
Bolt from acne, prescription for use

Many people know that there is a talker for acne, a recipe that I would like to have for anyone who suffers from this unpleasant phenomenon. However, one should not reassure everyone, because not everyone will have success in treatment. Only with an individual approach can you achieve the desired result. Each case the doctor studies separately and selects the appropriate drugs, appoints certain temporary diets.

Boltushka from acne, the recipe of which is selected for each according to the nature of its rashes, is, as a rule, a substitute for tonic, and it should be applied strictly once a day. Various preparations are used to prepare the preparation. Therefore, you must first contact a specialist, so that he from a professional point of view determined the type of skin, as well as the degree of severity of the rash. Only after this is appointed a chattle from acne, prescription, her doctor prescribes strictly individually.

Most often, for the talk, a recipe is used with the following composition: five grams of salicylic acid, five grams of levomycetin, a solution of boric acid in the amount of fifty milliliters, and medical alcohol is also fifty milliliters.

The second recipe has the following composition: seven grams of streptocide, seven grams of precipitated sulfur, fifty milliliters of a two percent salicylic acid solution, a solution of boric acid is also fifty milliliters.

The ingredients used in the third recipe have the following composition: four grams of erythromycin, four grams of zinc oxide, fifty milliliters of salicylic acid and a solution of boric acid in the same amount.

Without a doubt, an acne talker, the recipe of which was chosen by a specialist, will have a positive effect. For the greatest effect in most cases, it is recommended to use a beater in combination with tar soap.

Some people who suffer from this ailment resort to buying expensive cosmetics and carry out all sorts of experiments on themselves, while others use hormonal medications for their treatment, they do blood transfusion. And the problem of acne is much quicker and more effectively solved by the district dermatologist, who, first of all, will send the patient to the delivery of tests and on the basis of their results will prescribe a treatment and prescribe a chattle.

It is necessary to apply the chatter very carefully. If too often this means to wipe the face and strongly press on the surface of the skin, you can overdry it or cause a burn, as in the composition of the talk there are very corrosive ingredients. Apply it preferably at night and on a cleanly washed face, and in the morning wash off with chilled boiled water.

Boltushku from acne prescribed for acne moderate degree or light.

If the disease is too triggered, then the remedy will be ineffective.

Chatter from allergy reduces the superficial inflammatory process, helps to reduce discomfort. In addition to the ingredients used, tar and i thiol are added to it. The liquid is applied with a cotton swab, and after it dries it is easy to wash off with warm water. However, it should be noted that allergic rashes indicate abnormalities in the work of the system of internal organs. First of all, it is necessary to identify and eliminate the cause of internal diseases. And the talker only supplements the basic treatment.

A good effective remedy is a stomatitis mumbler. Children are very often affected by this disease. A quick positive result can be achieved by a bolt, consisting of one raw protein, half a tablet of nystatin, one tablespoon of honey. All this is whipped to a homogeneous mass. Then, gently wipe the baby's mouth with cotton wool, which must be pre-soaked with hydrogen peroxide and wound on the finger. Using a clean cotton wool in the same way to treat the mouth with a chatterbox. This procedure should be repeated four to five times a day. The chatty must be stored in a cool place, and a fresh one must be prepared daily. Improvement, as a rule, comes on the second day. At the same time, the child should use a sparing diet and provide him with an abundant drink.

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