Clematis in the Urals can be grown not only by experienced florists. It is available to any enthusiast. Even in the harsh regions of Siberia, these plants can bloom continuously and abundantly. This is an excellent occasion to grow Clematis in the Urals. Many varieties of these plants are adapted at the moment for cultivation in conditions of short summer and cold winter.
Clematis in the Urals
A flower, also called mountain clematis, is best planted in autumn, and as late as possible. At this time the plant passes into a state of rest and preparation for winter. So, he can not be harmed by transplantation. In the spring it is also possible to plant clematis in the Urals - only this must be done before the buds are moved to growth. Ideally, they should not even swell. In extreme cases, it is possible to transplant lomonos in the summer, after the shoots are lignified. They need to be cut off a little. And the landing pit is not completely filled with soil. And then, as the shoots will harden - to fill the soil. In natural conditions, the natural place of growth of the clematis is the undergrowth. There, the moisture and coolness of the soil are combined with sufficiently intense sunlight. Thanks to the ability to withstand competition, clematis well tolerates the neighborhood of other plants - tulips, crocuses, hyacinths. The combination of clematis with onions was especially successful. After all, during their early flowering clematis are almost invisible. And later they come in bulbous for replacement and provide decorative for the selected site. Clematis grow well next to peonies. Both are required saturated with humus and well-fertilized soils, which have a weakly acid reaction. In this case, the ground should not be threatened by flooding - it will inevitably provoke a lack of air, and the plant may die. If there is such a problem on your site, you will have to drain the water with the help of ditches and drainage. Or arrange for clematis high ridge. In regions with a harsh climate, the best varieties are hybrid varieties - Jackmani, Integrefolia. These clematis are best cut off in front of the shelter for the winter and then hog with sawdust or peat. This will protect the kidneys from damage by cold. In warm winters, clematis needs to be covered with a film. This function is usually performed for the clematis of the snow cover.
Small Clematis Clematis
These include some alpine varieties. They can be successfully used to decorate various objects on your site. Fences and gazebos will benefit from this neighborhood. Clematis white fine-flowered can be planted on stony mounds, artificially created for this. Such designs are close to the natural conditions in which the clematis grows. Small-flowered specimens, as well as ordinary ones, should be watered and fertilized abundantly. In the southern regions, they may suffer from overheating and reduced soil moisture. A couple of years clematis bloom abundantly. Enough winter hardiness. Flowering lasts for several months, and after its completion, clematis looks quite decorative for a long time - after all, the green carpet of its leaves does not lose its density.