Arts & Entertainment, Literature
An analysis of Fet's poem "Whisper, Robust Breath ..."
"Whisper. Shy breathing ... "- this is one of the most famous poems of A. Fet, dedicated to the beloved - Maria Lazic, which tells about the meeting of lovers in the garden. This work is small, only twelve lines, but in such a narrow framework the author managed to convey a whole storm of emotions and feelings, experiences and aspirations that capture two loving people.
Analysis of the poem "Whisper. A timid breathing ... "makes it clear that the events in the work begin to occur long before dawn - this is a night date. The merry murmuring stream is still sleepy, and everything is flooded with silvery moonlight ... But time flies, and gradually the quiet, calm, half-asleep world of nature around lovers blossoms with new colors. Before dawn, there is a morning, twilight light, which for now can hardly be distinguished from the shadow.
I must say that the author uses the word "shadows" quite casually twice: the repetition reinforces the feeling of mysteriousness, indecisiveness, mystery ... And suddenly, from a certain moment, events develop rapidly, rapidly:
Poetry quite often resorts to the help of techniques used by painting - to colors, shades and semitones. Carrying out the analysis of Fet's poem "Whisper. Robust breathing ... ", you can understand that the author wrote this work, not even with words, but with broad and precise strokes, like a great artist painting.
From the point of view of the syntax, the poem is written in such a way that it is a series of callsigns , which, like beads, are strung on one silver thread of the narrative. At reading even it seems, that all lines are uttered on one breath. Analysis of the poem Fet "Whisper. Robust breathing "makes it clear that this structure is not accidental. Such rapidity allows you to convey the fear of lovers before any hitch and delay, as if they can frighten off happiness.
Carrying out the analysis of Fet's poem "Whisper. Robust breathing ... ", the reader suddenly realizes that in the poem the author did not use a single verb. However, this method does not deprive the poem of dynamics and movement, because the action is in every line: it is a whisper, and a reflection, and kokhyanya, and kisses. Each verbal noun helps express feelings, a fire that glows in the blood, a quiver of a loving heart, impulses of passion. The brilliant poet with the help of constantly replacing each other's pictures succeeded in filling the poem with a stunning dynamism and ease, hints about the events.
In the last lines of the poem an exclamation mark is placed , and this is also a special device. The author tells how much the lyrical hero strongly loses his feeling, how great his delight is. Words, like waves, rush into the reader, grab him and carry on, hinting at the possibility of development and the continuation of feelings. A huge role is played here and the world of nature, merging with a small universe of lovers and conveying their experiences.
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