Spiritual developmentAstrology

August 29 - the sign of the zodiac Virgo. Feature and compatibility

You can believe or be skeptical about science such as astrology, but even the irreconcilable opponents of all horoscopes are surprised to discover that some or other facts from the astrological forecast are beginning to inexorably come true. August 29 - the sign of the zodiac, referring to the constellation Virgo, and people born on this day, took in their character and autumn melancholy sad melancholic, and thrift of the caring owner, harvesting, and the assiduity of a hardworking worker after a summer vacation. Pensive Virgin are complex and contradictory, but at the same time gravitate toward stability and settled, even relations.

Virgo and family

The people around them experience a feeling of unintelligible attraction to those born on August 29. What sign of the zodiac can be so courteous, unobtrusive and natural, as Virgo? There are few such people, and if the Virgos decide to tie themselves in marriage with their chosen one, then one can have no doubt that their devotion to close people, patience and thinking of future events a step forward make them simply created for family relations. From the general mass of people they keep a little aloof, although they quite easily go on contact. Virgo always carefully think through their words and do not like when someone takes the dirty linen out of the hut and discusses their loved ones in the circle of friends. Family for the Virgin is holy.

External data of the Virgin (August 29)

Zodiac sign Virgo bestows people born in the last days of the last summer month, with normal average growth and hardy muscles. Seemingly frail only at first glance inspires the idea that they are weak and frail, the Virgin herself is much stronger than it seems to the outside observer. Sometimes they are rather slovenly, but not for long. The people around always see dressed with taste, neat Dev.

Health of people born under the sign of Virgo

They are not unaware of strong emotions and emotional upheavals, but they skillfully hide it under the guise of equanimity, calmness and coldness. But, as you know, unspent emotions have a bad effect on the general state of health, and this sign of the zodiac sooner or later have to face with diseases of the digestive system and other internal organs. Nerves, too, begin to "naughty," although the Virgin, as far as their excerpts are sufficient, always restrain themselves from ill-considered actions, for which (and they know it) will have to be paid.

The nature of Dev

If the Virgin quite sincerely show concern for someone, then there is no doubt that they will certainly keep their promises. But in those cases when people born on August 29, whose zodiac sign is Virgo, are too busy, or they have a shortage of free time, they can say that they are unwell, and do not go anywhere at all (something is not Do, especially not justifying myself). They very well notice the shortcomings of other people and will not fail to tell them about it in the hope that they will immediately take the path of correction. But it is not difficult to predict the result of such moral impact: people take offense at them and go aside. Perhaps the Virgins should not have been so critical, but they strictly adhere to the demands that they make on others.

Career Virgins

Since at the end of the first decade people born under this or that constellation acquire the most striking features given to them by the stars, this can be attributed to the Virgos born on August 29th. The sign of the zodiac is a man or woman born under the constellation Virgo, do not take seriously, nor do astrological predictions, but in the depths of the soul still reverently treat all mystical and still completely unknown people. Therefore, listening to scientists, they sometimes leave aside their cynicism and excessive criticality, and then they suddenly discover that they have reached unexpected heights and universal recognition in their work. Wherever they want to sarcastically publicly express the truth, they will once again keep quiet, and people will be infinitely grateful to them for it. If people born on August 29 (zodiac sign - Virgo) are to work with archival documents, they, like nobody, will get to the bottom of all the small details and, thanks to analytical thinking, will make the right conclusion.

Compatibility of Vir with other signs

Not tolerating rudeness and stupid statements - this can be attributed to people born on August 29. The sign of the zodiac, whose compatibility with other signs is as ambiguous as their nature. Virgos always choose their future partner carefully and for a long time, exposing it to all sorts of tests and checks. They perfectly remember all small mistakes, think over, analyze the behavior of the partner, until finally they decide on the union.

Virgo and Aries will not come to a common agreement, since Aries' assertiveness pushes him to action, and only then he thinks about what he has done. Virgo will be measured seven times, circumambulated, looked, appreciated, and then proceeded to work. The practical advice of the Virgin of Aries will be taken into consideration only when everything terrible has already happened.

Virgo and Taurus will suit each other, because Taurus lacks the logic and equanimity of Virgo, and Virgo learns from Taurus to be passionate and sensual. Together they will reach great heights in life.

Virgo and Gemini have a wide, versatile, deep mind and savvy. But where the Twins rush into a new adventure, there will remain bored, conservative Virgo. Throw everything and for what? Virgo will never understand this.

Virgo and Cancer will endlessly make remarks to each other, but gentle Cancer will give Virgo devotion and love, and Virgo will appreciate his sincerity with dignity.

Virgo and Leo will not understand each other, since the authoritative Leo will wait for laudatory odes for the good that he does, and the Virgin will confine himself to a few words and make a remark to Leo, his vine for vanity.

Virgo and Virgo will form a harmonious pair, because they have much in common. The only thing that should be done is to keep a sarcasm and criticality.

Virgo and Libra are very different, because Libra will not miss the exciting holiday, will wear the most magnificent outfit and will shine, while the Virgo will blame Libra for levity.

Virgo and Scorpio will find a special charm in their relationship, because resourcefulness and the desire for experiments will bring into the even life of Dev the emotionality and passion with which Scorpio is gifted. Where Virgo scandalizes Scorpio, he will painfully bite her with a sting of his self-sufficiency. Virgo submits, and the conflict will be exhausted.

Virgo and Sagittarius sooner or later begin to conflict, as Sagittarius will look for new impressions, while at home alone the upset Virgo remains alone. She will try to enlighten Sagittarius, and he just smiles and leaves toward the dawn.

Virgo and Capricorn will immediately understand each other: Capricorn's ambition and stubbornness will be reinforced by the practical advice and diligence of Virgo. They are waiting for a prosperous future.

Virgo and Aquarius will not find common ground: Virgo is deeply practical, and her interests are focused on the needs of the family, while Aquarius will talk about the wonderful future of all mankind and will make gifts from the soul not only to their loved ones, but to all their acquaintances.

The Virgo and the Pisces understand each other, but only until the Fish closes in their dreams and starts doing something that does not obey the sober and cold intellect of the Virgin. But the Fish often swims against the current.

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