Food and drinkWines and spirits

Cocktail "Rum with Coke"

Rum is one of the most popular alcoholic beverages. Its history dates back centuries - we've known about it since the time of the pirates, whose drink it was rightfully considered. Rum has a slightly bitter taste and a pleasant aftertaste, especially in good varieties.

It is accepted to drink rum with piles, having put a slice of cane sugar before direct use. This sugar differs from the usual higher hardness and slowly dissolves.

However, like any other alcoholic beverage, rum is the basis for many alcoholic cocktails - from the most popular to the known only in narrow circles. The list of "rum" drinks includes "Blue Hawaii", "Pina Kolada", "Daikiri" and many others. However, the most famous is undoubtedly the cocktail "Cuba-Libra" or, in simple terms, rum with cola.

The history of the birth of this cocktail is simple. Legend has it that one day an American soldier entered the bar and asked him to bring him a glass of rum and a glass of cola. He drank them in one gulp in turn, then smiled, turned and left. And the barman looked after him for a long time and thought whether it was worthwhile to try this mixture at all. Deciding this step later, he did not regret it, because the cocktail was very pleasant to the taste, memorable and unusual. So one of the most popular and popular alcoholic drinks was created - a rum cocktail with cola.

To prepare this cocktail, you need a minimum of ingredients: directly dark rum, coca-cola, highball (standard high glass for cocktails), lemon and ice if necessary. While mixing the rum cocktail with cola, the following proportions should be observed: for fifty milliliters of rum it will be necessary to add a hundred, two hundred or three hundred milliliters of cola and one slice of lemon. The difference in the number of cola depends on the tastes and the desired degree of the final product, the standard is all the combination data - one to one, one to two or one to three. The process of preparation is as follows: a highball glass is filled with ice (it will take about three to five cubes), followed by rum, which is then diluted with a cola to the edge of the glass. The cocktail is mixed with a spoon, after which a slice of lemon is squeezed into it and put on top. The drink is ready. The recipe is very simple and is available for cooking at home.

Varieties of rum to prepare a cocktail can be used different, but it must necessarily be a dark rum. Also, the recipe can be slightly changed by adding more lemon or replacing it with lime. Some connoisseurs advise adding a little malliba to rum with coke to emphasize the fine taste. The recipe in this case depends to a large extent on the taste preferences.

And it's not just a cocktail cooked at home - each barman is free to cook rum with cola (like most other cocktails) in different ways, and that's why the taste of the drink in bars and restaurants can vary. The only condition - in a cocktail should be felt a clear taste of the alcohol included in its composition, in this case rum. Not only its smell should be felt.

Rum with cola in the cooled form will also differ from the warm. Chilled alcoholic cocktails are always more tender, more pleasant to taste. That's why most of the cocktails are advised to use chilled.

There is also a recipe for making rum with cola, which uses spicy rum, prepared according to the principle described above. White rum is usually mixed in milder cocktails. For example, it is mixed with a sprite and lime; Cranberry mors and freshly squeezed orange juice; With mint and chilled white tea.

Rum is a wonderful drink. In its tart taste it is impossible not to fall in love. And the cocktails, in which he is included, are very popular all over the world. After all, not for nothing did even pirates like rum - a drink of adventure and treasure, a drink of these sea devils.

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