
Bitumen lacquer reveals its secrets

Among all varieties of varnish bitumen takes a special place. A few years ago, its use dramatically declined. It was used mainly for the processing of car parts. But more recently there was a fashion trend in the design of premises - artificial aging. And the demand for bitumen varnish has increased again.

Production features

At the heart of this tool is bitumen. But to give the solution certain technical characteristics (for example, plasticity, heat resistance), add resin. They are of two types: synthetic and natural. The latter includes all known rosin. Among the artificial ones, one can distinguish such pitches as copals. During the manufacturing process, the mixture is heated to high temperatures (280 degrees), and then cooled and solvents added. Previously, most often used turpentine, today, except it can use a solvent, white spirit or a mixture of these components. However, bitumen varnish can also be based on oils. As a rule, they use flax or tunga for this purpose. To them are added still salts of fatty acids - manganese, cobalt, lead. So it turns out bitumen varnish. Buy it today is not difficult.

Lacquer bitumen: technical specifications

The use of bituminous varnish is due to its technical characteristics. Among them we can distinguish such as:

  • plastic;
  • Resistance to high temperatures and many chemicals;
  • Moisture resistance.

There is an opinion that bitumen varnish has anti-corrosion properties, which is why it is used to protect metal products. Actually this is not true. Under the influence of atmospheric phenomena, it can protect against rust only for a while. Therefore, it processes those products that need to provide protection for a short period of time - 6 months, if the treatment is done with a single layer of varnish. The use of this tool for this purpose is due in large part to the fact that it is of low cost.

Bitumen varnish has many varieties. The classification is based on the main properties of the compositions. To date, we are in demand for bitumen bitumen BT-123, the characteristics of which allow it to be used not only as a protective agent for metal and non-metal structures. Often this composition is used for the production of aluminum paint. Moreover, special auxiliary substances are added, which accelerate the drying process.

Bitumen varnish in the design

The aging effect is a distinctive feature of modern country houses. And in this bitumen lacquer is the main assistant. On the surface it is applied either with a normal brush, or with a sprayer. The thinner the layers, the better the result. When creating the aging effect on top of the varnish, it is recommended to apply shellac coating. As a rule, bitumen varnish is used for processing external structures - fences, stairs, fences. It should be remembered that you can not use this tool near the fire.

Bitumen lacquer today rightly returned the leading position among its film colleagues.

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