
Caterpillar all-terrain vehicle "Chetra" TM-140: description, characteristics and reviews

In Russia, the all-terrain vehicles are in demand. It is ideal for operation in hard-to-reach areas. Tracked ATVs have a large supporting area and therefore can overcome fallen trees and shallow water bodies, it is easy to move on rocks, marshy soil and loose snow.

Description of the ATV

The manufacturer of all-terrain vehicles of "Chetra" brand is OJSC "Kurganmashzavod".

The Chetra off-road vehicle is interesting for its versatility. On its chassis it is possible to mount various special equipment. In the passenger version, he can transport in comfortable conditions eight people on rough terrain.

Floating caterpillar all-terrain vehicle "Chetra" TM-140 in the base model is made with an open body, high sides of which reliably hold any loads, because the load capacity of the car reaches four tons (half a ton in the cab and three and a half on the cargo platform). The body can be equipped with a dense tent and benches for transporting people.

The diesel engine with gas turbine supercharging, which produces the Yaroslavl Motor Plant, develops a power of 250 hp. The car is equipped with an independent torsion suspension and a new gearbox. It is a six-speed, hydromechanical, with push-button control, control system - electromechanical, steering wheel. In the new models, the engine preheater has been modified to allow the engine to start even in severe frosts, and the braking system, the hull, the cabin for seven people and the passenger compartment are protected from noise, there is air conditioning, the chairs are transformed into sleeping places for the crew. A good overview provides panoramic cab glazing .

Increased patency provides the original tracks with rubber-metal hinge. For different conditions, the caterpillars are offered in three versions, metal and fabric broadeners are installed on them.

Despite many new solutions, the all-terrain vehicle has a high degree of unification with earlier models. Therefore, the price for the all-terrain vehicle "Chetra" TM-140 is not so high, as it deserves a comfortable and powerful car. It ranges from 8 to 10 million rubles.


The Chetra off-road vehicle ТМ-140 with a large carrying capacity and its own weight of up to 13 tons (by the way, buoyancy at the same time remains) develops a maximum speed of 45 km / h. With a fuel tank capacity of 830 liters, the machine maintains a power reserve without refueling 800 km.

The new all-terrain vehicle "Chetra" was accepted for testing in Yakutia in difficult climatic conditions. With a total mass of more than fifteen tons and a track width of 800 mm, the machine showed the declared maximum speed on the road of 45 km / h and on water of 4 km / h, the pressure on the soil was 0.26 kg / cm2. But the range of motion over rough terrain has decreased to 550 km. High ground clearance (clearance - 450 mm) allowed to overcome slopes up to 30 °.

External operating temperatures range from -50 to +50 ° C. Even at the lowest temperatures, the engine can be serviced, since the engine compartment module has independent heating and lighting.

At the factory you can order an all-terrain vehicle with special superstructures. In addition to the basic model, a passenger module, a workshop and a well research module are offered.

Passenger module of the cross-country vehicle

The Chetra off-road vehicle is equipped with a passenger module, which is installed in the bodywork and allows the crew of four people to live in it at temperatures from -40 to + 40 ° C, and transport it to eight. For ventilation, a ventilation hatch and side windows are designed, a two-circuit heating system: from the cooling system of the chassis and from the fan heater equipped with an automatic temperature control system of Eberspacher or Webasto grades.

Power supply with a working voltage of 24 V is carried out from the on-board network.

The internal equipment allows to live comfortably enough in difficult weather conditions. Sleeping places have dimensions of 600x1950 mm, there are luggage racks and compartments, a wardrobe, a table, combined internal lighting, an intercom system connected to the driver's cabin.

Inside the cargo platform, a ladder is mounted, the door is locked and can be locked in both closed and open positions.

An emergency hatch, a fire extinguisher, a ten-liter water tank and a case in which the first-aid kit is located are provided.

The dimensions of the module are 2.7 × 2.65 × 2.19 m, weight - 1 ton.


A module designed for carrying out various repair, construction, installation and other technical works in the field can be installed on the Chetra off-road vehicle.

The heating and ventilation systems are the same as in the passenger module. The floor is additionally provided with hatches for maintenance from inside the transmission of the chassis.

The internal equipment includes a portable diesel power plant with a power of 2 kW and a voltage of 220 V, outdoor fixtures with cables, a bench work bench with a vice and a box for tools and equipment, equipment for electric gas welding, including an oven for drying electrodes.

There is also a washbasin with a water tank, two seats, one of which is remote, and a fire extinguisher.

The customer can specify additional equipment for completing the module in the technical task.

Depending on the configuration of the modules, which are installed on all-terrain vehicles "Chetra", the price fluctuates within 10 million rubles.

Special Purpose Modules

Enterprises that are engaged in geological prospecting or oil production can purchase ATVs with aggregates for piling up piles, a drilling rig, a crane.

The hydro-mechanized drilling rig UBGM-1A is designed for drilling wells in marshy, peaty, clayey and pebble soils (according to the classification of rocks ̶ I-IV categories). With its help soils are selected and tested by static sounding.

Auto-hydraulic lift PALFINGER P200A, installed on the snow-mobile "Chetra" TM-140, is designed for work at an altitude of up to 20 meters. At this height people in the basket with tools for maintenance of power lines are rising . The maximum lifting capacity is 230 kg. The telescopic lift is compact and manoeuvrable, as the boom has a Z-shaped configuration, with a simple and reliable hydraulic control system.

On the all-terrain vehicle are installed and crane manipulators Palfinger 12000A, turning the machine into a self-propelled crane both for loading and unloading, and for construction work.

With the crane manipulator IM-77 on the caterpillar all-terrain vehicle "Chetra" tm-140 the price is from 9 million rubles.

On the basis of the new model of the all-terrain vehicle, a floating fire marsh man with a powerful centrifugal fire pump NCPN-100, capable of pumping water from the reservoir at a depth of seven meters, was created.

Especially for the Arctic Corps a military all-terrain vehicle was created, in which the engine module is protected by armored vehicles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Chetra off-road vehicle TM-140 has many advantages not available to the wheeled vehicles. He, thanks to high ground clearance, easily overcomes any obstacles, ups and downs. Universal cargo platform allows you to install modules for various purposes. Convenient for the crew and the possibility of organizing in the cabin berths, as well as independent lighting and a heater in the engine compartment module.

The only disadvantage of a floating all-terrain vehicle can be considered that it can move only in still water.

Test drive all-terrain vehicle

According to the lucky ones, who rode on an all-terrain vehicle during testing under difficult conditions, the steering wheel, which is unusual for a car, is easy to manage. The turning radius of the machine depends on the steering wheel. Noticeable effort should be applied only when it is necessary to turn around in place around the caterpillar. The steering wheel can be adjusted in height. The convenience of a functional instrument panel is also noted, where everything is before our eyes.

By its turn on a lowered vehicle, the Chetra all-terrain vehicle TM-140 can get out of any swamp, although it is possible to put a winch for insurance. He can pull out a car stuck in the swamp, plunging it onto his cargo platform. People in the cockpit feel interesting when the Chetra passes through the five-meter high hills. It is said that it is similar to the attraction "Roller coaster".

Testers note that it is impossible to turn a wide cross-country vehicle, despite the high ground clearance. The only drawback is considered to be the "gluttony" of this car, however, quite understandable. It consumes 100 liters of fuel per hundred kilometers.

Floating caterpillar all-terrain vehicle "Chetra" TM-140 is a unique machine that was originally created for civilian needs, mostly comfortable work of oilmen and geologists in difficult natural conditions.

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