
How to delay a month before vacation or other responsible activity?

Every woman, at least once in her life, wondered how to delay the periods. After all, there are times when it is very important to exclude manifestations of female ailments, be it responsible competitions, a long-awaited trip to the sea or even your own wedding.

In short, the reasons for the desire to "miss" the next menstruation or at least to move the timing of her arrival may be different. But is it worth intervening in the cycle established by nature and changing it, adjusting to your own plans? Every girl should find the answer to this question herself. The only advice: if you are determined to take steps to postpone the menstruation, seek advice from a gynecologist, how to make recommendations on how to delay the menstruation, you need individually.

The most effective, but by far not the safest method of introducing changes in the menstrual cycle is the use of hormonal drugs. In the event that a woman is regularly protected by oral contraceptives, to decide how to delay the monthly ones is the easiest. Usually, OK tablets are taken for 21 days, after which they take a break for seven days, during which bleeding occurs. If you want to transfer the date of the beginning of the month, then immediately after the end of the first pack of tablets, start taking the pills from the next. To drink tablets from the second pack you need as many days as planned to delay the arrival of menstruation, but this period should not exceed three weeks. That is, it is strictly not recommended to take more than two packages OK in a row without a break. This method is quite reliable, but it should not be abused, since it is fraught with the occurrence of hormonal failures, especially if it is used unnecessarily often.

And how to delay the monthly if the woman is protected by another method? In this case, you can recommend starting to receive OK on the first day of the month or at least in the first half of the cycle. That is, to start preparing for an important event that requires intervention in the menstrual cycle, you need at least a month. But to start taking hormonal tablets in the second half of the cycle, that is, less than two weeks before the expected monthly, is not worth it: it will not bring a positive result, but it can cause an imbalance of the hormonal system.

If a woman knows about an event that requires a correction of the menstrual cycle in advance, she can be advised to install a hormone spiral of the Mirena type. But this method is suitable only if "in stock" is at least three months, during which possible spotting. In addition, the spiral is usually recommended to put only to women who have a regular sexual life.

In case of emergency, the monthly gynecologist may recommend the use of such drugs that affect the hormonal background, such as Dufaston or Utrozestan. But, as already mentioned, this is an extreme measure, and it should be used only under the supervision of a doctor.

It happens that women try to move the beginning of menstruation with such a serious means as "Postinor". I must say that using this method is an absolutely unjustified risk, since no, even the most important, event in life is worth the long-term problems with the menstrual cycle and the possible complications with conception that may arise when using this emergency contraceptive drug for other purposes.

There are tips on how to delay menstruation, and in traditional medicine. Of course, folk methods are far less effective, and the timing of the onset of menstruation can be shifted only two or three days, but they are absolutely safe, since they do not have a serious effect on the hormonal background. To delay the onset of bleeding, it is recommended to start eating one or two lemons per day a couple of days before the proposed day. But in order, on the contrary, to accelerate the arrival of menstruation, it is recommended to take a decoction of parsley grass in half a cup twice a day.

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