HealthDiseases and Conditions

Causes of bloating and gas formation in children and adults

Often the human body fails. In this case, a variety of phenomena may occur, representing inconveniences for its owner. In this article I want to consider the causes of bloating and gas formation.


At the very beginning, you need to understand the terms that will be actively used in this article. So, bloating. In medical practice, this phenomenon is most often called "flatulence" or "flutulence." People say simply "gas formation". This is a special state of the body, when a number of gases accumulate in the intestines due to a number of reasons. They can cause not only discomfort, but also pain.


What are the symptoms of a person with bloating? The meteorism can be accompanied by the following states:

  1. Sensation of "swelling" of the abdomen.
  2. Heaviness in the abdomen.
  3. Departure of gases. Often with unpleasant sounds.
  4. Belching.
  5. Unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.
  6. Decrease or total absence of appetite.
  7. Irritability, weakness, general malaise.

About the reasons

So, what are the most basic causes of bloating and gas formation? First of all, I want to say that the gases in the intestine are formed by bacteria, which in the large intestine actively ferment carbohydrates (previously not "processed" in the small intestine). Therefore, we can draw a simple conclusion that the most important reason for gas formation is the intake of certain foods.

Reason 1. Eating

So, we consider the main causes of bloating and gas formation. As already mentioned above, the first of these is food. After all, some food can be a provoker of such an unpleasant state. This is especially true of foods that are rich in fiber. But they can not be abandoned completely, because along with the fact that they can cause the active formation of gases in the intestine, they also play the most important role in the process of digestion of food and the work of the gastrointestinal tract. What are these products?

  1. Beans.
  2. Fresh vegetables.
  3. Fresh fruits.
  4. Whole grains.

To strengthen gas generation can also bring a variety of dietary supplements, which include fiber (including flea plantain). Especially it will be noticeable, if such drugs are introduced into the diet very quickly. In addition, bloating and gas formation can be "obtained" if you eat food, which is called "fast food".

Cause 2. Power Mode

The causes of bloating after eating hide in a variety of errors in the diet of a person. What, then, must be known and remembered?

  1. Legumes can increase gas formation in the intestine up to 10 times.
  2. If you want to avoid flatulence and bloating, it is better to give up excessive and too frequent consumption of food products such as white cabbage, sorrel, grapes, spinach, raspberries, gooseberries, sweet apples, dates, raisins, beer, kvass, black bread.
  3. Raw vegetables should be eaten in small quantities. It is best to boil them or steam.
  4. Similarly, meat and poultry should also be cooked. Too fat and fried foods can also contribute to excessive gassing and bloating.
  5. You should eat only in a calm state of the body. You have to do this while sitting. The food must be chewed carefully, slowly. Also doctors do not recommend eating with water.

Reason 3. Water

We further consider the causes of bloating and gas formation. The water consumption can also lead to such an unpleasant state.

  1. If too often drink soda water.
  2. If you sharply change the water habitual for the body (this happens when a person moves to a new region of residence for a certain period of time - visiting, resting, etc.).
  3. If a person likes to drink water with water.

Cause 4. Ingestion of air

What are the causes of frequent bloating? So, it can be a habit too much and often swallow air. It should be said that every person swallows a certain amount of it daily. This happens at the time of eating, drinking, talking. This is normal. But here in some cases, you can capture too much air, which will lead to its large accumulation in the intestines. Part of it will come out together with a belch, and some will have to leave the body in a different way. When a person can swallow too much excess air (which leads to bloating and excessive gassing)?

  1. Often this happens in those people who like chewing gum.
  2. Increased gas formation threatens those who like to talk while eating.
  3. Also, excessive air enters the body if a person drinks water through a tube.
  4. Doctors say that you do not need to drink water with water. This also leads to gas formation.
  5. Suffer this problem also those people who like to eat "on the go."

Cause 5. Stress and wrong lifestyle

What are the causes of frequent bloating? So, it can be the most common stress. In this case, the body fails. It can be almost anything. Including increased gassing. An incorrect way of life also leads to this phenomenon. What does this mean?

  1. Hypodinamy. Those. When a person leads an inactive, sedentary lifestyle. Scientists say that in this case, the peristalsis of the intestine usually slows down , constipation may occur, which are accompanied by fermentation and rotting processes in its lower parts (which leads to active gas production).
  2. With an incorrect lifestyle, people are often diagnosed with a "lazy bowel", which is also accompanied by increased gas production.
  3. Also I must say that for the correct functioning of the body a person should have enough time to rest. Very important in this case is a full-fledged dream. Only so the intestines can "rest" and prepare for work.

Reason 6. Age

What are the causes of severe bloating? So, this phenomenon is often observed in elderly people. This is due to age-related changes in the body. Over time, the musculature of the intestine weakens, which causes flatulence. In medical practice, this condition is called "age atony."

Reason 7. Profession

It is also worth mentioning that the causes of abdominal distension in men (as well as in women) may be related to professional activities. Thus, experts say that mountain climbers often suffer from increased gas production. This phenomenon is called "high altitude climbing". Everything happens due to a change in pressure during lifting to a certain height.

Reason 8. Taking medication

What are the causes of bloating of the upper abdomen? Thus, the reception of certain medications can lead to such a phenomenon.

  1. Antibiotics. During their reception, the intestinal microflora is often destroyed, which causes increased flatulence.
  2. Laxatives. If a person abuses their reception, this can lead to increased gas production, bloating. A similar phenomenon affects women who want to lose weight, cleaning their bodies with such medical means.

Cause 9. Diseases

Some diseases are also the main causes of bloating and nausea. If the diet and taking certain foods should not cause such a condition, you should check with the gastroenterologist. After all, the culprits can be certain diseases. Thus, flatulence, bloating may indicate that a person has diverticulitis, ulcerative colitis, colon cancer, Crohn's disease or other disease.

Reason 10. Constipation

There are also causes of bloating after eating. So, it can be the most common constipation. In such a case, a person has accumulation of stools, which prevents the normal periodic separation of gases. They accumulate in the body, which causes bloating, discomfort and other unpleasant sensations.

Reason 11. Food intolerance

What are the causes of bloating of the upper abdomen? So, if a person observes a similar condition after consumption of certain foodstuffs, one should seek medical help. After all, it may be that the body simply can not or does not know how to process the carbohydrates that are contained in this food. For example, it can be a gluten disease, when a person can not eat cereals. When they are consumed, excessive gassing and swelling occur.


Separately, I would like to consider the causes of bloating in a woman. After all, often in women, this phenomenon can occur and regardless of all of the above reasons.

  1. Menopause. Bloating often disturbs women during this period in life (age from 45 to 60 years). All the blame in this case are the hormones that affect the work of the whole body, including the intestine.
  2. Premenstrual period. Often, bloating is observed in women in the period before menstruation. Again, in this case, everything happens because of a change in the hormonal background.
  3. Pregnancy. Also during pregnancy, a woman has an excessive bloating. If this occurs in the first trimester, the fault again is the hormonal background. If in the last months, this may be due to the fact that the enlarged uterus presses on the intestines, which prevents its normal functioning.

Of all the above reasons, you can draw a simple conclusion that any hormonal changes in the body of a woman can cause a variety of problems and unforeseen situations, in the strength and bloating.


What are the causes of abdominal distention in a child? If we talk about newborns, then the fault is the adjustment of the work of the baby's gastrointestinal tract. Organ crumbs are still not working the way an adult does, they are just evolving and tuning. In addition, they are still too weak to fully digest even the food that enters the body - mother's milk or a mixture. Often this leads to colic, which affects almost all babies at the age of up to three months. Most often after the expiration of this period the GIT is adjusted to work, it is already getting used to new conditions, and this phenomenon disappears by itself. Causes of bloating in the lower abdomen in an older child are most often due to improper diet or the consumption of those products that promote increased gas production. If the parents also exclude it, you need to seek help from a doctor. After all, this phenomenon can be a symptom of a disease.

What to do?

Having considered all possible causes of bloating in a woman, a man and a child, I want to say a few words about how you can cope with this problem. First of all, we must determine the reason why this happens. And only then start acting. The following medicines can be used:

  1. The drug "Motilium". Produced by a Belgian company. This remedy for increased gas formation. Produced in three forms: tablets (including lingual), as well as in suspension. The important point: the medicine does not need to be washed down, it quickly dissolves in the language, immediately starting its work in the intestines.
  2. The drug "Bobotik". This is a drop of the Polish manufacturer, which is mostly prescribed for children (including newborns). However, the drug can also be used by adults. Often, doctors appoint him to women during pregnancy and lactation.
  3. The preparation "Motilak". Russian remedy, where the active element is a synthetically created domperidone. The drug is designed to improve bowel motility, "remove" swelling, relieve the feeling of overeating, belching and heartburn.
  4. The drug "Unienzyme". Of Indian origin. This enzyme digestive, containing components that reduce flatulence.
  5. The drug Enterosgel. It is an absorbing drug of a new generation. Its main component, polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate, resembles a silicon sponge that sucks in substances harmful to the body. Produced in the form of a paste or a suspension. Has no side effects and can be safely taken with other medications.

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