Homeliness, Gardening
An unpretentious room inhabitant: crested chloefitum
The species of chlorophytum crested refers to the genus of chlorophytums, numbering more than two hundred species. These plants grow in the tropics and subtropics almost all over the world: in Asia, in Africa and on the island of Madagascar, as well as in Australia and South America.
Chlorophytums are one of the most popular indoor plants. It is caused, first of all, by their extraordinary unpretentiousness. They are hardy and not capricious, patiently endure flaws in care and multiply easily. In addition, these plants, in particular, the species chlorophytum crested, purify the air in the room from harmful impurities and disinfect it, enriching with oxygen. Given the useful properties of this plant, it is recommended to grow it not only in kitchens, but also in bedrooms and in children's rooms.
Homeland species of chlorophytum crested - South Africa, where it grows in moist forests as an epiphyte. This perennial herb has long lily leaves collected in basal rosettes. Its large tuberous roots can accumulate moisture. Peduncles in the chlorophytum of the crested - drooping, long and thin, but strong enough. The plant blooms in small white flowers, after which "children" are formed at the ends of the stems - rosettes of leaves with air roots. It is enough to plant such a tiny bush in a damp ground, and it will instantly take root and begin to grow. The stem is cut after the plant has healed. A large number of "children" can weaken the mother's flower, so they should be removed.
Care for chlorophytum crested, as well as for other species of this genus, is simple enough. It is one of the heat-loving, although we tolerate enough temperature changes. However, in winter it is still recommended to remove it from the window sills in a warmer place. Destructive for the plant will be a drop in air temperature below + 6 - 10 degrees Celsius.
Chlorophytum crested loves well-lit rooms, although normally tolerates a shadow. Light must be scattered. To expose the plant under the direct rays of the sun is undesirable: on the leaves there may be burns. The ideal option, given the long leaves and stems of the plant, will be the cultivation of chlorophytum in hanging pots. It should be remembered: like many other decorative houseplants, chlorophytum crested when placed in a shaded place can change the color of the leaves. White stripes on them become less noticeable, and the decorative value of the flower is significantly reduced.
Transplant and multiply chlorophytums usually in early spring. However, due to the unpretentiousness of this plant, it can be said that the time of transplantation does not have much significance. If the flower has grown much, and there are not any places in the pot, it can be transplanted at any time of the year. The soil should consist of sod and leaf land with the addition of humus, sand and peat. Watering the plant should be abundant, but not excessive - so that the earthen in the warm season was a bit wet. In winter, watering should be moderate: the soil does not tolerate moisture during this time of the year.
The plant loves moderately humid air, but if it is too dry, the tips of the leaves of chlorophytum may become stiff and dry. Avoid these troubles will help periodic spraying. In the hot summer it will be good to place flowers on a pallet with pebbles or expanded clay, pouring in it a small amount of water - so that it does not touch the pots. As evaporation, the water in the tray needs to be poured a little.
Feed chlorophytums throughout the year, except in winter, with liquid fertilizer (once a week). In summer, it is useful to take out a plant on an open balcony or on a garden plot - in the latter case, they should choose a secluded place, protected from direct sunlight and drafts. In rainy time, care should be taken to ensure that water does not stagnate in the pots.
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