Arts & EntertainmentFilms

"Adventures of a small train": back to the past?

The cartoon "The Adventures of a Little Trampoline" is based on the popular American children's fairy tale about a small locomotive named Chukh-Chukh.

A little about the plot

The story begins with the fact that a boy from the real world accidentally crosses the magic tunnel and finds himself in the country of dreams. This place is nothing more than a depot where trains and locomotives, which deliver dreams, live. It is clear that the boy can not remain in the world of dreams, so his inhabitants decide that one of them must again cross the portal between the worlds and bring the child back. This lot fell chauffeur Chukh-Chukh. So the adventures of a small locomotive began. On the way to the tunnel, Chukh-Chukh and the boy meet the train with wishes. He carries animals and toys that children dream of seeing in their dreams, but in connection with a sad surprise, the transport of wishes went out of order, so the little train invited to bring the characters to the real world. After all, the cartoon "The Adventures of a Little Trampoline" is primarily about friendship and mutual assistance. Unexpectedly, Chukh-Chukh is out of order. And at a time when the heroes in confusion decide what to do next, they approach the old dark engine.

The further, the more terrible ...

According to the law of the heroes genre, a test is awaiting, and the cartoon "The Adventures of a Little Trampoline" is no exception. The old steam locomotive turns out to be a Nightmare Train. He is fraudulently kidnaps a boy and toys. In desperation, Chukh-Chukh returns to the depot for the help of his older comrades. Nobody knows what to do. A friend of a locomotive The airplane repairs Chukh-Chukha so that he can save his friends himself.

Meanwhile, the boy decides not to give up and pits all the others to escape from the Nightmare Train. The boy manages to escape the first, and then he meets the little engine that came to the rescue. Together they free animals and toys, and Chukh-Chukh can finally take the boy home. The road rises higher and higher up the hill, but the small train does not give up. In the end, he still manages to overcome the magic tunnel and return the baby to the real world. After all, the main motto of the animated film "The Adventures of a Little Trampoline" is the phrase: "I knew that I would succeed, and I did it!"

Forward to the past?

With the slogan "I know that I can, I know that I can ..." in the space of the cartoon "The Adventures of a Little Trampoline" (The Little Engine That Could, 2010, USA) breaks the most archaic for America transport. The old American fairy tale is technologically through and through. It is interesting, why is it now for the American viewer that salvation is expressed precisely in railway transport, and not in a traditional truck-truck, which is usually the most positive way of transport in road-movie, personifying the power and good-will of rural America? And not in the newest drones, whose appearance in the cartoon would make it more in tune with the tide of the times? But it is unlikely that kids will ask such difficult questions, so you can safely recommend downloading the cartoon "Adventures of a Little Trampoline" (torrent) for your baby. This is a very kind and bright story about overcoming obstacles.

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