. It should not contain grains of ground coffee.

Techniques for conducting

Let's consider if your choice has focused on such an event as a coffee enema, how to do the procedure.

To provide the body benefits, familiarize yourself with the technique of behavior:

  1. It is not recommended to do enema on an empty stomach. Therefore, in the morning before the procedure, you need to eat some fruit, so that the body begins to work.
  2. The solution is poured into the pear. To release air bubbles, you need to drain a small amount of liquid through the tube.
  3. The enema capacity is fixed on a chair or stand at a height of about 50 cm.
  4. The end of the tube is smeared with petroleum jelly.
  5. The patient lies on his right side, his knees bent to his stomach. With a deep breath, the lubricated tube is inserted into the rectum to a depth of 12-20 cm. The solution is slowly poured into the rectum.
  6. The patient should relax and breathe deeply, so that the liquid passes as far as possible.
  7. It is recommended to hold the enema about a quarter of an hour. Caffeine is absorbed within 10 minutes, so for 15 minutes the blood with caffeine, which passes through the liver once in three minutes, will clean the bile 5 times.
  8. If the patient can not keep the solution inside, you need to lower the bulb slightly to reduce the pressure, then raise it again.

Additional recommendations

When staging the enema, the patient may develop intestinal cramps. They are most often associated with irritation of the intestine or abnormal enema technique.

Therefore, first of all, you should make sure that everything is done correctly:

  1. The depth of the enema is no more than 20 cm.
  2. The temperature of the solution does not exceed the patient's body temperature.
  3. Pear is located at a height of not more than 50 cm.
  4. The solution flows slowly through the tube.

If coffee enemas are carried out correctly, and the patient is tortured by spasms, one can resort to such measures:

  1. Well warm warmer, put on the stomach. It has a favorable effect on irritation in the intestines.
  2. To remove spasms, you can interrupt the introduction of coffee solution. Make an enema of chamomile broth. Hold for 5 minutes. Then resume the coffee.

After the procedure, all tools should be thoroughly washed using dishwashing detergents and then rinsed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide with distilled water.

There are several known techniques for achieving a better effect and removing spasms during the procedure:

  1. Adding potassium to the coffee solution. The component is mixed for several first procedures. At the enema take 2 teaspoons. This remedy will help relieve spasms and increase the outflow of bile.
  2. Reduction of dosage. Make a less saturated solution or pour in only part of it.
  3. Addition of castor oil. The substance is used if the second enema does not provide a positive effect. Castor oil should not be used more than once a day. If there are any chronic diseases in the intestinal tract, you can not do more than two enemas in a row.

When bloating, you can do the following to keep the coffee solution:

  1. Leave the tube open so that the gases can freely exit.
  2. Make before the coffee enema with plain water or with chamomile broth.
  3. In the morning, carry out the procedure in two stages. First, let in a portion of the coffee solution for cleaning. Then already put a full enema for the recommended time. In this case, you need to prepare a slightly larger amount of solution.
  4. Before the procedure, take the drug "Pancreatin", which helps with bloating.


The method of purification by coffee enemas is considered more likely a means of traditional medicine. Official health care refers to this method of detoxification with high caution. And this is not surprising. After all, procedures have contraindications. If they are not taken into account, then coffee enemas can lead to negative consequences.

Contraindications and unpleasant complications:

  1. The development of dependence. As a result of frequent enemas, the work of the musculature of the intestine may be disrupted.
  2. Caffeine does not always have a positive effect on the heart and blood pressure.

Although with enemas the substance enters the liver through the venous system, its penetration into the arteries is also possible. Therefore, hypertensive patients and patients suffering from heart disease, it is better to refrain from these procedures or conduct them as carefully as possible.

People's opinion

The attitude of people to this event is rather ambiguous. In many people, an irresistible laugh causes a procedure such as a coffee enema. The testimonies of those patients who experienced the procedure indicate that relief (in cancer patients) occurs after about 15-20 minutes. There are strengths, pain decreases.

Not bad proved the procedure and in the process of losing weight. Many young ladies resort to this method of weight loss. They also indicate favorable results.

However, do not forget that official medicine has not yet recognized this method of cleaning the body. Consequently, it has not been fully studied. Therefore, using these measures, closely monitor your body and consult with your doctor beforehand.

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