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At what age can a child give tomatoes? Recipes for tomato dishes

Tomato - the vegetable is delicious, beautiful and contains a lot of useful elements. But at the same time, it is a fairly strong allergen. Therefore, deciding on the age at which a tomato can be given to a child, this fact should be taken into account.

The Benefits of a Tomato

To begin with it is necessary to understand, that actually such useful in this vegetable:

  1. The tomato contains a lot of carotene - a microelement, which helps maintain and restore vision. Accordingly, children's eyes tomato will be useful.
  2. The content of pectin in a sufficiently large volume has a positive effect on digestion. In addition, this microelement reduces the level of harmful cholesterol and, accordingly, blood pressure.
  3. Tomatoes, like cucumbers, are more than half of water. Accordingly, this vegetable strengthens the work of the kidneys. But at the same time, deciding on the age at which a child can give tomatoes, do not forget about such a child problem as enuresis. Therefore, do not feed the baby with this vegetable before going to bed.
  4. Tomatoes contain trace elements: iron, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iodine, copper. Tomatoes - a storehouse of vitamins of group B, A, C, PP and E.
  5. A red ripe vegetable contains phytoncides that fight bacteria.
  6. Acetic, tartaric acid, glucose, fructose and mineral salts are also found in tomatoes.
  7. In tomatoes there is a unique substance - lycopene. He is able to fight cancer cells. And the content of lycopene increases with the heat treatment of the vegetable.

When to give the vegetable to the baby?

So in how many months can you start a child to eat tomatoes? Despite all the obvious benefits, tomato can not be given to a baby who has not yet turned a year old. Why is that? Tomatoes look beautifully on the table, improve the taste of many dishes and increase appetite. And people, especially those who have their own farmsteads, aspire to "vitaminize" children as early as possible. Often parents can hear disputes. Someone starts to give borscht to children from 6 months, and someone is afraid of new rashes.

Pay attention to these moments

Therefore, first consider the dangerous moments, which should be paid attention. In a word, we learn about the dangers of tomatoes for very small carapaces:

  • Possible allergic reactions. Like all brightly colored vegetables, tomatoes are a powerful allergen.
  • When deciding on the age at which a baby can be given tomatoes, note that too much of a vegetable can provoke a so-called imaginary allergy. This is when the baby is covered with spots and it has lacrimation, nasal congestion.
  • A large amount of fiber contributes to bloating and unpleasant sensations in a small child.
  • Thinking about when to start a child to give tomatoes, please note that they are only useful in season. But in the winter their positive properties are very doubtful due to the content of nitrites and nitrates.

Tomatoes in the children's menu. When to add to the diet of babies?

So at what age is it recommended to give the baby tomatoes? Based on all of the above, we can say that a bright tasty tomato should be offered to a baby not earlier than 11-12 months. Like any new product, one should start with a half teaspoon of juice. Thinking about the age at which to start giving tomatoes to children, keep in mind that tomatoes need to be heat treated. This must be done until the crumb is 1.5 years old. The best choice will be tomato in the form of vegetable puree or in the first course. In the absence of allergic reactions, you can mix different types of vegetables.

When to start a child to give tomatoes from the garden? If you follow the recommendations of children's doctors, you should wait until the age of 1.5 years and the onset of summer. But in this case, the tomato must be scalded and skins removed. To "pacify acid", it is better to mix puree from tomato with zucchini, cabbage or potatoes. By the way, in order to better assimilate carotene, you should offer your child a piece of a delicious vegetable with vegetable oil.

Very good combination of tomato with potatoes and boiled meat. Offer a kid such a dinner, and it will only benefit him. But in this case it is necessary to milk the child with milk, otherwise an unpleasant night will be provided for you. And another interesting fact. Tomato, because of the acid contained in it, increases the appetite of the baby. After two years, you can safely give salad, borsch and stew, which includes tomatoes. Of course, if previously there were no unpleasant consequences from the consumption of tomatoes.

Contraindications for the use of tomatoes

Tomatoes can not be given to a baby if he has the following birth problems:

  1. Gallstone disease and any suspicions of it.
  2. Pathology of the digestive system.
  3. Kidney disease.
  4. Allergic reactions.

Salted and pickled tomatoes do not give children under 3 years old. It is recommended not to include ketchup and sauce in the children's menu as long as possible. Tomato juice can be given, but not salt it. Now consider simple ideas of dishes with tomatoes for the children's menu.

Tomato soup

Very useful dish for kids. For preparation it is required:

  • Half a carrot.
  • Squash (about 50 gr.).
  • Pumpkin - 100gr.
  • 4 inflorescences of cauliflower.
  • 2 tomatoes.

All vegetables, except tomatoes, carefully washed, cut and cook until done. Tomato grind with a blender or sieve. Add it to the soup at the end of the cooking. After another 3-4 minutes in the first dish we throw greens. We eat with pleasure!

Puree from vegetables

For cooking, you will need:

  • Potatoes - 2 pcs .;
  • Zucchini (about the size of a potato);
  • carrot;
  • broccoli;
  • a tomato;

You need to boil all the vegetables until ready and grind with a blender. Bon Appetit.


Now you know from what age you can give your child tomatoes. In addition, you are aware of how and with what they are better combined. We hope that our recommendations will help you.

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