
Anglicism in the Russian language: history and perspectives, examples. The influence of Anglicisms on modern Russian

Every natural language in the course of its development resorts to borrowing words from other languages. This adoption is the result of the mutual relations and contacts of different peoples and states. The reason for borrowing foreign vocabulary is due to the lack of appropriate concepts in the vocabulary of some peoples.

Nowadays English is an international means of communication. This is understandable, because the English-speaking world is ahead of other societies in all spheres of development. English language through the Internet space, in particular, social networks, helps to interact people from different countries and cultures.

Interest in this language arose in connection with the popularization of pop culture. The fascination with American movies, music of various directions and genres led to the unimpeded introduction of Anglicisms into the Russian language. The new words began to be used by the majority of the population, regardless of gender and social status. English-language terms are rapidly spreading around the world. In modern Russian literary language, they occupy a whole layer, but do not exceed 10% of the total vocabulary.

History of Anglicisms

The history of borrowing from English into Russian began to count down from the end of the 16th century, and until now this process has not stopped. There are 5 main stages in the development of Anglo-Russian language interaction. They are characterized both in chronology and in semantics.

The history of Anglicisms in Russian begins with the anchoring of the ship of the English King Edward VI in the harbor of St. Nicholas, at the mouth of the Northern Dvina, on August 24, 1505. The British were looking for a market, so the two countries have established strong and fairly regular connections. Language contacts were characterized by diplomatic and trade relations. At that time, the symbols of measures, weights, monetary units, forms of circulation, and titles were borrowed (pound, shilling, mister, sir).

II stage is usually called the Petrine era. Thanks to the reforms of Peter I, ties with many European states took root, culture, education, the development of naval and military affairs began to spread actively. At this stage, 3000 words of foreign origin penetrated the Russian language. Among them, the Anglicisms were about 300. The words that related to naval and military matters (barge, armor), household vocabulary (pudding, punch, flannel), as well as to trade, art, literature, science and technology were mostly borrowed . Many of the adopted vocabulary denoted phenomena and processes previously unknown to Russians.

The third stage arose due to the intensification of Anglo-Russian relations in the late 18th century in connection with the increasing prestige of England throughout the world. Sports and technical terms (sports, football, hockey, rail) penetrated into the language, vocabulary from the sphere of public relations, politics and economy (department, elevator, square, jacket, trolley bus). The end of the stage is considered the middle of the XIX century.

IV stage is characterized by a deep acquaintance of Russians with England and America, a point of contact in the field of literature and art. A large number of Englishisms penetrated the language in the following thematic groups: history, religion, art, sport, domestic and socio-political sphere.

V stage of borrowing (the end of XX century - our days). In the vocabulary of Russian people penetrated various groups of terms: business (laptop, badge, timer, organizer), cosmetic (concealer, make-up, lifting cream), food names (hamburger, numerator).

Today, many popular borrowed words go beyond the scope of literature and professional communication. The terms used by the media and advertising are often incomprehensible to the common man and are designed for elementary knowledge of the English language. However, Anglicism in Russian is a normal phenomenon, and in some historical periods, even necessary.

The causes of the appearance of Anglicisms in Russian

At the beginning of the 20th century, many linguists studied the reasons for the penetration of foreign vocabulary into the language. Any Anglicism in Russian, according to P. Krysin, appears for the following reasons:

1. The need to name a new phenomenon or thing.

2. The need for differentiation of fairly close, but still different concepts.

3. The tendency in the designation of an integral object by one concept, and not by several combined words.

4. The need for the separation of concepts for specific purposes or spheres.

5. Urgency, prestige, expressiveness of a foreign concept.

The reasons for borrowing Anglicisms in modern Russian are in fact much more extensive. One of them is that the number of Russian people speaking English has increased. At the same time, the use of foreign vocabulary by authoritative personalities and popular programs also gave a powerful impetus to the development of this process.

The entry of Anglicisms

As it turned out, borrowing foreign vocabulary is the main way to enrich the language, the reason for its development and functioning. VM Aristova in her work examined 3 stages of introducing English vocabulary into Russian:

  1. Penetration. At this stage, the borrowed word only gets into the vocabulary and adapts to the norms of the Russian language.
  2. Assimilation. For this stage, the action of folk etymology is characteristic, that is, when the word incomprehensible in content is filled with a close-sounding or similar concept.
  3. Rooting. At the last stage, Anglicism in the Russian language is completely adapted and is already being actively used. A new concept acquires different spheres of meaning, an abbreviation and root words appear.

Assimilation of Anglicisms in Russian

New words are gradually adjusted to the system of the language as a whole. This process is called assimilation, that is, assimilation. To study and analyze borrowing is necessary in order to fully monitor the volume of new vocabulary and the process of its adaptation.

Anglicisms in the degree of assimilation in the Russian language differ in fully assimilated, partially assimilated, non-assimilated.

Completely assimilated - words that correspond to all norms of the language and are perceived by the speakers as native, non-borrowed words (sport, humor, film, detective) .

Partially assimilated - the concepts that remain English in their writing and pronunciation. Usually such words exist in the language not so long ago, therefore their process of assimilation continues. This group is divided into grammatical and graphically mastered (DJ, smiley, fast food, freestyle) .

Unassimilated - words and expressions that are not fully assimilated by the borrowing language. This group can also include concepts that reflect the life of the source country (dollar, lady, jazz).

The main problems of studying borrowings

The problem of introducing Anglicisms is quite contradictory. Some words are used only because it is a tribute to fashion. Others, on the contrary, have a positive impact, enriching and supplementing Russian speech.

The following problems of studying borrowings stand out:

  1. Identify the ways in which new words are recognized.
  2. Study of the formation of Anglicisms.
  3. Identify the reasons for their appearance.
  4. Principles of the relationship of borrowing to different groups.
  5. Restriction on the use of borrowing.

When solving these problems, linguists seek to find out the conditions under which Anglicisms are created, why they are created, who creates them, and how adaptation takes place in Russian vocabulary.

Justified and Unjustified Anglicisms

There has long been a struggle between supporters and opponents of Anglicisms. On the one hand, new concepts enrich and supplement the Russian language. On the other hand, the threat to the native language is perceived as a danger to the nation. Linguists were allocated 2 groups of Anglicisms: justified and unjustified.

The justified include concepts that did not previously exist in the Russian language. In this case, borrowing fill the gaps. For example: phone, chocolate, galoshes .

Unjustified borrowing includes words that previously denoted names of trademarks, and after penetration into Russian became a common name. These Anglicisms have a Russian version, but people use a foreign language, which undoubtedly bothers linguists, since these words have derivatives. Examples include a jeep, a diaper, a copier.

Predisposition of society to borrowed words

In modern society, English terminology has become an indispensable part of the Russian language. The question of the attitude of Russian society towards such borrowings is topical.

Anglicism in the Russian language spreads with global speed, is used in all spheres of human activity, serves for the accurate transmission of information. Some of these words are used in narrow circles of specialists, so a simple, unprepared person can not immediately understand the meaning.

The process of borrowing bothers even ordinary citizens. However, it is already irreversible, because Englishisms in modern Russian language are more and more penetrated into vocabulary, especially in the spheres of economy, technology and politics.

Level of proficiency in English words

As already mentioned, society often uses borrowed words in its speech. This is actively manifested in the younger generation. A lot of sociological research was conducted, on the basis of which the following conclusions can be drawn:

  1. Most of the interviewed young people believe that today it is impossible to do without Anglicisms. At the same time, they clearly share the borrowed and primordially Russian words.
  2. In the activities of the younger generation, borrowing is manifested through the development of computer technology and technology, the use of the Internet and social networks.
  3. At the same time, young people often do not understand borrowed words used in the media, political and economic spheres.
  4. The value of unknown Anglicisms is chosen only at the associative level.

Examples of Anglicisms

Anglicisms in the Russian language, examples of which are presented in the table, for ease of study and analysis are usually divided into several areas.

Sphere Examples of Anglicisms
Political Administration, mayor, deputy
Economic Broker, investment, dealer
Arts Theater, romance, opera
Scientific Metal, magnet, galaxy
Sportswear Sport, volleyball, fitness
Religious Monastery, angel
Computer Phone, display, website, file
Musical Track, remake, soundtrack
Household Bus, champion, jacket, sweater, peeling
Maritime affairs Navigator, barge
mass media Content, sponsor, talk show, presentation

The list of Anglicisms in the Russian language is wide enough. All borrowings from English are presented in the dictionary of Dyakov AI.

Feature of the use of Anglicisms in the media

The mass media play an important role in the dissemination of borrowed words. Through the press, television and internet lexicon gets into the daily speech of people.

All Anglicisms used by the media can be divided into 3 groups:

- vocabulary, which has synonyms in Russian (for example, the word monitoring, that is, observation);

- concepts that did not exist before (for example, football) ;

- vocabulary, printed in English (for example, Shop Go, Glance).

The influence of Anglicisms in Russian

Summarizing all of the above, we can confidently say that the influence of Anglicisms on modern Russian is both positive and negative. It is absolutely necessary to introduce borrowing, but this should not be a clogging of the language. For this, the meaning of Anglicisms should be understood and applied only when necessary. Only then will the Russian language develop.

The study of borrowing processes is of interest both theoretically and practically. Anglicisms in the Russian language, history and prospects, aspects of their use - the problems are very complex, requiring further study to develop recommendations.

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