
Belmo is the opacity of the cornea of the eye. Causes and Treatment

When there is a clouding of the cornea, it can manifest itself in different ways. There may appear one of the types of such a change: a cloud, a spot and a thorn. When the cornea has become confused and has become gray, it is referred to as a cloud. At the same time, it is very difficult to determine them when they are examined. If this occurs in the central part of the cornea, the vision may decrease. Are the opacities at the center or at the edge of the cornea and are they more intense? This is already a feature of the spot on the eye. What happens when the opacities are concentrated in the middle of the eye? Vision can decrease greatly.

Belmo. Description

If there are cicatrical changes in the cornea, then a thorn is formed. This is a persistent opacity of the cornea. It can occupy both the area of the cornea and all of it.

If the eyes are red, tearfulness and photophobia have appeared, thus, the cornea is affected. When she was confused, you can see it right away. The area of the eye, where the thorns formed, becomes white. And the cornea either becomes completely cloudy or only the area of the lesion. Concentration of such changes occurs either in the center or on the edge. In such cases, vision is distorted, and astigmatism occurs. If the central part is damaged, the vision deteriorates even more.

When tissues or a foreign body get into the cornea, which are not part of it, there is an inflammatory process, as well as degeneration and degeneration in the corneal region of the eye, resulting in the formation of a thorn, when the process of tissue scarring begins.

Manifestation of a thorn

The opacity of the cornea appears white or gray. At the same time its surface is shiny and dense, can be accompanied by vascularization (vascular thorns). When the throat is located in the center, the decrease in vision occurs to such an extent that the eye only senses the ingress of light. In this case, everything can be seen only by a white spot.

A glandular can also occur. This is the fusion of the iris and the cornea of the eye. This occurs when a coarse scar on the cornea is formed, followed by the appearance of a thorn. Usually it happens in people with whom the ulcer of the cornea was transferred, accompanied by perforation. If the eye formed a fused dull, then you need to consult a ophthalmologist. Because the appearance of such opacities is fraught with the development of secondary glaucoma. Thinning and stretching of the thorn is possible. Then it takes on the form of a staphyloma of the cornea (ectatic throat). This is possible with a frequent and sharp decrease in pressure.


We found out that the disease is a thorn. This is a very serious eye disease. One of the main reasons - the processes that affect the change in the deep layers of the cornea.

This can be caused by keratitis. This may be due to the transfer of tuberculosis or syphilis. Scar formation occurs when the cornea affects the eye. If it is wrong to treat deep keratitis, then persistent throat will result from neglected or untreated therapy. And on the surface in this case, cloudiness, or leukoma, is formed. Trachoma can provoke the development of leukemia.

Due to the ingress of ordinary mote in the eye or because of a minor blow that has fallen on the eye, damage can occur inside and develop a corneal ulcer.

The appearance of a thorn in the eye is possible after a viral disease, such as conjunctivitis.

Injuries or any surgical interventions that produce on the eye can damage the cornea. Thus, the throat becomes a consequence of such damage. The pupil may become confused due to serious injuries or an unsuccessful operation. Then a secondary glaucoma may occur. If there have been burns with acid or alkali, as well as exposure to high temperatures, this can also lead to a clouding of the pupil. Serious danger can be burns alkali, which is typical to penetrate very deeply, and not act on the surface. Loss of vision can be a consequence of it. Sometimes there is congenital turbidity.

Eyesore. Treatment

Elimination of the thorn is possible. But in this case it is necessary to use the medicinal method. Treatment of the eye in such cases occurs with the help of corticosteroids in drops or ointments.

To better resolve the thorn, treatment is carried out with a solution of ethylmorphine hydrochloride. Also, a doctor can prescribe a yellow mercury ointment or a lidase solution. The ointment is administered to the conjunctival sac. It promotes resorption of opacities of the cornea due to proteolytic enzymes.

In order to dissolve scars on the cornea, you can apply electrophoresis with hydrocortisone. It is also useful to make ultrasound, electrophoresis with a vitreous body, with a lidase, a solution of potassium iodide or aloe. The application will depend on the degree of scar formation. Also, taking medications with electrophoresis is advisable. Any ophthalmologic hospital does such procedures.

Subcutaneous injections of biogenic stimulants are used to cause corneal opacity to resolve. If the opacity of the eye is due to illness - syphilis or tuberculosis, you must first deal with the treatment of the underlying disease, which triggered a change in the cornea. Secondary glaucoma can be treated with instillations of solutions of "Pilocarpine", "Timolol".

The doctor's consultation

Medicamental treatment can not be assigned to yourself. This should be handled by a doctor who specializes in the field of eye treatment. The choice of a doctor should be paid special attention.

It is better if he is recommended by an ophthalmologic hospital. Since centers that do not specialize in a particular area of medicine can often misconstrue a patient, and as a result, the situation may worsen.

Folk methods

Reduction of turbidity is possible with the help of people's councils. But they will help only if it is insignificant.

  1. In the resolution of opacities, poultices can help.
  2. Also a positive effect will be visited by saunas and baths.
  3. You can wash your eyes with a solution with the addition of salt, preferably sea salt.
  4. What effective tool can be used to reduce the thorn? It is the drug gland. The lotions are made from her broth. To do this, grind the leaves, pour boiling water at a rate of 250 ml per 1 tablespoon of grass. Insist for three hours, drain. Do the lotions two or three times a day until the thorn disappears.
  5. The leukemia will disappear if the Siberian Siberian fir is dripped daily. A warm resin is applied to the edges of the eyelids in a bath. It is washed off after fifteen minutes with warm water. Note that during this procedure, there is a burning sensation.

But do not forget to visit an ophthalmologist who will observe the state of the eye. If folk remedies do not help, then not to resort to radical measures, it is better to start using medicines.

Surgical method

If there is a gross throat, it means that the medication will be ineffective and you need to choose another type of therapy. In such cases, surgical intervention is required.

This means that the cornea will be transplanted. That is, the affected part is removed all over the depth. Then transplant the cornea of the donor together with the endothelium. Or, only the inner layer is replaced, and the endothelium is preserved.


One must not forget that the eye consists of very fragile vessels and tissues, the slightest damage can lead to damage to the cornea with all the ensuing consequences.

The emergence of such a complex pathology as corneal opacity, suggests that you need to see a doctor immediately, until it causes irreversible processes that can trigger not only a decrease in vision, but also the loss of the eye at all.

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