
Argan oil: harm and benefit, advice on the use

Some of the healthiest foods are natural oils. They are not only nutritious, but also contain microelements necessary for the body. In nature, there are many plants, of which oil is made. But most people only know about sunflower and olive. They are the most common and cheap. But there are others - more expensive and valuable. One of them is argan oil. The damage and benefits of its use are still poorly understood, because it is very rare. But those who used this oil know how delicious it is. Especially it is worth paying attention to this product to people who have health problems or who want to preserve youth and beauty.

How to get argan oil

Why is this product so rare? The fact is that they receive it from the fruits of the argan tree, which grows only in one place on Earth - in the territory of the state of Morocco. It is there that they gather fruits and manually process them. To get a liter of oil, you need to harvest from 7-8 trees.

And in semi-desert conditions they do not bear fruit every year. That is why such an expensive and rare argan oil. The price of it reaches one and a half thousand rubles for 50 ml. The fruits of argania resemble large olives, and inside of them are three seeds. Of them, and get the oil. This is mostly women's work, and they perform it manually. Fruits are collected, dried, extracted from them, and used to extract oil by cold pressing. If it is made for consumption, then the seeds are first fried. In this case, it acquires a more pronounced taste and aroma.

The composition of this product

Why is argan oil so valued? Harm and its usefulness are associated with a large number of microelements needed by the human body:

- about 80% of the oil is occupied by polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega 3 and 6, for example, linoleic and oleic;

- such rare substances as sterols are not contained in any other product, but they bring a greater benefit;

- in oil there is a lot of vitamin E, even more than in olive;

- it also contains vitamins A and F.

How to choose the right product

This Moroccan argan oil is very expensive. But on the market you can often find fake. How do you determine that the product is natural?

- oil should have a pronounced aroma of nuts and spices;

- Its taste is similar to pumpkin seeds, but more spicy;

- natural argan oil for consumption in food by color dark yellow, and for cosmetic purposes - lighter;

- it is better to buy oil from proven manufacturers. Natural cosmetic argan oil in such cases is quite expensive - from 1200 to 50 ml, but its quality is guaranteed.

Beneficial features

This product has the following useful properties:

- normalizes the level of cholesterol;

- increases immunity;

- normalizes the activity of the gastrointestinal tract and protects the liver;

- helps in weight reduction;

- cleanses the body of toxins and toxins;

- neutralizes free radicals and this has a rejuvenating effect;

- has anti-inflammatory and wound-healing properties;

Improves brain activity;

- reduces blood sugar;

- helps prevent ophthalmic diseases such as glaucoma and cataract;

- improves reproductive function in women and men;

- normalizes the hormonal balance;

- calms, relieves tension and anxiety.

Effect of oil on skin and hair

Now it is the best product used in cosmetology to preserve youth and beauty. Complex care for skin and hair can provide argan oil. The properties and application of it for such purposes are known to many, since it is contained in many cosmetics. How does this oil work?

- it nourishes and moisturizes the skin;

- Has the ability to repair damaged cells;

- reduces the depth of wrinkles and makes them less visible;

- slows down the aging process;

- restores the water and fat balance of the skin;

- cures acne;

- Strengthens the nail plate;

- helps in the treatment of fungal diseases;

- prevents loss and brittle hair;

- facilitates the laying process;

- restores hair and scalp after applying a chemical wave and color.

Application of oil in cosmetology

Most people know about it due to the fact that it is increasingly added to creams, shampoos and other skin care products. With this oil, cosmetic products become more useful. But you can use it separately, applying to the skin or adding to homemade creams and masks. How to use argan oil to preserve beauty and youth?

- in its pure form it is applied instead of a night cream or a shaving aid;

- You can add it to the bath or to your favorite shower gel;

- Ideally this oil is for cosmetic massage against wrinkles;

- it is suitable even for application to the skin of the eyelids;

- To soften the skin of the feet and cracks on the heels can be cured if the feet are oiled with oil and put on socks;

- it is effective as a make-up base;

- oil protects the skin from exposure to ultraviolet rays, so it can be used instead of sunscreen.

How else to use argan oil

The damage and benefit of this product are not known to everyone, but many know how it can be used.

1. Most often it is used in the same way as sunflower and olive oil. On it you can fry the food, add it to salads and ready meals. Their taste becomes more pleasant, and the oil gives the products a light nutty flavor. It is perfectly combined with honey, lemon juice, mustard, basil and other herbs. Add it to meat and fish dishes, fruit and vegetable salads, yoghurts.

2. But for the majority it is known only in the composition of cosmetics argan oil. Properties and application of it in this area are most studied, and many well-known firms add it to creams, masks and shampoos.

3. It is also recommended to use oil for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases.

Taking only 1-2 spoons a day is useful in diabetes mellitus, multiple sclerosis, menopause, diseases of the cardiovascular system and the musculoskeletal system. External it is used for eczema, psoriasis, for healing wounds and burns. You can use it for massage with arthritis and rheumatism. With a curative purpose, you need to use oil obtained from unroasted seeds. It is lighter and has a less pronounced taste.

Argan oil: harm and benefit

Recently, more and more people are trying to consume natural products. Interest has also increased in oils, which contain polyunsaturated fatty acids necessary for the body. It is believed that it is very useful to use them for food and for cosmetic procedures. Is it possible to harm argan oil? It is transferred very well and when used in moderate amounts does not cause any side effects. But some people may have an individual intolerance to the product. In this case it is better not to use it. It is also recommended to limit the consumption of oil inside: no more than 2 tablespoons a day. After all, it is very high in calories and can cause upset stomach. In addition, it is believed that this oil is useful only without heat treatment, which causes the destruction of nutrients.

Feedback on the use of oil

Most people are familiar with it only as part of cosmetic products. Not everyone can buy argan oil. Its price is so high that it is bought mainly for skin rejuvenation and treatment of various diseases. But those who have tasted oil, note that the dishes with it acquire an unusual and pleasant aroma. And for cosmetic purposes it is generally irreplaceable: it helps to improve the condition of the skin and hair and is suitable for the whole family. Feedback on its use is only positive: it is well tolerated and acts effectively.

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