Law, Health and Safety
Basic rules for safe behavior
Life in the modern world is not only interesting, full of all the benefits of civilizations, but sometimes it can be dangerous. Danger can lie in wait for every person anywhere, it is impossible to predict where to face such a situation. That's why everyone should know what emergency situations they can expect, how to properly lead with them. In the article we will analyze the rules of safe behavior, and also consider how you can protect yourself and your loved ones in such cases.
Safety in nature
Many townspeople like the weekend, especially in the summer, to spend away from the city. Rest far away from the noisy metropolis in the fresh air relaxes well, energizes, but it is necessary to know that such a trip to nature ends safely and passed without incident and must be carefully prepared.
- Dressing costs in clothes that will reliably protect the neck, arms and legs from annoying and at times dangerous insects.
- If a walk to the forest takes place in the winter, then the scarf must be worn under the clothes, so that there is no risk of catching them by the tree.
- Necessarily on the nature it is necessary to take with itself means of communication, matches and a knife.
- It is necessary to provide a package for garbage, which after itself must be removed.
If you consider the rules of safe behavior in nature, then they need to include the following items:
- If you do not plan to spend the night in tents, then it's better to go home before the dark time of the day.
- With a poor knowledge of this forest, it is better not to turn away from the trampled paths.
- If it so happened that they were lost, then it is necessary to listen well. Maybe the barking of dogs or the noise of passing cars will tell you the right direction.
- The rules of safe behavior in nature are not recommended to be located next to an anthill, aspen nests.
- Attractive berries on the bushes can be deadly poisonous, so if you doubt their edibility, it's better not to take chances. Especially it is necessary to warn the children about it.
- Drinking water is better to take with you, taken from the nearest water source, it can be infected with pathogens of various diseases.
- In order not to provoke animals to aggressive behavior, music should not be loudly turned on.
- Going to nature, instead of perfume is better to use special fluids to repel insects.
- Deciding to fish, it is necessary to make sure that fishing in this place is allowed, otherwise you can earn a decent fine.
- Even greater punishment will follow for causing harm to organisms listed in the Red Book and hunting at the wrong time.
It can be concluded that rest on nature brought only benefits, it is necessary to observe the basic rules of safe behavior.
Outdoor Security
Quite often it happens that living in a multi-million city is more dangerous than in a remote village. All because people in cities live in isolation from each other, nobody cares about other people's problems. Even passing by someone who needs help, not everyone will come up and offer to help. To somehow protect yourself, you must follow the rules of safe conduct on the street. They may include the following recommendations:
- Going to work or work from home, especially in the evening, you need to carefully consider your route.
- Children must tell their parents where they go and when they return. This is not a limitation of their freedom, but elementary security rules.
- Do not drink any drinks with strangers, otherwise you can be a victim of scammers.
- In the dark, it is better to avoid abandoned construction sites, buildings and non-residential facilities.
- Walking along the sidewalk and seeing a group of drunken young people or inadequate teenagers, it is better to move to the other side.
- Children should know not only their first and last name, but also the address, as well as the names of their parents.
- Teach children not to engage in dialogue with strangers, especially when they begin to ask personal questions.
- If you are trying to be dragged into someone else's car, the entrance, you should shout loudly and try to attract attention to yourself in every possible way.
Only by observing all the rules of caution, vigilance can protect yourself from unpleasant situations on the street.
How to behave in public places
Public places can include all the places that are common for use. Here you can include:
- Transport.
- The shops.
- Libraries.
- Museums.
- Parks.
- Street.
That is, leaving the house, each of us immediately gets to where there are many people, and hence, in a public place. Even at school on a class watch, children are taught the rules of safe behavior in public places. They are not only Allow you to be polite with other people, but also help to avoid various unpleasant situations. Here are some of these rules:
- Trying to take a place in any form of transport, you should not push all elbows.
- If you accidentally stepped on someone's foot, then you must apologize.
- The elder always give way and place.
- In winter, when the ice is on the sidewalks, often old grandmothers and grandfathers fall. Do not laugh, but you have to come and help a person get up, pick up his things. Moreover, such a situation can happen to anyone.
- In the theater, the museum should behave politely, do not shout, while watching a movie, for example, in a movie theater, you need to turn off the phone, do not talk loudly.
- If you have a cough, then if you sneeze and cough, you should cover your mouth with a handkerchief so as not to spread the infection and not infect other people.
- Currently there is a ban on smoking in public places, do not bother with the fine. If you are indifferent to your health, then other people should not suffer.
- In public places, you can not litter, if you ate a candy or an apple, then the wrapper and the stub must be thrown into an urn, not a lawn.
Everyone should be able to behave in public places, and the task of parents is to instill these rules to their children, and it is better to show by example.
Safety on the road
In the city, we are surrounded everywhere by roads, through which a large number of vehicles move. To protect yourself from injury, you must observe some rules of safe behavior:
- Cross the road should only be in specially designated places, that is, on pedestrian crossings.
- Leaving the public transport, do not immediately rush to cross the road, you need to make sure that there are no cars.
- If you - a fan of roller skates or skate, then this occupation is dangerous on the roads. It is better to go for a drive in a park or park.
- Where there is no pedestrian crossing the road can not be crossed, since the driver, not expecting to see a pedestrian here, may not be able to slow down.
- It is necessary to prohibit children from playing ball and other games near the road.
Failure to comply with these simple rules can end tragically.
Safety in transport
Almost every one of us uses a public mode of transport every day. Movement on it requires special rules:
- Wait for the right bus or minibus only at the bus stops, and not in the middle of the road.
- Enter and exit the transport should only after a complete stop.
- During an emergency, you need to use hatches and windows to exit the vehicle if you can not get out through the door.
- In the subway you can not run on the escalator and put your bags on the handrails and steps.
- If an emergency happens in the subway car, then it is necessary to use emergency communication with the driver. For this purpose, a special button is provided in each car.
- When driving in a car, the hazards can be no less. Do not put children who are under 12 years old in the front seat.
- Be sure to use a seat belt, in emergency situations this can save your life.
- If you understand that you can not avoid a collision, you should grab your head with your hands and rest your feet on the floor, and lying on your side while sitting in the back seat.
- In any accident, you must try to get out and help the injured. Calling an ambulance in this situation is mandatory.
On any type of transport, a person can be trapped in danger, therefore, in order to prevent unexpected situations, the above rules must be observed.
Safety in the campaign
A hike is a collective event, so it is important during it not to harm not only yourself, but also other participants. For this, it is important to follow the rules of safe behavior of the tourist in the hike:
- All participants of the hike must unquestioningly listen to the leader of the group. If there are complaints, then they should be spoken calmly and without shouting.
- Planning the route of the hike, you must choose safe places, avoid steep slopes, ravines.
- If you have to move along the road, then you need to go to meet the cars.
- Moving should be a column, the senior group should appoint a guide and a closing one.
- It is forbidden to go far from the camp. One can only go to the toilet or the wood, but within earshot.
- If you suddenly feel bad, you must immediately inform the team leader.
- Choosing shoes for the trip should be guided by comfort and convenience, so as not to rub the calluses.
- It is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol during the campaign.
- To build a fire is necessary taking into account all requirements and observance of safety rules.
- During the hike, try not to harm nature, it also concerns cutting trees for a fire, spreading debris.
If these rules of safe behavior are observed, then one can be sure that the campaign will be normal, and everything will be fun, a sea of positive emotions and a charge of vivacity.
Danger in the water
The majority in the summer try to go on vacation, where there is an opportunity to swim. It can be like an ordinary river, and the sea or the ocean. In this case, it does not matter, the main thing is to observe all the rules of safe conduct, because there is always a danger of getting into an extreme situation :
- You can not let the children go swimming without the accompaniment of adults, the child must always be in the presence of the parents.
- To swim it is necessary only in the places allocated for this purpose.
- If you do not know well the bottom of the river, then it's better not to take chances.
- It is not necessary to try to swim across a river or a lake, you can not calculate your strength.
- You can not swim to the state of chills, as in this case the risk of seizures increases, and a breath may stop.
- If you suddenly found yourself in the center of the maelstrom, you have to take a lot of air, dive under the water and, making a sharp jerk in the direction to try to swim.
Drinking spirits is especially dangerous before bathing, do not let your loved ones go swimming alone. Care should be taken near any water body, because even a shallow rivulet may contain many dangers.
Rules of safe behavior of the population in case of an earthquake
In areas where such natural disasters often occur, the public should be informed of the correct behavior during the earthquake. These recommendations are quite simple, but they will help save lives:
- First of all, no panic.
- Documents should always be at hand.
- If the building is multi-storey, then you need to go out on the steps, and not on the elevator.
- If the earthquakes caught in the apartment, you have to become in the doorway near the inner wall.
- If there is a danger of collapse of the ceiling, then you need to hide under the table or bed.
- In the dark, use lanterns, not matches and candles - to avoid the occurrence of a fire.
- Usually from the first tremors and up to strong fluctuations 20-25 seconds pass, this time should be enough to jump out onto the street with the necessary documents, money and things.
Such rules of safe behavior of the population in an earthquake should be explained to citizens in such areas in advance in order to avoid unnecessary casualties.
The threat of a terrorist act
We live at a time when such a threat can be near any person. That is why the schools are already studying the rules of safe behavior in case of the threat of a terrorist act. Adults and children should know that:
- If an orphaned thing, a bag, etc. is found, then it is necessary to inform the law enforcement agencies about it.
- Moving in transport, walking along the street should always pay attention to abandoned things and suspicious objects.
- You can not try to find out for yourself what is in the bag or package.
- Do not create panic among the gathered people.
- Parents must explain to their children that any item found on the street can be dangerous.
Rules for safe behavior in the face of the threat of a terrorist attack can be useful to everyone, so it is desirable to study them and, if necessary, follow them.
Situations of criminal nature
Criminogenic means criminal. Anyone can get into this situation. The rules of safe behavior in situations of criminogenic nature may look like this:
- If you are surrounded by hamovatyh and rude people, then you should not behave aggressively and shout, it will only anger the criminals.
- When attacking it is important to assess their capabilities and the situation around and only then take any action.
- If there is an opportunity to escape, then it should be done quickly, suddenly and loudly calling for help.
- In the event of an attack, it is necessary to defend yourself in all possible ways: biting, scratching, as this can cause confusion to the offender.
- If you are also trying to rob, it is better to give what is required and not risk your life.
- Carry a normal sport whistle, in such situations it can be of invaluable help.
- Try to remember the appearance of the criminal.
- If you have witnessed a showdown, shooting, then you need to lie down on the ground and try to call the police.
If you know the rules of safe behavior in criminal situations , then this can save lives in some cases for you and your loved ones.
Secure Internet
At present it is difficult to imagine its existence without the World Wide Web. Most spend there a huge amount of time. Already toddlers, not yet knowing the letters and numbers, understand the phones and computers better than some adults.
The World Wide Web is not only a mass of useful information, but also a threat, especially for children. Therefore, parents should explain to children and ensure that the important rule of safe behavior in the Internet is observed. Adults will also be superfluous to know about these rules.
- No passwords can be reported to others and sent by e-mail.
- Registering on websites, try not to post personal information and photos of your family, address of residence. Teach this to your children.
- Do not make appointments to those you've met through social networks.
- Do not enter suspicious communities.
- Children should know that not everything they see on the Internet is true.
- It is necessary to protect children from the possibility of visiting sites for those who are over 18 years old.
- On the history, periodically check which sites your child visits.
- Download music, movies and any information from trusted sites to avoid infecting computer viruses.
- Before you start working on the Internet, good antivirus software must be installed on your computer.
The World Wide Web is a great blessing for a person, you can get a lot of useful information, find the answer to any question, but it is also a great danger, so you must follow the rules of caution and explain them to children.
In the modern world of man, at almost every step, dangers can be trapped. Even sitting at home in a comfortable chair, you can be a hostage, become a victim of criminals, feel the tremors of an approaching earthquake. And what then to say about the street, visit reservoirs, ride on transport. Given all this, of course, one should not isolate oneself from the outside world, but knowing and observing the necessary security measures is simply vital.
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