
Bryansk beauty: a pear of your garden

The Bryansk beauty is a pear of the autumn ripening period, the result of painstaking works of selection science, obtained by pollinating varieties of Max Red Bartlet and New Year. Its distribution has received in the Urals and in the Chernozem region, is ubiquitously grown in the middle zone of Russia.

Description of external features

Bryansk beauty - a pear, the description of which provokes sincere interest of gardeners, is characterized by an average height and a narrow pyramidal crown. The leaves are shiny, smooth, full of dark green color. A distinguishing feature of this variety is the burgundy-red color of the upper foliage of young branches, which is present before the process of inserting the apical buds. With their appearance, the leaves acquire the characteristic green color of the entire crone. The bark has a burgundy-red color, especially pronounced on the tops of growth.

Taste characteristics: almost 5 points!

The fruits of the Bryansk beauty are characterized by a regular pear-shaped form. The average weight of each 250 grams. The weight of the largest specimens can reach 450 grams. The pears look very attractive. The skin is maroon, smooth, dense, dull. Throughout its surface there are numerous brown spots. Saucer shallow, in wrinkles. Peduncle long, strong, often curved, with a bell at the top. Immature fruits are characterized by a dark green color with the presence of a reddish blush. Ripe specimens acquire an appetizing yellow color with a covert dark maroon flush covering almost the entire surface of the pear of the Bryansk beauty variety.

Pear, reviews on the taste of which consumers have a positive character, is characterized by oily light creamy pulp, very juicy, just melting in the mouth. The taste is sweet and sour, accompanied by a very pleasant floral aroma. According to taste characteristics Bryansk beauty - a pear, the fruits of which are estimated at 4.8 points out of 5 possible. To store ripened pears is recommended in a cool place during the crescent. In the refrigerator, the period of savings is significantly increased: the taste of fresh fruits can be enjoyed even in December.

Characteristics of Bryansk Beauty

The pear, the description, the photo of which encourages gardeners to acquire such unpretentious plant on their own site, is distinguished by its winter hardiness and is able to withstand a decrease in temperature to -38 ° C. Extremely unfavorable for the viability of the tree can be reflected sharp temperature changes having a large amplitude. The variety is highly resistant to diseases and pests. The scab can affect the leaves of the plant in wet years. Such cases were observed in the Moscow and Nizhny Novgorod regions.

Planting of seedlings is recommended to be carried out on nutritious grounds, choosing well-lit and protected from drafts. Do not allow water to stagnate in the soil, which can lead to decay of the root system. In the first fruiting grade of pear Bryansk beauty comes in 3 years after vaccination, a full yield can be obtained after 6 years. Most often, the fruits are tied alone, in pairs and bundles very rarely. Flowering of the tree is quite late, which can be attributed to the advantages of the variety: this provides the garden plant with additional protection against possible frosts in early spring. In comparison with other varieties, the vegetative buds of the Bryansk beauty are blossoming a couple of weeks later. The fruit ripens in September. The yield of horticultural crops of this kind is low, despite abundant flowering, ripe fruit on a tree that is self-fertilized, is weakly retained.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Advantages of Bryansk beauty: beautiful decorative fruits of regular pear-shaped form with high commodity and taste characteristics.

Disadvantages: in droughty periods, ripened pears become maloids and acquire a bitter taste.

Bryansk beauty is a pear intended for growing one variety. It is not recommended to turn the plant into a garden, planting other varieties on it, due to the late dissolution of vegetative buds.

If you try to plant a variety of Bryansk beauty on another tree, the pear will be muffled by the remaining varieties present, after a while its branches will be inside the crown, which will cause a decrease in growth and yield.

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