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Baku - the capital of Azerbaijan and the largest city of Transcaucasia
Baku is the capital of Azerbaijan and the largest city of Transcaucasia. It is located on the Absheron peninsula, on the shore of the Caspian Sea. Modern Baku is an important industrial, educational and cultural center of the country.
The image of the city
The central part of Baku is located in the form of an amphitheater that slopes down to the Baku bay. In the center, as well as along the major highways of the city, the building is dense, and on the outskirts - quite free. New buildings of the modern capital of Azerbaijan rise on the hills and stretch along the Baku Gulf. The layout of the metropolis is rectangular and only in its old part of the street is winding and narrow.
Climate of the capital
The climate of Baku is moderate, with a hot enough summer and a mild winter. Autumn here is much warmer than spring. The average temperature in January is +3 ° C, July - +26 ° C.
Historical past
Baku - the capital of Azerbaijan - is a very ancient city, which is located at the crossroads of Europe and Asia. The first mention of it is found in Arabic, Persian, Byzantine and European sources. Its history is connected first of all with the extraction of oil. For many centuries, caravans of camels, laden with "black gold", went to Baku from different directions. For all time of its existence this richest city was a tasty morsel for many peoples. This region managed to visit the territory of Persia and Russia.
The capital of "black gold"
The unique capital of Baku is the largest center for gas and oil production. The region has a developed machine building, petrochemical and metalworking industry. Oil production is carried out mainly in the suburbs of the capital. Here the enterprises of machine building, building materials and railway transport are concentrated. The development of the petrochemical industry has led to serious environmental problems. In 2007, this metropolis became the most polluted city in the world.
Cultural life
Baku is the capital with a cultural and scientific heritage. It was in this city in the East that the first library was opened, the first opera was put and the first theater was founded. Today in the capital there are more than 20 higher educational institutions. In the universities of Baku, not only the local population is being trained, but also foreign students. The most popular university of the megalopolis and the country as a whole is the Baku State University. No less popular are the Azerbaijan Medical University, the State Oil Academy, the Technical University and others.
Baku is a multinational capital. Here live Azerbaijanis, Armenians, Ukrainians, Russians, Lezgins, Kurds and other peoples. After Russia annexed Baku, it became a cosmopolitan city. Until 1949, the Azerbaijanis did not constitute a majority, but after the emergence of several interethnic conflicts, the Russian and Armenian populations suddenly left the country.
The city of Baku is a pearl on the shore of the gentle Caspian Sea. In the Caucasus, there are many beautiful megacities, but the main city of Azerbaijan beauty is special and unique. Now, if you are asked: "Baku - the capital of which country?" - you can definitely answer.
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