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Ancient symbol of fire: description, features and history of culture

The symbol of fire entered the everyday life of people back in those ancient times when they only learned how to extract it or stored the coals that appeared from a fire provoked by a lightning strike. In any case, a person understood the useful functions of this good for a very long time and in every possible way tried to adapt it to his needs.

First mentions

Since the Paleolithic times, archaeological finds have reached us, on which we can find a symbol of fire, depicting both the heavenly light, in the form of lightning, and the earthly light, extracted manually. Exploring the finds of historians, you can understand that people believed that a bright spark descends from the thick of the clouds.

On the basis of this point of view, beliefs and cults were created. Moreover, this element was revered, because with its help primitive miners could more easily manage the hunt. It was an effective tool for confronting predators.

Historians believe that the symbol of the element of fire first appeared among the aborigines who lived in Australia. It was believed that earlier this powerful force was owned by animals, and then it passed to a man. Here, for the first time, the motif of abduction is seen, which in the future can be found in the myth of Prometheus.

If you understand the beliefs of the Indians who inhabited North America, you can find similar motives. There is also a cultural hero who gives people warmth and light. But the symbol of fire in all these stories is not animated, but equated with a thing that the savior can move. This can be explained by the fact that at that time, mainly, people traded with hunting, so that the seizure of goods was quite common.

Assignment to the deity

When the period of settled life came, personalized images appeared, depicting the ancient symbol of fire. As a rule, it was the creation of a female. In his honor sculptures were created in the Paleolithic era, carved from bone or stone. The sexual sign was emphasized quite clearly and in most cases the figures were naked.

During the Neolithic and Mesolithic, these works of architecture become more schematic, but nevertheless the close relationship of the mother, the mistress of the house to keeping the heat is traced. While men were going hunting, the fair sex watched the hearth.

The habit of identifying the symbol of fire with a woman and the household has largely come down to our days. Over the centuries, superstitions and prohibitions have developed. For example, in a flame you can not spit or throw garbage, because with this element connected purification, expulsion of parasites, the provision of medical care.

Ashes were cauterized. Fumigated rooms, consecrated drugs. The Slavs also associated the flame with the well-being of the family and the health of the whole family.

Relationship with the heavenly body

It is also interesting how the symbols of fire and sun are correlated. They can not be called identical - the rapprochement occurred on the basis of an increase in the number of rituals and cults aimed at successfully cultivating the land and obtaining a good harvest. The ideology and symbolism of the fire element was interwoven with many Eastern and ancient peoples.

Thus, one of the Vedic deities is Agni, which you can learn from mythology. He represents the sacrificial flame that reaches the heavens during the offering. In its pantheon, Agni is in second place, more than two hundred hymns have been created about him, glorifying the power and power of the deity.

And in Iran such a place is occupied by Atar, in honor of which a huge number of temples were built. In ancient Greece glorified Hestia, who performs the functions of the keeper of the hearth. In Rome it is Vesta. The violent and destructive force is personified by Ares, as well as Hephaestus. In addition, the Romans worshiped Vulcan.

Interpretation in creativity

Quite widely used is the symbol of fire in art. Expressive hot tones can be found in the paintings of Van Gogh, who was perfectly able to operate with color. His canvases depict the sparkling light of the sun.

To find the best lighting, the artist moved to the southern part of France, where he captured sunflowers, long associated with the heavenly light and fire. You can also be inspired by this element by looking at the works of many other outstanding creators. It is associated in the minds of people with the Spirit and God and is the antipode of water.

The flame by its nature is very mystical and mysterious, it can both warm and injure, all things are born from it, however, it is identified with the end of life and eternal torment in hell. Closely linked with the fire paintings of Shklyarsky and many famous classics of fine art. Today, there are thematic exhibitions dedicated to the fiery essence. Looking at the oil canvas, it seems as if the flames depicted on it and the sparks are moving.

Reward and heavy cross

Also called the element is considered as a method of testing a person. In Christianity, there are many motives in which martyrs experience it or burn their bones after death, with the goal of purification.

In ancient Greek mythology, Hercules put on flaming clothes and thereby demonstrated his inhuman strength. You can find information about the characters who were chained to the hot wheel.

A separate place is taken by the biblical myth of Sodom and Gomorrah, when the Lord cleansed the sinful territory, sending down righteous wrath to her. Also in the church tradition it is believed that after the soul passes Purgatory, the angels carry it out of the tongues of flame into Paradise.

Inner light and destruction

If you turn to psychology, you can find that with the help of this symbol often denote the dual nature of the human psyche. On the one hand, it's warmth, comfort, light, material comforts and benefits, and on the other - the processes of destruction, the desire to destroy already created things and create new ones.

Often with internal fire identify hidden passions in the soul of a person that are not visible to others, but, finally, burst out like a volcanic lava. A bright spark is in every mind, another thing is to learn how to use it for good, to direct this energy to constructive and useful achievements, because a large accumulation of such forces can become an associate of something great, so lead to collapse and destruction.

In gray antiquity, man learned to control external fire. The task of each person is to tame and internal flame.

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